van Anders Vita

S a r i M. v a n A n d e r s , P h . D.

Department of Psychology, University of Michigan

1012 East Hall, 530 Church Street, Ann Arbor MI 48109-1043


Phone: 734-647-0777 Fax: 734-764-3520


Primary: Human behavioral/social neuroendocrinology, gender/sex, sexuality, evolution.

Secondary: Biological rhythms, gender & academia, feminist science.


Hormones and behavior, Biology/psychology of gender/sex, Sexuality, Evolution and behavior, Statistics, Feminist science, Behavioral/social neuroscience.


Current, University of Michigan (U-M), Ann Arbor, 2008 – present:

Assistant Professor, Departments of Psychology and Women’s Studies.

Past, Indiana University Bloomington (IUB), 2007 – 2008:

Assistant Professor, Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences;

Assistant Research Scientist, The Kinsey Institute;

Affiliate: Gender Studies, Neuroscience, Center for Integrative Studies in Animal Behavior.


Ph.D., Biological & Cognitive Psychology, Department of Psychology.

Simon Fraser University (SFU), 2003 – 2007.

M.A., Behavioural & Cognitive Neuroscience, Department of Psychology.

University of Western Ontario (UWO), 2001-2003.

Hons B.A. w/Distinction, Scholars’ Electives & Psychology.

University of Western Ontario, 1997-2001.


∙Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Post-Doctoral Fellowship Award (PDF). $80,000 (declined), 2007-2009.

∙Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research Post-Doctoral Trainee Award. $122,000 (declined), 2007-2010.

∙Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Young Investigator Award. $1200, 2007.

∙NSERC National Doctoral Prize: SFU Natural Science Nominee, 2007.

∙Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, & Cognition Donald O. Hebb Graduate Student Award Honourable Mention (Oral Presentation), 2007.

∙Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Travel Award. $800, 2006.

∙IODE War Memorial Scholarship. $15,000, 2005-2006.

∙Graduate Fellowship, SFU. $6000 x 2: 2006, 2004.

∙NSERC Travel Award, SFU. $700 x 2: 2005, 2004.

∙M.D. Angus & Associates Graduate Fellowship in Psychology, SFU. $569, 2004.

∙NSERC Post-Graduate Study Award (PGS-B). $40,700, 2003-2005.

∙NSERC PGS-A. $34,600, 2001-2003.

∙C.D. Nelson Scholarship, SFU. $18,000, 2003-2004.

∙Special Graduate Entrance Scholarship, SFU. $7000, 2003 - 2004.

∙Ontario Graduate Scholarship. $15,000 x 2 (both declined), 2003-2004; 2001-2002.

∙NSERC-UNESCO-L’Oreal Supplement, For Women in Science. $5000, 2003.

∙NSERC PGS-A. $34,600, 2001-2003.

∙Teaching Assistant Award, Council of Canadian Dept’s of Psychology, 2002-2003.

∙Teaching Assistant Award Nominee, UWO. 2001-2002; 2002-2003.

∙Graduate Tuition Scholarship, UWO. $10,826.52, 2001-2003.

∙President’s Scholarship for Graduate Study, UWO. $18,000 ($ declined), 2001-2002.

∙NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award, UWO. $5500, 2001 (declined); 2000.

∙UWO Scholarship (highest average in 3rd year psychology). $200, 1999-2000.

∙Dean’s Honor List, UWO, 1997 - 2001.

∙President’s Entrance & Continuing Scholarship, UWO. $32,000, 1997-2001.


∙$1,000; January 2007. Androgenic and sexual responses to visually erotic stimuli in healthy women.

∙The Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality, Student Research Grant.

∙ Role: PI.

∙$38,200; March 2005. Enzyme immunoassay lab.

∙NSERC Research Tools and Instruments Grant, to Dr. Neil V. Watson.

∙Role: Writing grant application.

∙$4000; June, 2004. Reciprocal effects of sexual encounters and psychological states.

∙Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council/Simon Fraser University Institutional Grant – Small, to Dr. Neil V. Watson.

