The Dorothy Davis Talbot Memorial Music Award is given in memory of Dorothy Davis Talbot. Dorothy Davis Talbot graduated from Galva High School in 1934, studied pipe organ in Kewanee for four years, and studied two years at Sherwood Music School in Chicago. She sang and played for radio stations WBBM in Chicago, WOC in Davenport, and WMBD in Peoria. From 1930 until 1998 she was the organist for church services, weddings, and funerals in the Galva community.

The $300 award is given to the senior boy or girl who has demonstrated participation and ability in performing music in the past and who plans to continue his/her career with a major or minor in a music-related field with an emphasis on performance and/or teaching. The award will be issued to the winner upon receipt by the District #224 office of verification of fall enrollment by the student. The money is to be used for educational purposes only as determined by the student.

The selection committee will be composed of one high school music teacher, one Galva Fine Arts Council representative, and the school counselor.

Name ______

Address ______

Phone ______

Institution you plan to attend ______

Major/Minor ______

Your Career Plans: ______



Why did you choose this career? ______







Indicate the ways you have demonstrated participation and achievement in performing music in your life: (list type and years of involvement in both school and community):








List awards, honors, ribbons, medals you have received for your musical achievements:






Other non-music related awards/honors received: ______



Please attach at least one letter of recommendation which covers your musical background and plans. This letter should be from a non-school person.