The Knightswood Trust

The Trust is a Recognised Scottish Charity – No. SC027476


The trustees will consider applications from Scout Groups and other Scout Units for financial support for purposes that promote the social, physical, intellectual and spiritual development of young people aged from 10 – 17 years. We seek to fund good, practical programmes of activities that contribute to the personal development of young people. Applications should show clearly how the programme will achieve this.

Priority is always given to providing funding that benefits young people who are most in need of financial support. The trustees look for evidence of self-help and usually will not contribute more than is being contributed by the young person / people from their own efforts and enterprises.

Grants are usually in the range of £50 - £100 per young person.


All applications should be made in writing – no application form is available. The Trust does not accept applications submitted by email.

Any information provided to the trustees is always treated on a strictly confidential basis.

Applications should make clear:

1.  the name of the Scout Group or other Scout Unit on whose behalf the application is being submitted, including the relevant Scottish Charity number;

2.  the name, address and appointment held by the person submitting the application;

3.  the name(s) and date(s) of birth of the young person / people who would benefit from any financial support provided by the Trust and the justification for financial support from the Trust;

4.  the purpose(s) for which grant assistance is being sought (details of the programme); and

5.  the total cost per head of implementing the programme, and the amount(s) [if any] to be contributed by the group / unit, the young person who would benefit from any grant made by the Trust, and by any other source.

It should be noted that retrospective applications will not be considered nor will applications that seek general funding support.

The Trustees meet twice annually – usually in March / April and November. Therefore, applications should be submitted by

15th March – for funding for programmes to be implemented during the period from 1st May to 30th November; and

15th October – for funding for programmes to be implemented during the period from 1st December to 30th April.

All applications should be addressed to:

The Managing Trustee, The Knightswood Trust, c/o 4 Gartness Court, Drymen, GLASGOW, G63 0AX.