∙Role: Writing grant application.

∙$150; June 2003. Gender, academia, and the professoriate.

∙UWO Teaching Assistants’ Union & Society for Graduate Students.

∙ Role: PI.


•Hamilton, L. D., van Anders, S. M., Cox, D. N., & Watson, N.V. (submitted). Wrestling competitions alter women’s testosterone.


•van Anders, S. M. & Gray, P. B. (in press for 2007 issue). Human sexual relationships and hormones. Annual Review of Sex Research. Invited contribution.

•Davis, H. IV, Liotti, M., Ngan, E., Woodward, T. S., Van Snellenberg, J., van Anders, S. M., Smith, A., & Mayberg H. S. (2008). fMRI BOLD signals in elite swimmers while viewing videos of personal failure. Brain Imaging and Behavior, 2, 94-104.

•van Anders, S. M. (2007). Grip strength and digit ratios are not correlated in women. American Journal of Human Biology, 19, 437-439.

•van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., & Watson, N. V. (2007). Multiple partners are associated with higher testosterone in North American men and women. Hormones and Behavior, 51, 454-459.

•van Anders S. M., Hamilton, L. D., Schmidt, N., & Watson, N. V. (2007). Associations between testosterone secretion and sexual activity in women. Hormones and Behavior, 51, 477-482. Top 10 downloaded from H&B 04/07-06/07.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2007). Ability- vs. chance-determined competition outcomes: Effects on testosterone in humans. Physiology and Behavior, 90, 634-642.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2007). Testosterone levels in women and men who are single, in long-distance relationships, or same-city relationships. Hormones and Behavior, 51, 286-291. Top five downloaded from H&B 1/07-3/07.

•Hurd, P. L. & van Anders, S.M. (2007). Latitude, Allen’s and Bergman’s rules, and digit ratios: A comment on Loehlin et al. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 36, 139-141.

•van Anders, S. M., Hampson, E., & Watson, N. V. (2006). Seasonality, waist-to-hip ratio, and testosterone. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31, 895-899.

•van Anders, S. M., Vernon, P. A., & Wilbur, C. J. (2006). Finger-length ratios show evidence of prenatal hormone transfer between opposite-sex twins. Hormones and Behavior, 49(3), 315-319.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2006). Menstrual cycle irregularities are associated with testosterone in healthy premenopausal women. American Journal of Human Biology, 18(6), 841-844.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2006). Relationship status and testosterone in North American heterosexual and non-heterosexual men and women: Cross-sectional and longitudinal data. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 31, 715-723.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2006). Social neuroendocrinology: Effects of social contexts and behaviours on sex steroids in humans. Human Nature, 17(2), 212-237.

•Hampson, E., van Anders, S. M., & Mullin, L. (2006). A female advantage in the recognition of emotional facial expressions: Test of an evolutionary hypothesis. Evolution and Human Behavior, 27(6), 401-416.

•van Anders, S. M., Chernick, A. B., Chernick, B. A., Hampson, E., & Fisher, W. A. (2005). Preliminary clinical experience with androgen supplementation for pre- and post-menopausal women with hypoactive sexual desire. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 31, 1-13.

•van Anders, S. M. & Hampson, E. (2005). Testing the prenatal androgen hypothesis: Measuring digit ratios, sexual orientation, and spatial abilities in adults. Hormones and Behavior, 47(1), 92-98. Top five downloaded: 07/08-09/08; Top 10: 1/05-3/05; Top 20: 10/04-12/04, 4/05-12/05.

•van Anders, S. M. & Hampson, E. (2005). Waist-to-hip ratio is positively associated with bioavailable testosterone, but negatively associated with sexual desire, in healthy adult premenopausal women. Psychosomatic Medicine, 67, 241-245.

•Ossenkopp, K.- P., van Anders, S. M., Engeland C. G., & Kavaliers, M. (2005). Influence of sex and breeding status on locomotor behaviour of meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) in an automated light-dark ‘anxiety’ test situation. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30, 869-879.

•van Anders, S. M. (2004). Why the academic pipeline leaks: Fewer men than women perceive barriers to becoming professors. Sex Roles, 51(9/10), 511-521. Indexed in “Review of the Year’s Publications for 2004: Social Justice Education” in Equity & Excellence in Education, 38: 342-66, 2005.


•van Anders, S. M. (under review). Chapter 4: Social modulation of hormones. In Barrett LF, Mesquita B, & Smith E (Eds.) The Mind in Context.

•van Anders, S. M. (in press). Chapter 15: Androgens and diversity in adult human partnering. In PB Gray & PT Ellison (Eds.) Endocrinology of Social Relationships.


•van Anders S. M. (2008). [Book Review of Human Sexuality]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37(2), 349-351.

•van Anders, S. M. (2008). [Book Review of Resisting Gender: Twenty-five years of Feminist Psychology]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 37(2),352-353.

•van Anders, S. M. (2004). [Book Review of The Handbook of the Psychology of Women and Gender]. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 33(6), 605-607.


•Indiana State University, Inaugural Women in Science Speaker, Life Sciences, Terre Haute, IN (2008).

•Harvard University, Department of Psychology, and Committee on Degrees in Studies of Women, Gender, and Sexuality. Cambridge, MA (2008).

•Indiana University Bloomington, Center for Integrative Studies of Animal Behavior. Bloomington, IN (2008).

•Indiana University Bloomington, Clinical Colloquium, Department of Psychological & Brain Sciences. Bloomington IN (2008).

•Indiana University Bloomington, Preparing Future Faculty Graduate Student Conference: Gearing up for the “Research I” Job Search: The Competitive CV and Relevant Cover Letter”, IN (2008).

•The Ohio State University, Department of Psychology. Columbus, OH (2008). •University of Louisville, Department of Biology, Louisville, KY (2008).

•University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, Departments of Psychology and Women’s Studies. Ann Arbor, MI (2008).

•Indiana University Bloomington, Department of Psychological Brain Sciences and the Kinsey Institute. Bloomington, IN (2007).

•Instituto Superior de Psicologica Aplicada. Lisbon, Portugal (2007).

•Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Annual Conference, Young Investigator Symposium Speaker: Associations between testosterone and partnering in humans. Pacific Grove, CA (2007).

•University of Lethbridge, Department of Psychology. Lethbridge, AB (2007).

•University of Ottawa, Department of Psychology. Ottawa, ON (2007).

•University of Manitoba, Department of Psychology. Winnipeg, MB (2007).

•University of Saskatchewan, Dept. of Psychology. Saskatoon, SK (2007).

•City University, Hines Lab. London, UK (2006).

•Harvard University, Biological Anthropology Brown Bag Series. Cambridge, MA (2006).

•University of Chicago, Animal Behavior Brown Bag Series. Chicago, IL (2006).


•60 Years On: Sex Research Today at the Kinsey Institute, (2007), Panelist, Munroe County Public Library Auditorium, Bloomington IN.

•Canadian Society for Brain, Behaviour, and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS) Annual Conference, Victoria, BC. (June, 2007). Symposium Speaker: Effects of sexual activity on women’s testosterone. (co-authors: Hamilton LD & Watson NV).

•Sex at SFU Conference, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B.C. (October, 2006). Sexual activity, orgasms, and testosterone in women and men.
•International Academy of Sex Research (IASR) Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, the Netherlands (July, 2006). Brief Communication: Sexual activity, orgasms, and testosterone.

•Interdisciplinary Group on Gender/Sex, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC (October, 2004). Evolution and sexual orientation.


•van Anders, S. M., Davis, H., Van Snellenberg, J. X., McKay, R., Ngan, E. T., Watson, N. V., & Liotti, M. (2005). Elite athletes show changes in steroids and hippocampal gyrus activation while watching failed sporting trials. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 30, 892.21.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2004). Salivary testosterone, relationship status, and level of commitment in men. Hormones and Behavior, 46(1), 103.

