DATE: February 9, 2010

TO: Lead-safe renovators certified in other states or certified by EPA.

FROM: Kane Young

Bureau of Lead Poisoning Prevention

RE: Iowa certification as a lead-safe renovator.

I am writing to outline the procedure that can be used by people who are certified as lead-safe renovators in other states or by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to become certified as lead-safe renovator in the state of Iowa. In order to be considered for Iowa certification, you must fill out the attached application form and attach ALL of the items listed below:

1. A copy of your firm’s current certification with an EPA-authorized state or EPA.

2. A copy of the course certificate for the initial lead-safe renovator course that you have taken. Either the course certificate or an attached letter from the training provider must show that you passed each course test with a score of at least 80 percent.

3. An electronic photo. The options for submitting this photo (below) are in order of preference:

a) The photo taken by the training provider who issued your training certificate. This would be the same photo on the certificate that you submit with this reciprocal application. You will need to contact your training provider and request that the photo be emailed to .

b) If the above option (a) cannot be obtained, then we will accept an electronic photo submitted on CD. If you choose this option, you will also need to submit another form of photo ID to verify your identity such as a copy of your current driver’s license. The photo you submit must meet the following specifications:

(1) The individual shall be facing the camera.

(2) The individual’s head shall not be tilted.

(3) The individual’s head shall cover approximately half of the photo area.

(4) The individual shall be in front of a neutral or light-colored background.

(5) The individual shall not wear any items that detract from the face, such as hats or sunglasses. Only head coverings worn for religious reasons may be worn. Religious head coverings may not cover the face of the individual.

(6) The photo shall be at least 2 inches by 1-3/4 inches.

c) If the above two options (a or b) cannot be obtained, then you can come to our office to have your photo taken by a member of our staff. If you choose this option, please call ahead to schedule an appointment.

4. A completed application for firm certification with the Iowa Dept of Public Health.

5. A check for $60 payable to the Iowa Department of Public Health.

Please send the completed application and ALL of the items listed above to:

Kane Young,

Bureau of Lead Poisoning Prevention

321 E. 12th Street

Iowa Department of Public Health

Lucas State Office Building

Des Moines, IA 50319-0075

If you have any questions, please contact me at 515/242-6335.



1. Applicant Information (please print or type):

First Name ______Middle Initial______Last Name______

Social Security Number ______Date of Birth ______

Privacy Act Notice: Disclosure of your Social Security Number on this license application is required by 42 U.S.C. § 666(a)(13) and Iowa Code § 252J.8(1). The number will be used in connection with the collection of child support obligations
and as an internal means to accurately identify licensees, and may be shared with
taxing authorities as allowed by law including Iowa Code § 421.18.

Home Address ______

City ______State______Zip Code ______

Home Phone Number ______

Occupation ______

Firm: ______

Firm’s Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Firm Phone Number ______

E-mail address: ______

2. Contact Information:

Please send all correspondence to (circle one):

ð Home Address ð Firm Address

3. Out-of-State Firm certification: Enclose a copy of your firm’s certification with another certifying state or EPA.

4. Iowa Firm Certification:

All certified lead professionals are required to certify the firm for whom they work. Your professional certification cannot be processed unless you have submitted an application for firm certification or your firm is already certified by the state of Iowa.

5. Lead-safe Renovator Certificate:

Please attach a copy of the course certificate for the initial lead-safe renovator course and any refresher courses that you have taken. Either the course certificate or an attached letter from the training provider must show that you passed each course test with a score of at least 80 percent.

Lead-safe renovator training

Name of Training Provider ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Contact Person ______

Phone Number ______

Lead-safe renovator refresher training

Name of Training Provider ______

Address ______

City ______State ______Zip Code ______

Contact Person ______

Phone Number ______

6. Payment:

Please enclose a check for $60, payable to the Iowa Department of Public Health.

7. Required Certification Questions:

For each “Yes” answer to the following questions, you must provide a separate statement
giving full details, including dates, locations, actions, organizations, or parties involved
and specified reasons. At the discretion of the Bureau, more supporting information
may be requested.

Do you have a medical condition which in any way impairs or limits your ability to Yes No
provide lead professional services? “Medical condition” means any physiological,
mental, or psychological condition, impairment, or disorder, including drug addiction
and alcoholism.

If yes, provide a description of your condition and submit a letter from a physician
stating that your condition will not affect your ability to perform these functions.

Have you within the past 5 years engaged in the illegal or improper use of drugs or Yes No
other chemical substances?

If yes, provide a letter from your physician or treatment program that identifies
your current or past treatment status. The letter should also include a statement
that your condition will not affect your ability to perform lead professional services.

Have you ever been convicted of, found guilty of, or entered a plea of no contest to a Yes No
felony or misdemeanor crime? (other than minor traffic violations with fines under
$100.00). You must answer “yes” even if the matter was deferred or expunged from the record.

If yes, include the date, location, charge, court disposition and current status (i.e.

probation) for each charge. Include copies of the charging orders and court disposition records.

Has any state or other jurisdiction of the United States or any other nation ever Yes No
limited, restricted, warned, censured, placed on probation, suspended, revoked, or
otherwise disciplined a professional license or certification issued to you?

If yes, include date, location, reason, current status, etc.

Have you ever been sued in connection with your lead professional functions in Yes No
this or any other state?

If yes, include date, location, reason, current status etc.

8. Signature

I hereby certify that the information I have provided in this document, including any attachments, is true and correct. I understand that providing false or misleading information in or concerning my application may be cause for denial or revocation of certification and criminal prosecution. I agree to comply with the certification requirements, work practice standards, and all other provisions of Iowa Administrative Code 641—Chapter 70.

Applicant Signature ______Date______



1. Iowa issues certifications to individuals at a cost of $60 per year. In Iowa the discipline for renovations is called a Lead-Safe Renovator. Each year the certified individual must recertify by completing a brief renewal application and paying the certification fee. Reminders and renewal applications are sent out by the Bureau of Lead Poisoning Prevention at least a month prior to the expiration date.

2. Firms must also be certified. The yearly renewal process is the same as it is for individuals. However, there is no cost for firm certification.

3. All lead professionals certified in Iowa must complete a refresher course every 3 years. The Lead-Safe Renovator Refresher course is 4 hours in length.

4. Minor repair and maintenance activities that disturb less than 1.0 sq foot of painted surface are exempt from the work practice standards for renovations. However, window replacement is never exempt, and prohibited practices must not be used (IAC—641-70.6(11)a(6)).

5. In Iowa the post-renovation cleaning verification process requires that uncarpeted floors, window sills, counter tops, and window troughs be cleaned and tested.

6. Reports are required following renovations. All reports written by lead professionals, including lead-safe renovators, must contain specific language and must be issued to the property owner.

7. A certified Lead-Safe Renovator must be at the renovation site during the worksite preparation and during cleanup. At all other times a certified renovator must be available via telephone, pager, etc., and be able to be onsite within 2 hours.

8. There are 3 “inspector type” lead professional disciplines in Iowa; the 20-hour Sampling Technician, the 40-hour Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor, and the 48-hour EBL Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor.

9. Owner occupants are exempt from the certification requirements. However, volunteer labor is not exempt from certification – Iowa’s certification requirements for renovation are not dependent on compensation.

There are two copies of this page attached the application. Please tear one page off and keep it for reference. Please sign and return the other copy with the application.

I have read and understand the above information on the Iowa-specific rules for renovation. I understand that it is my responsibility to understand all of the Iowa rules pertaining to renovation and other lead-based paint activities in Iowa. These rules for all lead-based paint activities can be found in Iowa Administrative Code 641 – Chapter 70: http://www.legis.state.ia.us/aspx/ACODocs/DOCS/2-10-2010.641.70.pdf




1. Iowa issues certifications to individuals at a cost of $60 per year. In Iowa the discipline for renovations is called a Lead-Safe Renovator. Each year the certified individual must recertify by completing a brief renewal application and paying the certification fee. Reminders and renewal applications are sent out by the Bureau of Lead Poisoning Prevention at least a month prior to the expiration date.

2. Firms must also be certified. The yearly renewal process is the same as it is for individuals. However, there is no cost for firm certification.

3. All lead professionals certified in Iowa must complete a refresher course every 3 years. The Lead-Safe Renovator Refresher course is 4 hours in length.

4. Minor repair and maintenance activities that disturb less than 1.0 sq foot of painted surface are exempt from the work practice standards for renovations. However, window replacement is never exempt, and prohibited practices must not be used (IAC—641-70.6(11)a(6)).

5. In Iowa the post-renovation cleaning verification process requires that uncarpeted floors, window sills, counter tops, and window troughs be cleaned and tested.

6. Reports are required following renovations. All reports written by lead professionals, including lead-safe renovators, must contain specific language and must be issued to the property owner.

7. A certified Lead-Safe Renovator must be at the renovation site during the worksite preparation and during cleanup. At all other times a certified renovator must be available via telephone, pager, etc., and be able to be onsite within 2 hours.

8. There are 3 “inspector type” lead professional disciplines in Iowa; the 20-hour Sampling Technician, the 40-hour Lead Inspector /Risk Assessor, and the 48-hour EBL Lead Inspector/Risk Assessor.

9. Owner occupants are exempt from the certification requirements. However, volunteer labor is not exempt from certification – Iowa’s certification requirements for renovation are not dependent on compensation.

There are two copies of this page attached the application. Please tear one page off and keep it for reference. Please sign and return the other copy with the application.

I have read and understand the above information on the Iowa-specific rules for renovation. I understand that it is my responsibility to understand all of the Iowa rules pertaining to renovation and other lead-based paint activities in Iowa. These rules for all lead-based paint activities can be found in Iowa Administrative Code 641 – Chapter 70: http://www.legis.state.ia.us/aspx/ACODocs/DOCS/2-10-2010.641.70.pdf

Sign and Return This Copy: ______