The Truth About Article 370

By Arvind LavakareJuly 2005

Thanks to the author’s rediff columns got to know Arvind Lavakare. A couple of weeks ago Arvindji was nice enough to present me with his latest work ‘The Truth About Article 370’. The book was an eye opener. Now I looked at the Art 370 issue rationally not emotionally as most of us do. I suggest that every keen student of Indian history reads this book.

While I have reproduced the book verbatim on esamskriti, you have the option of buying one. If you live within Mumbai cost of book and courier charges is Rs 50/, if you live anywhere else within India cost of book + delivery charges is Rs 125/. If you live outside India then mail me location, will check courier cost and let you know the cost to you. You can pay cheque or demand draft in favor of Mail me ie Sanjeev Nayyar at for payment details. Read about Arvind Lavakare after the table. For your convenience I am reproducing the book index –

Sr No / Contents / Page Nos
I. / Historical Background / 7
1.1 The Instrument of Accession / 10
1.2 Patel’s ‘basket of apples’ / 11
1.3 Article 306-A / 14
II. / Text of Article 370 / 21
III. / Content Analysis / 23
IV. / Article’s Effects / 30
IV.1 Legislative Exceptions / 31
IV.2 Constitutional Connections / 34
IV.3 Constitutional Exemptions / 37
IV.4 Constitutional Modifications / 43
V. / ‘Temporary’ vs. ‘Special’. / 48
VI. / Most Autonomous State / 51
VII. / Most Pampered State / 56
VIII. / The Monster / 59
IX. / Two Irritants / 64
X. / Abrogation of Article / 66
XI. / Concluding Remarks / 69
Appendix / I – Signed Instrument of Accession / 74
II – Matters for Dominion Legislature / 76
III – Specimen Constitution Order / 78
IV- The Delhi Agreement, 1952 / 80
V – Items excluded from Parliament’s Purview for Jammu & Kashmir / 83
VI – Delink Jammu & Ladakh from Valley / 87
VII – No point in keeping Ladakh as part of J &K / 90

‘Arvind Lavakare, 68, a post-graduate in Economics from MumbaiUniversity, began service doing research on rural credit in Reserve Bank of India. A table tennis player of note in his teens and an accredited cricket empire in the city, he became popular as a sports freelancer from 1957 onwards besides doing regular sports programs on Akashwani and Doordarshan. Professionally qualified in Advertising and Public Relations, he served in various prominent companies before retiring in February 1997 as General Manager – Corporate Relations of Century Rayon. Thereafter, he took to political writing and has been a regular columnists for with Jammu & Kashmir being his forte. This book on article 370 is indicative of the analytical and studied approach he has brought to his writings all these years. He lives a retired life in Mumbai with his wife and son’s family. He can be reached on .

From Arvindji we can learn how to use time productively, contribute to society in a positive way. How old we are, working or retired does not matter, they only reflect the state of the mind. When we are passionate and motivated from within nothing deters us. Hope you enjoy reading this book.

Book is in PDF file. To read book click here

Long Live Sanatan Dharam

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