John Drugan 3rd - 9 Weeks at a Glance 2015-2016
Grade: ______
Essential Question:______?
42 ½ Instructional Days : Novel: ______
Week of: / Language ArtsPhonics/Voc. / Language Arts Reading
(Genre & Comprehension Skill) / Language Arts
Fig.19 Skill / See Writing Plan / Math
STAAR/District Benchmark / Science / Social Studies / Health
Week 1
Jan. 5-8
4h Teacher work day / 2.5A- Use prefixes and suffixes to determine
the meaning of words (allow/disallow). (Prefixes-un, re, dis, in/Suffixes-ful, less, ly, er, ing, ed, s, es) SS
2.5D- Alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words.
2.16A- recognize different purposes of media (to inform, to entertain, to influence, to explain)
Examples- newspaper-inform
Advertisement- persuade, influence
Commercials- persuade
Radio programs- entertain
Product labels- inform / Authors’ Study
*2.9A- Describe similarities and differences in the plots and settings of several works
by the same author. (fantasy, realistic fiction, fables, myths, legends, historical fiction, science fiction) (Eric Carle) SS
*2.9B- Describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits, motivations, and feelings. (physical/emotional traits; personal traits-good, evil, compassionate, loving, wealthy, poor; dialogue, quotations) Readiness Standard
*2.6A- Identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables,,myths or stories. SS
2.6B- Compare different versions of the same story in traditional and contemporary folktales with respect to their characters, setting, and plot
2.8A- Identify the elements of dialogue and
use them in informal plays. (quotation marks, punctuation marks)
Poetry (Poem of the Week)
*2.7A- Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and repetition interact to create images in poetry. SS
2.11A- Recognize that some words and phrases have literal and non- literal meanings (e.g., take steps).
2.13A- Identify the topic and explain the author’s purpose in writing the text.
2.15Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:(A)follow written multi-step directions; and(B)use common graphic features to assist in the interpretation of text (e.g., captions, illustrations / 2.Fig.19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment)
2.Fig.19B-Ask literal questions of text (questions Before, During, After Reading; Literal- who, what, when, where, why, & how)
2.Fig.19D-Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (title, cover, illustrations, plot, facts/details, background knowledge/experiences)
Readiness Standard
*2.Fig.19E-retell important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, retell orally or in written form)
2.3Ause ideas example (illustrations, title,
topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions
2.3B-Ask relevant questions, seek
clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. SS / See Writing Plan / 2.2A, 2.2B, 2.4B, 2.4C, 2.4D, 2.7C
2.2A-Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds,
Tens and ones SS
2.2B Use standard, word and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 RS
2.4B A
2.4C Solve one step and multi-step word problems
involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value , including algorithms RS
2.4D Generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000 RS
2.7C Represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems where unknowns may be of any one of the terms in the problem. SS / Unit 05: Making Good Choices: Weather Safety
2.8B: Identify the importance of weather and seasonal information to make choices in clothing, activities and transportation
2.9B: Identify factors in the environment, including temperature and precipitation that affects growth and behavior such as migration, hibernation and dormancy of living things. (also found in the 4th 9 weeks)
2.4A-collect, record, and compare information using tools weather instruments such as thermometers (Celsius), wind vanes, and rain gauges / Unit 6: Thinking Like a Historian in Local Communities
*2.4A identify contributions of historical figures who have influenced the community, state, and nation: Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, John Hancock, and Theodore Roosevelt
*2.2A describe the order of events by using designations of time periods such as historical and present times / Technology
2.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
2.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
2.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
2.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving file
2.4A- explain ways in which germs are transmitted, methods of preventing the spread of germs, and the importance of immunization
Week 2
Jan. 11-15
(District Benchmark window) / 2.5A- Use prefixes and suffixes to determine
the meaning of words (allow/disallow). (Prefixes-un, re, dis, in/Suffixes-ful, less, ly, er, ing, ed, s, es) SS
2.5D- Alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words.
2.16A- recognize different purposes of media (to inform, to entertain, to influence, to explain)
Examples- newspaper-inform
Advertisement- persuade, influence
Commercials- persuade
Radio programs- entertain
Product labels- inform / Authors’ Study
*2.9A- Describe similarities and differences in
the plots and settings of several works
by the same author. (fantasy, realistic fiction, fables, myths, , historical fiction, science fiction) (Doreen Cronin) SS
*2.9B- Describe main characters in works of fiction, including their traits, motivations, and feelings. (physical/emotional traits; personal traits-good, evil, compassionate, loving, wealthy, poor; dialogue, quotations) Readiness Standard
*2.6A- Identify moral lessons as themes in well-known fables, legends, myths or stories. SS
2.6B- Compare different versions of the same story in traditional and contemporary folktales with respect to their characters, setting, and plot
2.8A- Identify the elements of dialogue and
use them in informal plays. (quotation marks, punctuation marks)
Poetry (Poem of the Week)
*2.7A- Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and
repetition interact to create images in
poetry. SS
2.11A- Recognize that some words and phrases have literal and non- literal meanings
(e.g., take steps).
have literal and non- literal meanings
(e.g., take steps).
2.13A- Identify the topic and explain the
author’s purpose in writing the text.
2.15Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:(A)follow written multi-step directions; and(B)use common graphic features to assist in the interpretation of text (e.g., captions, illustrations / 2.Fig.19A- Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own and others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension. (to be informed, understand, interpret, solve problems, entertained, provide enjoyment)
2.Fig.19B-Ask literal questions of text (questions Before, During, After Reading; Literal- who, what, when, where, why, & how)
2.Fig.19C-Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help)
*2.Fig.19D-Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding (title, cover, illustrations, plot, facts/details, background knowledge/experiences)
Readiness Standard
*2.Fig.19E-retell important events in stories in logical order (draw a picture, present dramatic interpretation, retell orally or in written form)
2.3Ause ideas example (illustrations, title, topic sentences, key words, and foreshadowing) to make and confirm predictions
2.3B-Ask relevant questions, seek
clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. SS / See Writing Plan / 2.2A, 2.2B, 2.4B, 2.4C, 2.4D, 2.7C
2.2A-Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds,
Tens and ones SS
2.2B Use standard, word and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 RS
2.4B A
2.4C Solve one step and multi-step word problems
involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value , including algorithms RS
2.4D Generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000 RS
2.7C Represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems where unknowns may be of any one of the terms in the problem. SS / Unit 05: Making Good Choices: Weather Safety
2.8B: Identify the importance of weather and seasonal information to make choices in clothing, activities and transportation
2.9B: Identify factors in the environment, including temperature and precipitation that affects growth and behavior such as migration, hibernation and dormancy of living things. (also found in the 4th 9 weeks)
2.4A-collect, record, and compare information using tools weather instruments such as thermometers (Celsius), wind vanes, and rain gauges / Unit 6: Thinking Like a Historian in Local Communities
*2.4A identify contributions of historical figures who have influenced the community, state, and nation: Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, John Hancock, and Theodore Roosevelt
*2.2B apply vocabulary related to chronology: Past, present, and future
*2.2C create and interpret timelines for events in the past and present / Technology
2.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
2.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
2.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
2.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
2.4A- explain ways in which germs are transmitted, methods of preventing the spread of germs, and the importance of immunization
Week 3
Jan. 19-22 No School 18MLK / 2.5A- Use prefixes and suffixes to determine
the meaning of words (allow/disallow). (Prefixes-un, re, dis, in/Suffixes-ful, less, ly, er, ing, ed, s, es) SS
2.5D- Alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words.
2.16A- recognize different purposes of media (to inform, to entertain, to influence, to explain)
Examples- newspaper-inform
Advertisement- persuade, influence
Commercials- persuade
Radio programs- entertain
Product labels- inform / Learning through Informational Text
-newspapers & magazines
-websites & e-mails
-Science & Social Studies Text books
-expository trade books
2.10- ID features of nonfiction
2.10A- distinguish between fiction & nonfiction (recognize that mixed selection is partly fiction & partly nonfiction) RS
2.13A- ID the topic & explain the author’s purpose in writing the text (to tell about, to explain, to tell how to do something) SS
Poetry (Poem of the Week)
*2.7A- Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and
repetition interact to create images in
poetry. SS
2.11A- Recognize that some words and phrases
have literal and non- literal meanings
(e.g., take steps).
2.15Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:(A)follow written multi-step directions; and(B)use common graphic features to assist in the interpretation of text (e.g., captions, illustrations / 2.Fig.19C-Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help)
2.3B-Ask relevant questions, seek
clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. SS
2.3C- monitor comprehension making corrections & adjustments when understanding breaks down (ID clues, use background knowledge, generate questions, re-reading a portion aloud) / Author’s Wall / 2.2A, 2.2B, 2.4B, 2.4C, 2.4D, 2.7C
2.2A-Use concrete and pictorial models to compose and decompose numbers up to 1,200 in more than one way as a sum of so many thousands, hundreds,
Tens and ones SS
2.2B Use standard, word and expanded forms to represent numbers up to 1,200 RS
2.4B A
2.4C Solve one step and multi-step word problems
involving addition and subtraction within 1,000 using a variety of strategies based on place value , including algorithms RS
2.4D Generate and solve problem situations for a given mathematical number sentence involving addition and subtraction of whole numbers within 1,000 RS
2.7C Represent and solve addition and subtraction word problems where unknowns may be of any one of the terms in the problem. SS / Unit 06: Patterns of Change: Weather
*2.8A: Measure, record & graph weather information including temperature, wind conditions, precipitation & cloud coverage in order to identify patterns in the weather data (temperature using a thermometer, wind conditions using a wind vane, precipitation using a rain gauge, cloud coverage) Patterns- temperature (hot/cold), wind (windy, breezy, calm), Precipitation- rain, hail, snow, dry conditions, cloud coverage- clear, partially cloudy, overcast
2.4A-collect, record, and compare information using tools weather instruments such as thermometers (Celsius), wind vanes, and rain gauges / Unit 6: Thinking Like a Historian in Local Communities
*2.4A identify contributions of historical figures who have influenced the community, state, and nation: Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, John Hancock, and Theodore Roosevelt
*2.3A identify several sources of information about a given period or event: Reference materials, biographies, newspapers, and electronic sources / Technology
2.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
2.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
2.2C- format digital information, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
2.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
2.4B- identify causes of disease other than germs such as allergies and heart disease
Week 4
Early Release Jan.27 / *2.5B- Use context to determine the relevant
meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words.
