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A meeting of the Parish Council was held on the 2nd December 2013 at 7.30 p.m. at The Wells-Cole Community Centre.

Present – Mrs. P. Grieff (Vice Chairman) in the Chair supported by Messrs T. Bunce, R. Cooper, R. Harrold, B. Hinkins, M. Nichols, G. Pickering and Ms. M. Baldwin. Mr. C. Jordan (County Councillor) was also present.

The Vice Chairman welcomed Ms. Baldwin to her first meeting and asked for permission to refer to her by her Christian name and also to put her name and contact details in the Saga. Ms. Baldwin gave her permission.

1. Apologies for Absence: Apologies received from Messrs. J. Kemp, P. Riches and C. Carter (District Councillor) and Mrs. S. Harrold.

2. Declaration of Interest in Items on the Agenda: No councillor declared an interest in the Agenda items.

3. Minutes: The Minutes of the Meeting held on the 4th November 2013 were taken as read, proposed by the Vice Chairman and unanimously agreed and signed.

4. Matters Arising from the Minutes and Action List:

·  Purchase of Speed Indicator and Bus Shelter – Mr T. Bunce said the SAM sign had been delivered and some training given. Mr. B. Hinkins said that the sign had to be linked to a computer and some problems with this needed to be resolved before the sign is in action. Mr. T. Bunce had checked with Westcotec re the highway approval for the bus shelter but not yet received an answer.

·  New Village Survey – this will be considered in January when the Budget is discussed.

·  Woodland Trust - Mr T. Bunce said some of the trees had been planted at the Community Centre, the church and the allotments. There are still about 100 to plant.

·  Welcome Pack – on Agenda

·  Insurance cover for sports equipment – Mrs. Grieff had checked with her insurance colleague who could see no reason why the fixed sports equipment was not covered by the Council’s insurance. To be left until January.

·  Complaint re cars parked on Church Green – Mrs. Grieff had contacted the Land Registry before submission is made for a copy of the title register – generally land which is not spoken for will be attached to the nearest building which is the church. Mrs. Grieff has applied for the title deeds. This to be left until January.

·  Gully jutting into road in Bell Lane – reported to Highways again – awaiting Ranger visit.

·  Refresher Course for Website – still waiting for dates for training.

·  Sycamore tree in The Oval – reported to Flagship Housing– Flagship are contacting the contractors who cut the tree back. No further information to hand.

·  Junction Ploughboy Lane/Hills Road – nettles in ditch – reported to Highways – awaiting Ranger visit

·  Copping stones on the Cley Lane bridge – still not replaced – clerk to contact highways again.

·  Dog mess at the WCCC and Pound Hill – Clerk said Dog Warden had informed extra checks will be made in Saham over the next week or so.

5. Resolution to Adjourn the Meeting for Public Participation and District/County Councillor Reports: The Vice Chairman proposed that the 15 minute time slot allowed for public discussion be extended on this occasion to allow for the comments from the public on the development of 29 houses in the parish. This was unanimously agreed. The Vice Chairman closed the meeting.

Mr. C. Jordan (County Councillor) said County were looking for ideas from the public on how to save money. Last year there was £140m cut in funding and for the next 3 years there will be a £189m cut in funding. £169m was also lost in credits for the incinerator and other projects. The budget is taking up 95% of the time at County. Clerk to highlight link to NCC’s website in Saga.

The Vice Chairman closed the meeting.

A parishioner spoke about an easement through the Warwick Farm land to the Bird Sanctuary to deal with surface water problems from Amys Close. As far as he can recall there was a condition that the land could not be used for building. Mr. R. Harrold replied that he had raised this issue with the developer and whilst the pipe cannot be built over it can be realigned.

A parishioner said there were 28 houses for sale in the parish on Right Move and Zoopla so why is there a need for another 29.

The developer gave a short presentation. He appreciates that this is a big development for the village and a lot of concerns have been raised about highways and sewerage. The density of the site is towards the low end of the scale and there will be a mix of 1 to 4/5 bedroom houses and apartments. The affordable houses will be interspersed and look the same as the private houses. A footpath will be put in front of the site but further extension of this footpath could prove difficult even for County because some of the land is in private ownership. There is the possibility of a path from the site through the Community Centre to Bell Lane. Flooding issues would be dealt with soakaways on site draining into the existing water drain. Anglian Water will not agree to let the existing sewerage system be used unless there is spare capacity.

Parishioners now asked questions and the main concerns are summarised as follows:-

·  The extent of the footpath was queried and it was confirmed that it would only be in front of the development.

·  The increased volume of traffic would make Cley Lane even more dangerous for pedestrians and cyclists. Also traffic could increase in other areas of the village particularly along Chequers Lane and up Ploughboy Lane and Hills Road if people from the houses travelled to work that way.

·  The bridge on Cley Lane is dangerous and would need to be widened or a footbridge built.

·  The outlook from the existing properties on Cley Lane.

·  The safety of children going to and from school – particularly as the village school is full.

·  It was asked if the Council had done anything to try to get a speed limit and footpath on Cley Lane. Cllr C. Jordan replied that the Parish Council, with the involvement of himself as County Councillor, had tried on numerous occasions to get a 30 mph speed limit but the reason given is that there are not enough houses on the road. A private development can sometimes be used to get these improvements. Mr. R. Harrold said the Parish Council had tried to get a weight restriction and priority signs on the bridge both unsuccessfully.

·  The cost of footpaths is expensive. The developer of the properties at the Golf Club spoke re the footpath from the Golf Club to Watton which would cost £80,000 plus future maintenance of £26,000. The cost of a footpath the whole length of Cley Lane would be horrendous.

·  Flooding in gardens on Cley Lane – existing infrastructure unable to cope with sewerage.