•van Anders, S. M., Chernick, B., Chernick, A., Fisher, W. A. & Hampson, E. (2003). Clinical experience with androgen supplementation therapy for inhibited sexual desire pre- and post-menopausal women and controls. Hormones and Behaviour, 44(1), 36.


•Davis, H. IV., van Anders, S. M., Mayberg, H. S., Van Snellenberg, J. X., McKay, R., Smith, A., Watson, N. V., Woodward, T. S., Ngan, E. T., & Liotti, M. (2008). fMRI BOLD signal and endocrine changes in elite swimmers while viewing videos of successful and failed personal performance. Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS), San Francisco, CA.

•van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., & Watson, N. V. (2007). Introducing polyamory to behavioral neuroendocrinology: Higher testosterone with multiple committed relationships. Kinsey Conference on Research Innovations, Bloomington, IN.

•Farrell, J., van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., & Watson, N. V. (2007). More partners, more desire? Gender moderates the association between sexual desire and relationship type. Kinsey Conference on Research Innovations, Bloomington, IN.

•van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., Schmidt, L., & Watson, N. V. (2006). Sexual activity and testosterone in women and men. Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (SBN) 10th Ann. Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.

•Davis, H., Liotti, M., Mayberg, H., Smith, A., Van Snellenberg, J., van Anders, S. M., Watson, N., McKay, R., Woodward, T., & Ngan, E. T. (2006). fMRI bold signal changes in athletes in response to video review of failure: Effects of cognitive reappraisal (CBT). Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA.

•van Anders, S. M., Davis, H., Van Snellenberg, J. X., McKay, R., Ngan, E. T., Watson, N. V., & Liotti, M. (2005). Elite athletes show changes in steroids and hippocampal gyrus activation while watching failed sporting trials. Society for Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Washington DC. 1/770 (of 16,000) invited for public summary.

•van Anders, S. M., Vernon, P. A., & Wilbur, C. J. (2005). 2D:4D in dizygotic twins: Evidence of hormone-transfer and prenatal development. International Behavioral Development Symposium. Minot, ND.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2005). Relationship status, sexual orientation, and testosterone in the population: A longitudinal study. IASR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, ON.

•van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., Schmidt, N., & Watson, N. V. (2005). Baseline and Post-Activity Psychometric Data in a Study of Perceptions and Judgements of Sexual Activity. IASR Annual Meeting, Ottawa, On.

•Hamilton, L. D., van Anders, S. M., Cox, D., & Watson, N. V. (2005). The effects of competition on testosterone in female wrestlers. CSBBCS Annual Conference, Montreal, QC.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2005). The effects of winning or losing a brief laboratory-based competition on testosterone in women and men. Human Behavior and Evolution Society (HBES) Annual Conference, Austin, TX.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2004). Level of relationship status and salivary testosterone in heterosexual men. HBES Annual Conference, Berlin, Germany.

•van Anders, S. M. & Watson, N. V. (2004). Salivary testosterone, relationship status, and level of commitment in men. SBN 8th Annual Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.

•van Anders, S. M. (2004). Reproductive choices and academia: Why the academic pipeline leaks. International Interdisciplinary Conference on Gender, Sexuality, and Health (IICGS), Burnaby, B.C.

•van Anders, S. M., Schmidt, N., Hamilton, L. D., & Watson, N. V. (2004). The effects of sexual activity on hormones, mood, and intimacy in men and women of various sexual orientations. IICGS, Burnaby, B.C.

•van Anders, S. M., Hamilton, L. D., Schmidt, N., & Watson N. V. (2004). A behavioural neuroendocrine examination of the sexual activities of men and women of various sexual orientations: Possible effects of hormones, mood, and feelings of intimacy. 26th Annual Guelph Sexuality Conference, Guelph, ON.

•van Anders, S. M., Chernick, B., Chernick, A., Fisher, W. A. & Hampson, E. (2003). Clinical experience with androgen supplementation therapy for inhibited sexual desire pre- and post-menopausal women and controls. SBN 7th Annual Conference. Cincinnati, OH.