Forces and Motion Webquest - 20 pts
- This activity will be completed online and in written form. You will need your science notebook and a writing instrument to complete this activity. Title this page in your notebook with today’s date and “Forces and Motion WebQuest.”
- Go to the Internet and search for
- Once on the PHSchool site, enter the Web Code: cgd-3023 into the boxes
- Read through the information on Newton’s three laws of motion.
- In your notebook, write a capital A on the first line and list in your own words, Newton’s first law of motion. Under this, draw an illustration that shows an example of the first law of motion. (1 pt for writing, 3 pts for drawing)
- On about the seventh line, write a capital B. List in mathematical form Newton’s second law of motion. Under this, write a paragraph about a time when you experienced this law of motion. (3 pts for paragraph. Extra credit for really funny stories!)
- On about the fifteenth line, write a capital C. In your own words, tell what Newton’s third law of motion states and illustrate an observation you have made that supports this law of motion. (1 pt for writing law, 3 pts for drawing)
- Follow the links on this site to explore the science behind some of your favorite motion sports at the Exploratorium. Enjoy – there are some cool parts of this site that would make excellent science fair ideas (such as do bats made of different materials have different sweet spots or does the amount of crouching affect the height of an Ollie.)
- On the next page in your notebook, write 2 paragraphs that explain the science behind the sport you have chosen to investigate on the Exploratorium site. Also draw an illustration with arrows that shows the direction of the forces involved in one aspect of that sport. (For example, in throwing a football, which is not on this site, the quarterbacks arm would bend at the elbow, and create forward thrust, the air resistance would create drag, which is opposite of the forward thrust, gravity would be pulling the ball down, etc.) 6 pts for 2 paragraphs, 3 pts for illustration.
- You’re done!