The Vice Chairman re-opened the meeting.

6. Correspondence:

Email from David Futter re proposed development of the Old Piggery, land off Ploughboy Lane. A scheme is being promoted for 18 dwellings – 7 affordable and 11 open market dwellings and they would like to give a presentation to the Parish Council. It was agreed that Mr. Futter could attend the meeting on the 6th January but only speak for the allocated time of 3 minutes during the Public Participation section of the meeting.

7. To Approve Accounts for Payment:

The following accounts are due for payment:-

·  Mrs. P. Nichols - £374.25 – Community Car scheme (half repayable by Breckland)

·  CGM - £282.48 – grounds maintenance at the Community Centre

·  Mrs. J. S. Glenn – £552.95 – made up as follows - Salary £466.90

Broadband 19.99

Use of home as office 37.50

Postage etc 14.58

Ink cartridges 13.98

·  HMRC - £68.20 – tax

·  Mr. T. Bunce - £9.99 – two padlocks to secure the vehicle activated sign

The payment of the above accounts was proposed by Mr. B. Hinkins, seconded by Mrs. M. Baldwin and unanimously agreed.

8. To confirm the Council’s decision at the meeting held on the 4th November to reverse the “no comment status” on plans which are outside the guidelines: The Vice Chairman put this motion to the meeting and it was proposed by Mr. T. Bunce, seconded by Mr. M. Nichols and unanimously agreed.

9. To Consider Planning Matters: The following plans were discussed:-

·  Plan 3PL/2013/1007/F – ground floor extension to existing storage room at 13 Neville Close – no objections but agreed to comment that the pebble dash finish is not in character with the other properties in the immediate neighbourhood.

·  Plan 3PL/2013/1097/F – erection of bungalow and forming of new vehicular access at Werf House, Ovington Road – the Clerk said there was already outline permission for this site and the proposed bungalow adhered to that outline. No objections.

·  Plan 3PL/2013/1001/F – proposed two storey dwelling house (3 beds) at Bowers, Richmond Road – the Clerk said there was already outline permission for this site for 2 two storey dwellings and the current application was for one. No objections.

·  Plan 3PL/2013/1062/CU – change of use of garage to tea room/café at Ashdale, 134 Hills Road, Saham Hills – the Clerk had spoken to the applicants and whilst the tea room/café was mainly for the use of the caravan site it would be open to all. There is plenty of parking at the site. No objections.

·  Plan 3PL/2013/1009/O – proposed two dwelling residential development at land adjoining Locket Ridge, The Drove, Hills Road. This site is outside the settlement area and approached by an unadopted narrow road. It was unanimously agreed to object on this basis.

·  Plan 3PL/2013/0869/F – erection of 29 new dwellings at Cley Lane – Mr. T. Bunce said some of the information in the application is incorrect. Firstly it stated that there is a Post Office and shop in the village and this closed earlier this year. There is now only a pet food shop and gun shop. It is also not on a bus route. In the Village Appraisal of 2008 it states that over development was the foremost concern of the majority of those that replied. Large estates of more than 5 houses are not wanted in Saham and it is recommended in the conclusion that Breckland and Saham Toney Councils take note of this. Mr. R. Cooper said he can remember all the developments in Saham being built over the years. The Council has spoken about the footpath on Cley Lane and this development might give us the leverage to have a footpath all the way to Watton. Mr. P Grieff said that 29 houses mean children needing education and the school is full so they will have to travel to school resulting in an increase in traffic leaving and returning to the site at certain times of the day. Mr. B. Hinkins said 29 houses means an increase in the village by 4%. The site provides a good mix of houses and he would like to see a S.106 agreement attached to the affordable homes that they are for Saham Toney residents or those with a connection to the parish wishing to return. Ms M. Baldwin said the development would change of the essence of the village. Mr. G. Pickering said there was a lot of opposition to the building of ten houses on Pound Hill.

After discussion it was agreed on a vote of 3 in favour, 5 against to object to this plan but to add conditions should the project be approved by Breckland. The conditions are:-

1. A complete pedestrian walkway into Watton including a footbridge over the river.

2. A section 106 agreement be put on the affordable houses to make sure they are used for Saham residents or those who have connections with Saham and want to return to the parish.

3. A modern sewerage system be built with fail safe protection.

4. The flooding issues on Cley Lane are properly addressed.

5. The overhead electricity cables which cross the site of the development would need to be put underground. Whilst this work was being done the Council would wish that the overhead cables over the play park are also put underground.

10. To discuss submission of a bid to the Highways Parish Partnership Fund: NCC Highways were again offering local communities the chance to bid for funding for highway projects and they will support 50% of the scheme. Mr. R. Harrold had suggested that the Council apply for a grant to straighten the road on Bell Lane in front of the Community Centre. After discussion it was agreed not to apply this year.

11. To Discuss the Progress of a “Welcome Pack” for the Parish: Mr. R. Harrold reported that no more would be done to this until January.

12. To Consider Reports from Outside Organisations: Mr. R. Harrold reported on the Wayland Partnership. There are vacancies for board members if anyone would like to become a Trustee. The finances of the Partnership are healthy with a reasonable level of occupancy including virtual tenants. The Breckland Registrar is to be moved to the Library. The Credit Union is merging with a national organisation which should give greater security and larger loans. Local businesses have asked colleges and schools to better prepare youngster for the challenge of the work place and courses will be run at Wayland House. Volunteers are still needed for the Tourist Office.

The Clerk reported on Speedwatch for October and November. In October there had been 4 speed checks with 24 vehicles exceeding the speed limit over 4 man hours. In November there had been 3 speed checks with 20 vehicles exceeding the speed limit over 3 man hours. A one off check on Pages Lane had only recorded one vehicle exceeding the speed limit during an hour.