Application form for FWSA Postgraduate Small Events Grant

(Please read the applicant guidance pages at the end of this pack before completing this form)

Name of Applicant(s):


Email address(es):

Title of event:

Event date/s:

Please note this should be an event organised exclusively by and for postgraduate students, and applications should be supported with a letter from the head of department or academic supervisor in the host institution. Applications that do not meet these criteria will be considered ineligible.

1.  Provide a detailed plan of your event (topic and rationale, structure and organisation, invited/keynote speaker/s, and if available tentative programme; please enclose copies of CFP or flyer/poster)

2. Indicate your strategy for attracting delegates (particularly from other institutions), and planned numbers

3. Provide a detailed budget for your event (e.g. give expected income/expenditure; fee rates for delegates; provide details of any other funding bids or awards) and indicate what specific purpose the FWSA grant will be used for

This form, together with a letter of support from your Head of Department or Supervisor, and a Call For Papers, should be returned electronically to: and by Friday 17th June 2016.

FWSA Small Grants Scheme Guidelines

The FWSA offers a small grant of £250 for postgraduate members who wish to organise workshops, seminars or conferences. This money can be used for a variety of purposes, including paying speakers’ costs, providing refreshments, or hiring facilities, and it can be used alongside other awards (applicants are encouraged to seek additional funding from their host institution to support their event). Please note that this should be an event organised exclusively by and for postgraduate students. The lead organisers named on the application form must be FWSA members at the time the application and at the time the initiative is to take place. These events are an important part of the FWSA’s work: they help to build networks of feminist scholars across disciplines. Student organisers will gain valuable experience, and will be supported throughout the process by the Association.

We require a short proposal from members who wish to apply for these funds: this should be submitted to and by 17th June 2016 and should include:

·  a detailed plan of the event (topic and rationale, structure and organisation, invited/keynote speaker/s (please provide copies of CFP or flyer/poster and, if available, programme);

·  strategy for attracting delegates (particularly from other institutions) and planned numbers;

·  a detailed budget showing what specifically FWSA funding will be used for;

·  a letter of support from your Head of Department.

We require that applicants submit a letter of support from their head of department or supervisor in the department/institution where the event will be hosted. Letters of support should also be submitted to and by 17th June 2016. The email should be sent directly from the supporting academic’s email account, not from the applicant’s email account.

Please state clearly in your application email whether you are applying through individual FWSA membership or institutional membership. These funds are available to FWSA members only. To join, go to:

We also ask that you help to promote the FWSA through your event, for instance through displaying our logo on your publicity materials and programme, distributing information about the FWSA at your event, and implementing a reduced fee for FWSA members. Our publicity and membership team will be on hand to help you with this.

The only requirement in terms of topic is that events should focus on an issue related to feminism, women’s or gender studies; proposals which range across disciplines are particularly encouraged. Applicants should not feel confined to the standard academic conference or seminar format (although these too are welcome), as creative or experimental ideas are encouraged.

Once the event is over, organisers will be asked to submit a brief written report (which should include details of how FWSA monies have been spent). Excerpts from these reports (excluding financial information) may be published on the FWSA website and in the FWSA Newsletter, to encourage future applications.

Proposals will be reviewed by the executive committee, and decisions communicated by the end of July 2016. Enquiries about the scheme can be directed to: