A.O. / Semiology / Interictal EEG (maximum spike distribution) / IctalEEG (region of seizure onset) / MRI / Epilepsy type
1 / 23/F/10 / Visual aura in the L hemifield, dizziness, head deviation to the L and GTC / O2>O1 / T6-P10-O 2>T5-P9-O1 / Normal / OL E (R>L)
2 / 34/M/13 / Slow tonic deviation of the head towards the L and GTC / T6-O2 / T6-O2 / Normal / R TPO E
3 / 18/M/6 / 1) Brief episodes of “loss of vision”; 2) “Absences” with generalized jerks / T6-O2 with BDD / Diffuse / Normal / OL E (R>L)
4 / 30/M/10 / Eye/head deviation to the L, dystonic posture / F3-C3-P3 / F3-C3-P3 / Lhemimegalencephaly / L FL E (Hypom of Ito)
5 / 32/F/15 / Disorientation, staring, bi-manual automatisms / T5-P9-O1 / T5-P9-O1 with BDD / Normal / L TPOE
6 / 24/F/21 / Brief episodes with sensation of feeling sick, request of glass of water / T4 / T4-T6-F8-F10 / R T NH / R TL E
7 / 20/F/13 / Vision of stars followed by cartoons characters in the L visual field, then L eye deviation / T6-P10-O2 / T6-P10-O2 with BDD / Normal / R OL E
8 / 20/F/15 / Tonic contraction of the R arm, head devitaion on the right, dystonic posture / F7 / F7 with BDD / L F and P atrophy, white matter abn / L FL E (Parry-Romberg)
9 / 29/F/19 / Staring, "absence-like seizures" / T6-P10-O2 / Diffuse / R T hypothrophy / R TPO E
10 / 32/M/9 / L>R asymmetric trunk dystonic posture / Fp2-F4>Fp1-F3 / R hemispheric / R hemimegalencephaly / R FL E (Hypom of Ito)
11 / 38/M/5 / Complex and simple visual aura in L superior quadrant, sometimes GTC / O2 with BDD / Diffuse / R mesial O cyst / R OLE
12 / 48/F/3 / Chilling sensation on the R arm, then R shoulder stiffness amd tonic posture (R>L). Rare GTCS / T3 / L hemispheric / Surgical bed (L F FCD removal) / L FL E
13 / 40/F/1 / Epigastric aura, staring / F8-T4 / F8-F10-T4-T6 / R MTS / R TL E
14 / 23/M/5 / Myoclonic jerks L arm, sometimes GTCS / F4-C4 / F4-C4 / R perysilvian PMG / R FC E
15 / 26/F/8 / Hearing changes, not verbally responsive, oral automatism, sometimes eyes deviation to R. Few GTCS / F3 / F3-F7 / L F FCD / L FL E
16 / 23/F/14 / Déjà vu, staring, R hand automatisms, L hand dystonia, chewing / Zyg2-F8-T10 / F8-T4 / Blurring R T pole / R TL E
17 / 22/F/5 / Behavioral arrest, L hand automatisms, R hand dystonic posturing, swallowing / F3-F7 / T3-Zyg1-F9-T9 / L FT PMG / L FT E
18 / 39/F/16 / Epigastric aura, staring, oro-alimentary and bil manual automatisms / T4 / T4-Zyg2 / R MTS / R TL E
19 / 39/F/25 / Tingling in R limbs, inability to speak, staring / Independent F7and T5, P3 / NA / Surgical bed of anterior L temporal lobectomy / L TP E
20 / 50/M/1 / Staring / F8-T4 / NA / R MTS / R TL E
21 / 20/M/16 / Tickling sensation in fingers of R hand, extending gradually to R forearm, R arm stiffness and jerks and GTC / C3-P3-Cz / Diffuse / L F-P FCD / L CP E
22 / 24/F/12 / Upper body and head version to the L, L arm elevation, GTC / F8-T4 with BDD / Diffuse / R OF FCD / R FL E
23 / 46/F/1 / Olfactory aura, vocalizations, L hand automatisms / Independent F7-T3 and F8-T4 / Independent T3 and T4 / L MTS / L TL E
24 / 25/F/14 / Nocturnal; vocalizations, facial grimace and tonic posturing / Fp2-F8 / F10-T10, F8-T4 / R OF FCD / R FL E
25 / 19/M/14 / Epigastric aura, staring, L hand automatisms, R hand dystonia / F7 / Zyg1 / L MTS / L TL E
26 / 26/M/21 / Visual aura in the R hemifield / P3-O1 / P3-O1 / Cisterna magna / L OL E
27 / 19/F/17 / Nocturnal GTC seizures. Diurnal brief episodes of staring / T3 / T3 with BDD / Normal / L TL E
28 / 26/F/14 / L hand numbness, staring, L hand automatisms / T9 / T9 with BDD / L insula and PO NH / L TPO E
29 / 41/F/12 / Slow head drop and body dystonic posture / P9-O1>P10-O2 / T5-P3-P9 / L fusiform gyrus FCD / L TO E
30 / 33/M/6 / Sensory aura in R arm, then not tonic elevation of R arm / C3-P3 / N.A. / L centro parietal FCD / L PL E
Table S1: clinical data of the 30 patients
Abn: abnormalities. A.O.: age at onset. BDD: bilateral diffuse discharge. Bil: bilateral. C: central. FCD: focal cortical dysplasia. F: frontal. GTC: generalized tonic clonic.Hypom: Hypomelanosis.L: left. MTS: mesial temporal sclerosis. NA: not available. NH: nodular heterotopia. O: occipital. P: parietal. PMG: polymicrogyria. Pts: patients. R: right. T: temporal.