Policy Number:
Date of Issue: / April 2018
Date Reviewed:
Frequency & Date of Next Review: / April 2018


1.Policy Statement

2.Who does this Policy apply to?

3.Who is responsible for carrying out this Policy?


1.Policy Statement

As a self-improving education service, we are fully committed to continuously reviewing and evaluating all our practices and procedures to ensure we provide the highest quality of education Possible for all our learners.

Our commitment to review and evaluate all our practices also enables us to constantly

monitor the quality of support, training and continued professional development (CPD) that

we offer the staff at Horizon Care and Education.

Self-evaluation processes enable us to gain knowledge of our current strengths, as well as

highlighting areas for further development – but the process does not end there. We are

committed to developing strategies and structures that support staff to develop their skills

and knowledge to impact on the constant improvement of teaching, learning and

high quality educational provision.

Horizon Care and Education will regularly review its practices to continually improve its

effectiveness at all levels.

Quality assurance and self-evaluation procedures will operate at an individual, team,

whole school and Education Service level and will always frame review processes within a simple structure:

  1. How well am I/are we doing?
  2. How do I/we know?
  3. What are my/our strengths or weaknesses?
  4. What should I/we do to improve?

2.Who does this Policy apply to?

This policy applies to all Horizon Care and Education Staff, to the Executive and as consultees;to students through ‘Student Voice’; to parents, carers and community members as users of the school’s services.

3.Who is responsible for carrying out this Policy?

The implementation of this policy will be monitored by the Director of Operations and remainunder constant review by the Head of Education, Head teachers and the senior leadership team in each school.


Review and Evaluation at whole school level.

The Director of Operations will regularly review and evaluate Horizon Education services’ practice through:

  1. Weekly feedback from the Heads
  2. Monthly feedback from the School’s S.I.P.
  3. Termly full ISS and Ofsted standards audit by the Head of Education
  4. Half-termly Governance reports
  5. Bi-annual Governance
  6. QA audits in line with the annual Governance model

The Head teacher will regularly review and evaluate their School’s practice through:

  1. A programme of support provided by the Head of Education
  2. The evaluation of relevant data
  3. Weekly Strategy meetings with the senior leadership team
  4. A regular programme of line management meetings with members of the senior
  5. leadership team.
  6. Performance Management Meetings with members of the senior leadership team –including lesson observations.
  7. Implementation of the Whole School Development Plan

The Senior Leadership Team will regularly review and evaluate the School’s practice through:

  1. Regular line management meetings with Team leaders
  2. The evaluation of relevant data
  3. Leading Examination Review meetings
  4. Leading Team Reviews
  5. Performance Management Meetings with Team Leaders – including lesson observations
  6. Implementation of relevant areas of the Whole School Development Plan.
  7. Review and Evaluation at Team level (Teaching & Learning)

Team leaders will regularly review and evaluate their team’s practice through:

  1. Regular line management meetings with team members
  2. The Evaluation of relevant data
  3. Feeding back to Examination Review meetings
  4. Leading and participating in Team Reviews
  5. Performance management meetings with team members – including lesson observations
  6. Implementation of the School S.E.F. that will be part of the Whole School Development Plan.
  7. Review and Evaluation at Team level