Exempt Staff Council Meeting


April 26, 2011

Time: 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Place: 8th Floor Andy Holt Tower Conference Room

Present: Caroline Bowers, Amy Caponetti, Tom Cervone, Shane Colter, Deanna Flinchum, Sandra Harbison, Mike Herbstritt, Jane Pope, Margie Russell, Andrew Shafer, Suzan Thompson, Laura Trainer, Ron Tredway, Melissa Ashburn, Nissa Dahlin-Brown, Margy Wirtz-Henry, and Julie Monday

Absent: Debbie Brown, Herb Byrd, Karla Edwards, John Erdmann, Arla Jackson, Sharon Marshall, April Martin, Jenny Moshak, Richard Powell, Marva Rudolph, Janet Smith, Rebekah Winkler

1.  Welcome and Introductions – Tom Cervone

2.  New Business –

·  Emergency Management plans and zone coordinators – Brian Gard, Director of Emergency Management

o  Brian Gard distributed a handout regarding the emergency management system and reviewed the information. Current initiatives are focused on relationships and people. Tailored training and communication initiatives are also an essential focus. Emergency management software and credentialing are two upcoming purchases. Questions for Brian: Andrew Shafer mentioned that it would be important that the ESC be able to communicate to constituents information regarding the plan. Jane Pope inquired about a communication plan for students. Ron Tredway added that information for students could be implemented into orientation and a first-year studies course. Margie Russell asked if the EM office has taken a position on the legislation regarding carrying guns on campus. At this time no strong position has been taken by this department. Currently, UTPD is handling these concerns. Brian stated that he can visit and talk to any groups/departments about the emergency management plan that would be interested.

·  Bias incident report response – Dr. Maxine Thompson Davis, Dean of Students

o  Moved to May meeting

·  UT Vehicle Incident Protocol – Deanna Flinchum

Q: There was a UT vehicle wreck off-campus. It was a rear end collision with the UT vehicle in the middle. A procedures pamphlet was not in the car although one was supposed to be. A local tow truck moved the vehicle and dropped the employee off at a Burger King. There were several other complications in the process. Deanna inquired about incident protocol if a wreck occurs in a UT vehicle off campus.

A: Mike Herbstritt suggested that we create a page of questions or suggestions to pass along to Jeff Maples. Tom Cervone will take all questions/suggestions and submit them to Jeff Maples (for MotorPool) on behalf of ESC.

·  4/11 Chancellor Faculty/Staff forum – Shane Colter/Deanna Flinchum/any ESC attendees

o  Shane reported that top 25, VolVision, reporting, budget, and a few other topics were covered. This session was open to the first 50 faculty and staff.

·  4/13 Campus Master Plan report – Shane Colter/Nissa Dahlin-Brown/any ESC attendees

o  The Architect presented near term, mid-term, and future-term projects such as parking at the perimeter, expanding the pedestrian parkway, building displacement/remodeling/construction, etc. Several buildings are slated for changes in the future. The Master Plan Report can be found online at http://masterplan.utk.edu/. ESC questions should be directed to Shane Colter.

3.  Old Business –

·  Flexible Spending Account Reimbursement Debit Card & HIPAA – Ron Tredway / Rob Chance

Q: Could we have a debit card for the payment of medical expenses?

A: Ron Tredway stated that there has been a growing interest regarding this subject. Ron reported that Rob Chance stated no decision has been made at this time. Discussions are currently taking place regarding this issue. There is a possible question of affordability. A debit card may cost 3-4 dollars per month per employee. Questions such as: Who would pay the fee? And what is the break-even point on cost-benefits?, etc will still need to be addressed. Rob Chance is to have something more substantial to report at the May meeting.

·  ModernThink staff survey response – Ron Tredway

o  Exempt staff response rate was 38%, the lowest of all employee groups. ModernThink is preparing a report that will be available as early as June, with further details coming after that. Ron Tredway mentioned there will be a complete survey of all employees on all campuses by HR in the fall. This would be a great opportunity to encourage stronger participation by exempt employees than the 38% response during the most recent survey.

·  Staff Benefits Fair – Tom Cervone / Ron Tredway

o  ESC will continue to work toward enhancing benefit awareness by exempt employees, through collaboration with Human Resources during the 2011 Fall Festival.

·  Mike Herbstritt mentioned the following benefits:

§  Sick Leave Bank Open Enrollment April – June 2011

§  Long-Term Disability Open Enrollment ends May 2, 2011

§  Partnership PPO – Complete your questionnaire and health screening by June 30, 2011 to remain in your current program.

·  ESC Committee Updates –

o  Advocacy/Education – Nissa Dahlin-Brown

§  No updates

o  Nominating/Orientation – Arla Jackson (absent April meeting)

§  Elections, including ESC officers, in April per bylaws

§  Review representatives rotating off (Shane shared this information)

o  Communication/Website – Caroline Bowers

§  3/24 Dr. DiPietro Brown Bag report – Caroline reported that it was a very successful event! There was between 60-70 people.

o  Bylaws – Jane Pope shared that it is still in progress. They are still reviewing peer institutions and preparing a report. There are about 6 or 7 schools left to review.

Next Meeting – May 24 at 1:30, Andy Holt Tower Conference Room, 8th floor