How to Present, Summarize & Commenton a News Article


This document is composed of two parts/elements : a text and an illustration / a photo/ a graph/ a drawing.
The text is anarticle (taken) from an American magazine calledScientific American.
adapted from an article published in the Guardian, a British newspaper.
an article from a website called '' (dot com)
It was written by ... (journalist/author)
and (it was) published on September twenty-fifth, twenty fourteen = le 25/9/2014 (US)
the twenty-fifth of September, two thousand (and) fourteen " (UK)
(in + September twenty fourteen -- month/year only)
The title is "...." / It is entitled "...... "
There is also a subtitle "...... " which/that helps us understand the main title.


This document deals with .../ The article is about .../ The main topicis ... / The key idea is ...
(OK: The journalist writes about/(talks about)/discusses ... NEVER : The text talks about ... )
The article is illustratedby a picture / photo / drawing / cartoon / diagram / chart / table
...where we can see...
The writer
The author
The journalist / starts
introduces begins / his/her/the article / by ...V-ing
by describing a new innovation
by telling about an event
...that took place in (where)... in (when)...
with an example / an anecdote / a pun / a joke /a quote
He/She / supports / his arguments / with figures and statistics from a study
The article can be divided into ... parts / There are three paragraphs / (main) parts/points
The first part, / from line 1 to line 12, / explains (why/how) ...
The second part, / from paragraph 2 to paragraph 3 / shows ...
The next part, / underlines / highlights
The last part, / helps us understand why/how ...
The writer
The journalist
The author / explains the goal/purpose/function of this invention/system/device
how this device works
gives the pros and the cons for this invention/system
explains the/its advantages and disadvantages/drawbacks
upsides downsides
is in favour of ... / is against
stresses/ emphasizes
imagines / the differences between ... and ...
the future of ...
denounces/ criticizes / the dangers of ...
points out (that) ... / the problem with…/ that there are risks involved
The tone of the article... / is factual /informative/neutral // optimistic/pessimistic// humorous/ironic.
the writer concludes... / by ... (V-ing) saying/predicting ...that we will soon be using this innovation in our daily lives.


Personally, I agree / I don't agree / I disagreewith the writer

I think / believe / feel that...

In my opinion, this invention is wonderful/fantastic/incredible // useless/futile/ a waste of time/money

and I would love to buy one, if the price was affordable/reasonable.

I would never buy one / use it

As for me, I don't like this sort of system. It will make us ...(+ V ou adj )

To my mind, this innovation will revolutionize the future of public transportation.