DuncanvilleHigh School

Human Services Cluster/Public Services Pathway

INSTRUCTOR: Ms. Priscilla EvansROOM: J130

PHONE: (972) 708 – 3793EMAIL:

COURSE: Interpersonal Studies (1/2 credit)

COURSE DESCRIPTION: This course examines how the relationships between individuals and among family members significantly affect the quality of life. Students will use knowledge and skills in family studies and human development to enhance personal development, foster quality relationships, promote wellness of family members, and manage multiple adult roles.

COURSE REQUIREMENTS: This course is recommended for students in grades 10-12. Recommended prerequisite: Principles of Human Services


  • 2-subject spiral
  • Notebook or folder to retain notes and graded assignments



  • Personal Development
  • Decision-Making
  • Transition into Adulthood
  • Relationship Development and the Family
  • Relationship Development Beyond the Family
  • Marital Success
  • Family Life Cycle
  • Family Crisis
  • Stress Management
  • Career Exploration



  • Daily journals – composed of 5 complete sentences, MUST be submitted in a spiral
  • Self-Exploration/ Reflections
  • Group Collaboration


Grades are based upon the following:

  • Class participation
  • Class assignments/homework
  • Observation of student
  • Projects
  • Tests/ quizzes


Grades are weighted as such:

Daily grades – 80%+ Test Grades – 20% = Nine Weeks Average

Before Class Begins:

1. Enter the room quietly. Leave all attitudes and preconceived notions out in the hall.

2. Handle all of your personal needs before class. Once you enter, you may not exit!

3. Sit according to the seating chart. Seating charts are subject to change.

4. Have your book, folder, and supplies ready. You will not be allowed to go back toyour locker to get your supplies. Make sure you always bring them to class.

5. Read the dry eraser board for daily instructions and assignments. Awarm-up/journal will be posted to answer.

6. Please be in room and seated following the sound of the bell.

7. Sign the tardy book if you enter after the bell rings. If the bell has sounded, you are late!

Tardies and Absences:

Tardies: Late students must sign in. However, the teacher's grade book is the official record. Two

(2) tardies are equivalent to one absence and five (5) tardies results in attending SaturdaySchool. If you do not attend SaturdaySchool, you can be denied credit for this class. If you are more than 15 minutes late to class, you are still considered absent.

Absences: Remember it is the student's responsibility to obtain makeup work from the teacher. Students with an excused have one week to make up their work. Students with unexcused absences only have until the next class block. The highest grade an unexcused student can receive is 70.

The first 10 minutes of class:

1. Journals: Work quietly at your desk according to the directions from theboard or projector. Please remember you only have 10 minutes to complete warm-up. It is a grade. This grade can make or break you. If you are absent you will need to copy this from a friend.

2. When finished, retain your journal until the end of class. Journals will be collected every fifth journal. Wait quietly for next activity.

3. Attendance will be checked at this time by seating chart. You must be in your correct seat to becounted as present.

4. NO TALKING is allowed during any school announcement.

During the class block:

1. Take notes and be attentive when new material is being introduced. Please be respectful toother classmates who might have ideas to share.

2. Participation is a part of your grade. Those students with their heads down (sleep or not)will lose participation points and risk disciplinary actions.

3. If working in groups, be courteous, respectful of others, work quietly, and DO YOUR SHARE!

4. If working individually, please raise your hand to let me know you need assistance.

5. Only leave the classroom if you have received permission first. This consists of asking mefirst and then waiting for a reply from me. Simply stating where you are going does notmean you received permission. Only one student will be permitted to leave the room at anygiven time.

6. Respect everyone in our class at all times. Disrespect comes in many different forms. Donot smack your lips, roll your eyes, or show disrespect with other gestures or comments.

7. NO EATING of any kind is permitted. This includes candy bars, cookies, chips, etc. ONLYbottled water is allowed in class. I do not mind you eating candy or gum; however, if theroom becomes "trashed" by candy wrappers and gum is found under the desk or excessivepopping of the gum occurs, this privilege will be taken away!

8. Usage of all electronic devices is prohibited during class unless permission is given by the teacher. These devices include cell phones, notebooks, iPads, etc. Theseitems may be confiscated if you are found using them during class without permission or usage is unrelated to the class assignment.



  • S – Stay focused/ STUDY!!
  • T – Take responsibility for your actions
  • A – Acquire skills needed to succeed
  • R – Repetition = Retention
  • S – Success is an option!!


  1. Verbal warning
  2. Contact parents
  3. Removal from room
  4. Office referral