World History Lesson Plan

Title: Unification and Nationalism

Date: 3/19/2009

SOL/CTE Competencies (TLW):

Students will explore the critical attributes of the term Nationalism, using both Germany and Italy as two of the examples.

Students will identify the contributions of several important members of the Italian and German nationalist movements

Related SOLs: WH.8cdThe student will demonstrate knowledge of political and philosophical developments in Europe during the nineteenth century by

c) explaining events related to the unification of Italy and the role of Italian nationalists;

d) explaining events related to the unification of Germany and the role of Bismarck.

Essential Knowledge and Skills:

Essential Knowledge / Essential Skills
The way different nationalist movements have shaped the modern map
The major figures in the unification movements in Italy and Germany / Comparing and contrasting different situations to come to a conclusion

Materials needed:

Monroe Doctrine Writing Prompt

Nationalism Concept Formation Sheet

Italy and Germany Lecture, with PPT and notes


·  New:

·  Background:


___Self-assessment for students _x__Short written response

__x_Performance tasks ___Teacher observation

___Oral Reports ___Demonstration

___Essays ___Rubric

___Forced choice ___Other: ______

Lesson Overview:

·  Beginning: (Activate prior knowledge, provide background information, HOOK the students)

•  Journal Prompt: If you are fighting hard for a goal you feel very strongly about, are the limits to what you may do to accomplish that goal? How do you decide what those limits are?

After the Journal, students have approx. 20 minutes to work on completing the Monroe Doctrine Writing prompt

·  During: (Strategies/activities to support objectives, provide feedback)

Lecture on Italy

Students create a poster encouraging people to participate in the Red Shirts of Italy

Lecture on Germany

·  End: (reflect, evaluate)

Student self assessment used: Teacher assessment used:

Reminder to work on HW!!!

Check all that apply:


_x__Similarities/differences ___Internet ___Content

_x__Summarizing/note taking _x__Computer

___Reinforce effort/recognize ___Document Camera ___Process

___Homework/practice _x__Interwrite tablet

___Non-linguistic representations _x__Wireless keyboard ___Product

_x__Cooperative learning ___Other:______

___Setting objectives/providing feedback

___Generating/testing hypotheses Explain:

_x__Questions, cues, advanced organizers