Charter Council MeetingDraft sent CC: 6/9/2017

Stone Bridge SchoolApproved by CC:6/13/2017

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Charter Council Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Members Present: Jeannette Long, Linda Joshua, Jodi Ogden, Marlo Cohen, Ami Mautner, Justin Tomola

Absent: Maria Giusti

Administration Present: Bill Bindewald

Public Present: None

Scribe: Kirsten Murray

  1. Call to Order; Identify Timekeeper; Verse

Linda Joshua is the timekeeper

2. Approve Agenda

Jodi Ogden motioned to approve, Linda Joshua seconded the motion. The board unanimously approved the motion.

3. Public Comment

There was no public comment

4. Approve Minutes (Jeannette Long)

3-14-17 - Marlo Cohen motioned to approve, Justin Tomola seconded, the board unanimously approved the motion

4-20-17 - Motion was made by Jodi Ogden to approve the minutes with last names added for Jodi Ogden and Bill Bindewald. The motion was seconded by Linda Joshua. The board unanimously approved the motion.

5. Revise Class Caps - (Bill Bindewald) - Attachment #3

Currently have 29 students in second grade, drop the class cap to 28

Increase the 8th grade class cap from 26 to 27

Motion to approve by Linda Joshua, seconded by Marlo Cohen. The board unanimously

approved the motion.

6. WASC Visiting Team Mid Term Report (Maria Martinez) - Attachment #4

Maria Martinez presented the WASC Mid-Cycle Visiting Team Report from our campus visit of 4-26. The team was very impressed by our campus and program. The next step would be a full self-study in 2020

7. Waldorf Training for New Full-Time Hires (Jeannette Long)

Discussion about Waldorf certification being a requirement for any new lead teacher hires. Those without certification upon hire will have a designated # of years to complete


8. Administrator Hiring Process and Timeline and Administration Structure (Jeannette Long)

Jeannette Long presented the administrator hiring process and timeline. The timeline process was clarified in that it will end with recommendations to Charter Council for final candidates to interview.

References - will be checked by administrator Hiring Team May 18 - 26

Potential Agenda for Administrator Hire

June 1st meeting – 5:30 start

  • Public Comment
  • Kirsten Presents in closed session on recommendations
  • Interviews begin in open session
  • Closed session for interview discussion

9. 2017-18 Budget Update (Bill Bindewald)

Budget has been changed to reflect the following changes:

  • Elimination of an educational director
  • Elimination of rural farm grant - Because of a charter school classification revision by the federal government, our rural grant was not renewed. The administration is exploring ideas to obtain this grant despite the reclassification.

The school will also review the budget with school district to look for ideas to help with our deficit. We still don’t have all the district expenses and expect a budget revision in the fall.

10. Charter School University - Chapters 22-24 (Justin Tomola)

Linda Joshua motioned to table, Marlo Cohen seconded, the board unanimously approved the motion.

11. Admin Update (Bill Bindewald)

Enrollment Report - Attachment #6

Currently 261 students are enrolled.

Financials for March - Attachment #7c

Our current expenses are at 62%

Community Giving Update - Attachment #8

Bill reviewed attachment #8; looks like we will be $10,000 short of our projected amount.

12. Faculty Update (Ami Mautner) - Attachment #9

Faculty has completed grade level rubrics which will be included in end of the year student reports.

13. Parent Council Update (Linda Joshua)

Parent Council Chair has submitted a revised plan for fundraising.

14. Charter Council Chair Update - Jeannette Long

Jeannette Long said the board will need new members as several members are leaving.

ClosedSession -8:15pm


Open Session – 8:28pm

16. Nothing to report

17. Confirm next meeting and review potential agenda items.

Next meeting Thursday, June 1

18.Adjourned at 8:30pm

______motioned to adjourn at ______, ______seconded. The board unanimouslyapproved the motion.