(Identifying relationships between words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs)
(Multiple-meaning words-words that have more than one meaning-e.g. trunk)
Readiness Standard
2.5D- Alphabetize a series of words and use a dictionary or glossary to find words.
2.16A- recognize different purposes of media (to inform, to entertain, to influence, to explain)
Examples- newspaper-inform
Advertisement- persuade, influence
Commercials- persuade
Radio programs- entertain
Product labels- inform / Learning through Informational Text
-newspapers & magazines
-websites & e-mails
-Science & Social Studies Text books
-expository trade books
2.10- ID features of nonfiction
2.10A- distinguish between fiction & nonfiction (recognize that mixed selection is partly fiction & partly nonfiction) RS
2.13A- ID the topic & explain the author’s purpose in writing the text (to tell about, to explain, to tell how to do something) SS
Poetry (Poem of the Week)
*2.7A- Describe how rhyme, rhythm, and
repetition interact to create images in
poetry. SS
2.11A- Recognize that some words and phrases
have literal and non- literal meanings
(e.g., take steps).
2.13A- Identify the topic and explain the
author’s purpose in writing the text.
2.15Reading/Comprehension of Informational Text/Procedural Text. Students understand how to glean and use information in procedural texts and documents. Students are expected to:(A)follow written multi-step directions; and(B)use common graphic features to assist in the interpretation of text (e.g., captions, illustrations / 2.Fig.19C-Monitor and adjust comprehension (using background knowledge, creating sensory images, re-reading a portion aloud, generating questions, use context clues, ask for help)
2.3B-Ask relevant questions, seek
clarification and locate facts and details about stories and other texts and support answers with evidence from text. SS
2.3C- establish a purpose for reading selected text / See Writing Plan / Process Standards: 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.1D
Unit11 -Multiplication and division situations. Process Standards: 2.1A, 2.1B, 2.1C, 2.1D
2.6A Model, create, describe contextual multiplication situations
In which equivalent sets of concrete objects area joined SS
2.6B Model, create, and describe
contextual multiplication situations
in which equivalent sets of concrete objects are joined. SS
Unit 13-Fractions and Probability
2.3A partition objects into equal parts and name the parts, including halves, fourths, and eights, using words. SS
2.3B Explain that the more fractional parts used to make a whole, the smaller the part; and the fewer the fractional parts beyond one whole using words and recognize how many parts it takes to equal one whole SS
2.3D Identify examples and non-examples af halves, fourths, and eights SS / Unit 06: Patterns of Change: Weather
*2.8A: Measure, record & graph weather information including temperature, wind conditions, precipitation & cloud coverage in order to identify patterns in the weather data (temperature using a thermometer, wind conditions using a wind vane, precipitation using a rain gauge, cloud coverage) Patterns- temperature (hot/cold), wind (windy, breezy, calm), Precipitation- rain, hail, snow, dry conditions, cloud coverage- clear, partially cloudy, overcast
2.4A-collect, record, and compare information using tools weather instruments such as thermometers (Celsius), wind vanes, and rain gauges / Unit 6: Thinking Like a Historian in Local Communities
*2.4A identify contributions of historical figures who have influenced the community, state, and nation: Thurgood Marshall, Irma Rangel, John Hancock, and Theodore Roosevelt
*2.3Bdescribe various evidence of the same time period using primary sources: Photographs, journals, and interviews / Technology
2.1C- create original products using a variety of resources
2.1D- create and execute steps to accomplish a task
2.2C- format digital nformation, including font attributes, color, white space, graphics, and animation, for a defined audience & communication medium
2.6C- perform basic software application functions, including opening an application and creating, modifying, printing, and saving files
2.4B- identify causes of disease other than germs such as allergies and heart disease
Week 5
Feb. 1-5 / *2.5B- Use context to determine the relevant
meaning of unfamiliar words or multiple meaning words.
(Identifying relationships between words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs)
(Multiple-meaning words-words that have more than one meaning-e.g. trunk)