Dracut Recreation Commission Minutes of September 10, 2012

Dracut Recreation Commission

Minutes of September 10, 2012

Dracut Central Fire Station

Present: Michael Parent, Denis Kennedy, Brian Duff, Charles Braley (arrived 7:40 p.m.), Daniel Mallahan, George Roy, Jamie Desmarais, Recreation Director Lori Cahill and Recording Secretary Shannon Rowe Beaulieu.

Absent: Robert Gantz and George Malonis

Mr. Parent opened the meeting at 7:04 p.m.

Community Input: No one signed in under Community Input.

7:05 p.m. Motion made by Mr. Roy to go into Executive Session. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously. Roll call vote:

Michael Parent – Yes Daniel Mallahan - Yes

Denis Kennedy – Yes George Roy - Yes

Brian Duff – Yes Jamie Desmarais – Yes

Motion passed unanimously.

Regular meeting resumed at 7:37 p.m. with one vote being taken.

Skateboard Park: Mrs. Cahill stated that the Skateboard Park was supposed to be open until Columbus Day but some of the kids opened it when it should have not been opened so she has closed the Park for the season. Mrs. Cahill stated that she received numerous noise complaints from Mr. Daniel Cuddy. Mrs. Cahill reviewed the emails dated August 27, 2012 and September 9, 2012 from Mr. Cuddy requesting that the Skateboard Park be “sound deadening”. Mrs. Cahill also reviewed the estimate from American Ramp Company for sound dampening. Mrs. Cahill stated that the estimate is for $23,003.05. Mrs. Cahill stated that she discussed this with the Town Manager and he suggested that the Skateboard Park Sub-Committee meet and discuss sound dampening. Mrs. Cahill stated that there are no funds available to sound damper the Skateboard Park.

Approval of Minutes: Motion made by Mr. Duff to accept the minutes of June 11, 2012 as written. Motion seconded by Mr. Braley. Motion passed unanimously.

Review of Financial Accounts: Motion made by Mr. Desmarais to accept the Financial Reports as presented. Motion seconded by Mr. Mallahan. Motion passed unanimously.

Action Items:

* Permits & Fee’s for Lit Fields – The Board would like to keep this on the agenda until the first request comes in.

* Updated Cori Guidelines – Mrs. Cahill discussed the first page of the Cori application which lists the guidelines set forth by the Dracut Recreation Commission for approving potential volunteers.

Hovey Field: Mrs. Cahill asked Mr. Duff to explain what kind of field work was going to take place at Hovey Field. Mr. Duff stated that they were going to rake up the infield, roll the outfield, sprinkler work, etc. Mr. Duff stated that they would not be completing over $10,000 worth of work. Mr. Duff discussed Dracut Baseball maintaining Hovey and the safety issues with the field. Mr. Duff discussed Dracut Baseball fundraising for the equipment and lights at Hovey. Mr. Duff discussed submitting bills to the Town for some of the work at Hovey.

Boys Basketball:

Mr. Gantz did not attend the meeting.

Girls Basketball:

Mr. Braley discussed a cell phone that was broken during the summer program when a table was moved with the cell phone on it. Mr. Braley stated that the cost to replace the broken cell phone was $219.99 which was paid from the Girl’s Basketball fundraising account. The Board discussed whether or not the Girl’s Basketball program should have to pay to replace the cell phone.

Motion made by Mr. Roy to reimburse the Girl’s Basketball program $219.99 from the revolving administrative account. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Braley stated that other than the cell phone being broken the summer league went well. Mr. Braley stated that they did not have a lot of clinic players and that they are over budget for the summer league by $500.00. Mr. Braley stated that they would have to raise their fee’s next summer and have a shorter season. Mr. Braley stated that they are going to keep the same registration fee’s for the Girl’s Winter Basketball season.

Motion made by Mr. Braley to set the Boy’s and Girl’s Winter Basketball registration fee’s the same as last season. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously.

Mr. Braley discussed the numerous issues with the basketball courts at Dillon McAnespie with having to ask the kids to leave the courts when the summer programs in going to start, swearing, interrupting the games, etc. Mr. Braley discussed the issues he also had with the Kelly Family and stated that Mr. Kelly removed his girl’s from the summer program. Mr. Kelly provided the Board with a preliminary budget for the winter season. Mr. Braley stated that the girl’s recreation season will begin the first week of November. Mr. Braley stated that travel girl’s will be able to play recreation games this season. Mr. Braley stated that registrations should begin September 24th until November 2nd, 2012 and to accept the $25.00 late fee from November 3rd until November 30th, 2012.

Motion made by Mr. Duff to accept the Girl’s Winter Basketball preliminary budget. Motion seconded by Mr. Mallahan. Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Duff stated that the Fall Baseball season will be starting this weekend. Mr. Duff stated that at the Dracut Baseball Association Board meeting in November he will be resigning and their will be a new Dracut Baseball President. Mrs. Cahill reminded Mr. Duff that she still needed the Cooperstown incident report. Mr. Duff stated that he would provide that to Mrs. Cahill.


Mr. Roy stated that the Softball elections will be coming up soon and stated that the infields at Monahan are being redone. Mr. Roy stated that they are still raising money for bathrooms at Monahan.


Mr. Parent read the email dated August 9, 2012 from Dan Mallahan resigning as the Director of the Dracut Ski Program. Mr. Mallahan stated that Shannon Mitton Talbot would be taking over his position for the upcoming season.

Motion made by Mr. Braley to accept Mr. Mallahan’s resignation as the Director of the Dracut Ski Program. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously.

Motion made by Mr. Braley to accept Ms. Shannon Mitton Talbot as the new Director of the Dracut Ski Program. Motion seconded by Mr. Desmarais. Motion passed unanimously.

NFL Flag Football:

Mr. Mallahan stated that the NFL Flag Football season started this Sunday and all went well.

Motion made by Mr. Braley to accept Mr. Mallahan as the NFL Flag Football Director and that Mr. Mallahan be appointed to the Recreation Commission. Motion seconded by Mr. Roy. Motion passed unanimously.


Mr. Desmarais stated that the Recreation Wrestling program would be staying at the Campbell Café for at least practices. Mr. Desmarais stated that registrations can also start on September 24th until November 16th, 2012. Mr. Desmarais stated that the registration fee for this season would be $65.00.

New Business:

* Incident Reports – Mrs. Cahill stated that if an incident occurs in any of the programs she needs to be provided with an incident report to be filed in the Recreation Department.

* Mrs. Cahill stated that there have been discussions regarding the Community Preservation Funds being used to cap the fields at the Department of Public Works. Mrs. Cahill stated that the Board could discuss and she was looking at putting in a multi purpose field.

* The next meeting was scheduled for October 1, 2012 at 7:30 p.m.

Old Business:

Motion made by Mr. Mallahan to adjourn the meeting. Motion seconded by Mr. Roy. Motion passed unanimously.

Meeting adjourned at 9:06 p.m.


Michael Parent George Malonis


George Roy Denis Kennedy


Robert Gantz Daniel Mallahan


Charles Braley Brian Duff


Jamie Desmarais

Recording Secretary

Shannon Rowe Beaulieu