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The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

Analysis Questions – Pages 59-87


1.Answer Objectively: First tell how long Santiago worked for the crystal merchant, and

then tell what he could buy with the money he had amassed. Also tell the difference

between the “luggage” with which he arrived in Tangiers, and the luggage with which he

was going to leave.

2.In Santiago’s last moments with the crystal merchant, as they discuss how much money

they have now made and how they can realize their dreams, the man says, “[Y]ou know that

I’m not going to go to Mecca. Just as you know that you’re not going to buy your sheep”

(61). When Santiago says, “Who told you that?” the merchant’s reply was “Maktub” (61).

He used this term earlier, also. What does it mean, translated? So what is the merchant

telling Santiago, not only about Santiago, but about himself?

3.Santiago slowly begins to realize that his year-long dream of returning to Spain with pride

(instead of defeated, with no money and no sheep) is not what his heart is telling him to do.

He begins to consider many things as he thinks over “the language of enthusiasm” (62) he

has learned, and how people he has met in Tangiers remind him of the old king, and the

omens that are being revealed to him. Summarize this information, making sure you include

the “language,” the similarities of people to the king, and what omens he is beginning to see.

Do not copy out of the book – absorb the information, then write in your own words.

4.When Santiago remembers that “one of the crystal merchant’s suppliers transported his

crystal by means of caravans that crossed the desert” (65), it is a reminder of one of the

important messages the king had revealed to him about how the universe helps those

who have a dream – this phrase has been repeated numerous times. What is the exact

quote, and what is its relevance to the crystal merchant’s supplier?

5.Answer Objectively: Now a student of ALCHEMY appears in the story! First, go to

Merriam-Webster online ( and type all three definitions of alchemy below. These

definitions are going to be important all through the rest of the novel, and I will refer to them

often, so take a good hard look at them. Then, go to

online and look around this interesting website a little. Find and type below two aspects you

find on this website regarding alchemy that may be significant to this novel. (6 points)

6.Answer Objectively: Do an Internet search on “Esperanto” and on “the Philosopher’s

Stone” and briefly tell what they are. Do not write down what you think they are because

you have some general knowledge from reading the Harry Potter books – report facts.

7.Answer Objectively: Interesting that when Santiago and the English alchemy student

cross paths, many connections between the two of them and the knowledge they possess

begins to come out. Name three things that forms a bond between the two.

8.On page 72 the boy begins to think about “the mysterious chain” that has led him to his

current situation. Articulate the links of this chain, beginning with Santiago taking his

sheep to the village with the pretty girl. Do not just summarize the plot; tell how each event

led to, or linked with, the next, until Santiago found himself in the desert on his way to


9.Answer Objectively: Regarding the idea of intuition: First, go to and write

definitions 1, 2a, and 2c. Then, tell how Santiago explains what he now realizes about

intuition (page 74).

10.After you read paragraph 2 (beginning with “But all this happened…”) on page 75, you

should have noticed something about the caravan’s journey that is also relevant to the

journey of those who are pursuing their Personal Legend. Write a short analysis of this


11.Santiago often has evening conversations with one of the camel drivers. What does this

man tell him about fearing the unknown? Discuss an example, either from the novel or

from Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, that supports the driver’s philosophy.

12.Santiago tells the Englishman, “You should pay more attention to the caravan. We make

a lot of detours, but we’re always heading for the same destination.” The man replies,

And you ought to read more about the world. Books are like caravans in that respect.”

Explain what this means, giving at least one concrete example to support your point.

13.Summarize what the Englishman says about “the Soul of the World” and how this idea

about everything having a soul is manifested in nature. Write in your own words - do not

copy from the book.

14.On page 86 the alchemist of the story (maybe) finally appears. At first he appears

disgruntled because “these things” have to be transmitted by word of mouth. What are

“thing things”? As his thoughts roam, he comes up with his own explanation. What is

his explanation, and what is the underlying meaning of the word “fascinated”?

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