Safety Plan Bounce House

Contact Name: Ashley VillarEmail:hone: 772-643-8132

Date/ Time: CPW, 4/13 11-1 pm (set up: 10-11, take down, 1-2).
Location: Simmons Hall, Multipurpose Room

Expected # of participants: 75 + 5 volunteers

Sponsored by:Simmons Hall (CPW)

Will this be open to individuals not affiliated with MIT? no


We will have a bounce house in our Multipurpose room. This is a small auditorium (17’ by +25’) with hardwood floors and very high ceilings (two stories high).


Safety Concern / Mitigation
Injury associated with setup/take down / We will be renting the moonwalk from a professional company, which will do set up and take down for us
Students getting hurt in moonwalk / We will allow only the suggested number of students into the moonwalk at any time. (Probably 3-4)

Reviewed by: (add date of their email)

Safety Plan ‘Sword’ Fight

Contact Name: Ashley VillarEmail:hone: 772-643-8132

Date/ Time: CPW, 4/13 2-4:30pm (maybe 10 minutes for setup and take down).
Location: Simmons Hall/surrounding area

Expected # of participants: 20 + 3 volunteers

Sponsored by:Simmons Hall (CPW)

Will this be open to individuals not affiliated with MIT? no


Students will play a game involving foam ‘swords’. These swords are made from foam pool noodles attached to light PVC poles. Foam is ~2feet long, covered ~1ft of the ~4ft PVC pole. Students will run around campus, looking for hidden plastic ducks and return these to a designated base. They may encounter other students and have ‘sword fights’ in the process- this involves ONLY making sword-to-sword contact. Students will NOT be allowed to directly hit other students with these swords.


Safety Concern / Mitigation
Injury associated with sword fight / Students will not be allowed to hit other students directly. Only sword-to-sword contact allowed

Reviewed by: (add date of their email)

Safety Plan: Giant Jenga

Contact Name: Ashley VillarEmail:hone: 772-643-8132

Date/ Time: CPW, 4/12 3-5 pm (set up: 230-3, take down: ~15 minutes)
Location: Simmons Hall

Expected # of participants: 20 + 2-5 volunteers

Sponsored by:Simmons Hall (CPW)

Will this be open to individuals not affiliated with MIT? no


The students will play a version of the popular game, Jenga, with 2x4, sanded blocks. The game Jenga involved building a tower from these blocks. Students take turns removing blocks from the bottom of the tower and stacking it at the top to make the tower larger. The student to accidentally knock down the tower, loses.


Safety Concern / Mitigation
Injury from falling wooden blocks / Tower does not reach more than 6 feet. Only one student near tower at a time. Very rarely does the tower actually fall towards the student, because the student controls how the tower falls.

Reviewed by: (add date of their email)

Safety Plan: Nerf Guns

Contact Name: Ashley VillarEmail:hone: 772-643-8132

Date/ Time: CPW, 4/13 4:30-6 pm (set up/take down will take no more than 15 minutes).
Location: Simmons Hall, Multipurpose Room

Expected # of participants: 20+ 5 volunteers

Sponsored by:Simmons Hall (CPW)

Will this be open to individuals not affiliated with MIT? no


Students will ‘fight’ with Nerf Guns. This is akin to laser tag – students will be split into two teams and shoot one another. After being shot 5 times, students will be considered out. Nerf Guns shoot small, foam ammo at low speeds.


Safety Concern / Mitigation
Injury associated with running / Fight will be limited to one of our long hall ways. These have hard flooring. Stairs will be off limits.
Injury associated with getting shot / Nerf Gun ammo is a small foam ‘dart’, with a flexible plunger instead of a tip. Guns do not shoot ammo at high speeds by any means. Although ammo may hit students’ eyes, the speed is much less than reaction time, and this is very unlikely. These guns are the same as those used by our ‘Assassins’ Guild’, which uses them weekly sans major injury.

Reviewed by: (add date of their email)