Inverkeithing Parish Church


26th of November 2017


We welcome you most warmly to our service and trust you will experience God's blessing through sharing in our worship. We especially welcome any visitors who are worshipping with us today.

Mr Bill Morgan

Our member Mr. Bill Morgan sadly died on Thursday night. As ever we ask that you remember his wife Margaret and their family in prayer. Bill’s funeral will be held in the Church on Friday 1st December at 9.45, thereafter at the Crematorium at 10.45.

Scripture Readings

The readings this morning are Ezekiel 34: 11-16, 20-24 and Matthew 25: 31-46

Opening responses

M: Christ came as the servant king.

C: Make a joyful noise all the earth!

M: He calls us to see him in our brothers and sisters.

C: Serve your King with joy and thanksgiving!

M: Whatever we do for the least of them, we do for him.

C: Enter the courts of your King with praise!

Tuesday & Saturday Coffee Mornings

The Tuesday and Saturday Coffee Mornings will be in the church from 10am till 12. The Saturday Coffee morning will be organised by the Fundraisers and will be a mini sale as well as coffee morning with various stalls including glass wear Christmas gifts raffle and cake & candy. All are welcome to both.

Minister’s leave of absence

The worship this Sunday will kindly be conducted by Ms. Morag Wilkinson. The Revs. Iain and Isabel Whyte will kindly be conducting worship on the 3rd December.

Messy Church

From 2-4 on the afternoon of Saturday, 9th December, we will be having our first Messy Church. This is a different way of doing church that is for all ages. There will be games, crafts, singing, a Christmas message and a meal. Everyone welcome. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

Soup & Pudding Lunch

Just a reminder that our Soup & Pudding lunch will be held on Wednesday 29th of November from 11.45 - 1.30pm, the cost is £4.00 including tea/coffee & biscuits. This is the last soup and pudding for the year. Thank you to everyone who has supported this fund Raising event over the year. More news of when this will restart will be in the February newsletter. (PTO)

Service Scripts

The scripts of this and last weeks’ sermons, and some of the resources used in the servicesare available on Morag's blog. If you are interested in reading them, or if you know someone who wasn't in church and might like to read them, the address is: The link can also be found on Morag’s Twitter Feed, Facebook page and the church’s Facebook page.


Any intimation, until further notice should be given, phoned, or emailed to Steven Graham by lunchtime on a Thursday.

Contact details are as follows:

Telephone Number: 07834518127

Email address:

Registered Charity: Church of Scotland: Inverkeithing Parish Church Charity No. SC000968

King of kings and Lord of lords

King of kings and Lord of lords,
Glory! Hallelujah!
King of kings and Lord of lords,
Glory! Hallelujah!

Jesus, Prince of peace!
Glory! Hallelujah!
Jesus, Prince of peace!
Glory! Hallelujah!

Christ meets us in the stranger’s guise

Christ meets us in the stranger’s guise
When prejudice has closed our eyes
To human rights and human needs
And we see only differences.
He sits among the refugees
A face that’s full of silent pleas
While we believe convenient lies
He meets us in the stranger’s guise.

Christ meets us in the stranger’s guise
When our own wealth has closed our eyes
To those whose life is one long fight
Who we keep safely from our sight.
He sits among the homeless poor
A face we’d rather just ignore
Despite our disapproving sighs
He meets us in the stranger’s guise.

Christ meets us in the stranger’s guise
When we let past deeds close our eyes
To what a person might yet be
If given opportunity.
He sits behind the prison wire
A face that longs to be inspired
While we write off and we despise
He meets us in the stranger’s guise.

Christ meets us in the stranger’s guise
And tells us not to close our eyes
To what we’d rather just not see
And look at people differently.
His challenge is to see him there
In the humanity we share
He looks at us through others’ eyes
And meets us in the stranger’s guise.

Registered Charity: Church of Scotland: Inverkeithing Parish Church Charity No. SC000968