Course Overview

AP Statistics is the high school equivalent of a one semester, introductory college statistics course. In this course, students develop strategies for collecting, organizing, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from data. Students design, administer, and tabulate results from surveys and experiments. Probability and simulations aid students in constructing models for chance behavior. Sampling distributions provide the logical structure for confidence intervals and hypothesis tests.

Semester 1 / ·  Producing Data
·  Analyzing Univariate Data
·  Describing a Location in a Distribution
·  Analyzing Bivariate Data
·  More on Relationships between Two Variables
·  Probability
·  Random Variables
·  Binomial and Geometry Random Variables
Semester 2 / ·  Sampling Distributions
·  Estimating an Unknown Parameter
·  Testing a Claim
·  Significance Tests in Practice
·  Comparing Two Population Parameters
·  Inference about Distributions of Population Proportions
·  Inference about Linear Regression

Classroom Supplies

ü  Binder or Folder for Notes

ü  Paper

ü  Colored Pencils

ü  Highlighter, pens, pencils

ü  Tablet and Charger

Other Important Information:


Use of the TI-84 graphing calculator will be a large part of the curriculum. If a student does not have his/her own a graphing calculator, and does not wish to purchase one, a limited number of TI–84 calculators may be available to be issued. If a student is issued a TI–84 calculator, he/she will be responsible for the full replacement cost ($99) if the calculator is damaged, lost or stolen, just as with textbooks.

General Classroom Rules

All students are expected to be on time to class with a positive attitude and ready to learn. Disrespect towards myself, any classmates, or classroom property WILL NOT be tolerated under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. Students are expected to be prepared, on task, and courteous to the learning environment. It is the goal of the class as a whole to make a welcoming environment that allows for all students to be comfortable with discussions and the exchange of ideas.

1.  When you leave to get water or use the restroom you will need to take the hall pass and sign out. Please do not interrupt instruction if at all possible or leave during the first and last 15 minutes of class. If you are in the restroom for more than 10 minutes consecutively a parent/guardian will be contacted. ONLY ONE STUDENT CAN USE THE RESTROOM AT A TIME.

2.  You will not be allowed to leave the classroom until instructed by the teacher. DO NOT pack up or wait by the door for me to excuse you. You will be excused from class on time. Any students that pack up or wait by the door will be asked to stay after school to make up the time in which they were unproductive in class.

If you fail to abide by any rules of the classroom you will be warned verbally, if your behavior continues you will be asked to speak with me privately. If your behavior continues after in-class remediation is exhausted, your parents will be contacted and detention will be assigned. If your behavior furthers you will be directed to administration. All rules, policies, and procedures that are found in the OHS Student Handbook will be enforced in this classroom.

Cell Phones and Other Electronic Devices

Cell phones WILL NOT be tolerated in the classroom. If you choose to take your cell phone out to text you will receive a verbal warning. If this occurs again after the initial warning then the cell phone will be taken until the end of the class period. If your phone rings during the class period it will be automatically taken until the end of the period. There are to be NO ELECTRONIC devices in your lap or in your ears during lecture. Music will be allowed during independent work time ONLY. No student will have headphones on during class lecture, discussion, or other direct instructional periods. A student will first receive a warning and if this continues the electronic device will be taken for the remainder of the class period.


Miss Fulton will be available for tutoring every morning before school and every Tuesday and Thursday after school. If those times do not work for you, you need to make plans with Miss Fulton.

Investigative Procedure

There will be times where you will struggle and need help. Here are the steps which need to be taken before asking Miss Fulton for help.

ü  Brain: Exhaust your mental resources

ü  Notes/Classwork/Homework/Textbook/Classroom: Exhaust your material resources

ü  Peers: Exhaust your social resources

ü  Miss Fulton: Consult your teacher


Remind is an APP that is used to remind students of upcoming dates for projects, quizzes, tests, or other important information for the class. It is recommended each student sign up to receive this information in the form of a test. If a student does not have the capabilities to receive a test, an email address may be supplied to me. Parents/Guardians are also allowed to sign up to receive text reminders.

·  Number: 81010

·  Code: ohsapstat

Grading and Evaluation

All grades are based on a weighted percentage. Every type of category has been given a weight (percentage).

ü  Tests/Projects 45%

ü  Quizzes 25%

ü  Classwork 20%

ü  Homework 10%


There will be several tests throughout the course of this class. Each unit of study will have a corresponding test. All tests given are based on Virginia State Standards. Tests will be announced at least 1 block in advance and will be a total of 100 points. Students will be asked to turn off their cell phones and place them in their book bag. Book bags will be placed at the front of the room till ALL students have completed the test. If students do not have a book bag, they will be asked to hand their phone in to the teacher. Students caught with a cell phone during a test will receive a score of 0. If you need to make up the test you will do so during Eagle Block or after school. You will have one week from the day that you missed a test to schedule a make-up date or you will receive a zero on the test.

All late and missing projects will have a deduction of 10% for every class that they are late. For example, if a project is worth 200 points and the student turns it in 3 classes late the most they can receive for that project is 140 points. (10% of 200 = 20 points, multiplied by three classes the student would be losing 60 points due to the lateness of the project).


Quizzes are used to help keep students on track and to monitor progress during a unit of study. Students will be asked to turn off their cell phones and place them in their book bag. Book bags will be placed at the front of the room till ALL students have completed the quiz. If students do not have a book bag, they will be asked to hand their phone in to the teacher. Students caught with a cell phone during a quiz will receive a score of 0. It is the student’s responsibility to notify the teacher and choose a make-up-date for the quiz when they are absent. You will have one week from the day that you missed a quiz to schedule a make-up date or you will receive a zero on the quiz.


Students will be asked to complete classwork that is relevant to the day’s direct instruction. ALL classwork is graded.


Homework helps to re-enforce an idea brought up in class that day or to help the students make a transition from one idea to the next. Homework assignments are not meant to be lengthy or unnecessary, but to help the class transition to a new idea that will be discussed in class or to re-enforce ideas from class. Homework is 5 points and graded on accuracy every time. Homework will be accepted late with a deduction of 1 point for each class it is late. For example, if a homework assignment is turned in one day late the most a student could get is 4 out of 5 points. Homework turned in with no work shown will result in a 0. Also, copying work from the back of the book will result in a 0. In some cases homework will be to finish classwork.

Extra Credit

Each student will be provided 5 points of extra credit at the beginning of each quarter. Any day that a student chooses to exhibit non-academic behavior, he or she will lose 0.25 of their points. Non-academic behavior includes, but is not limited to:

·  Disrespect towards anyone or anything within the classroom

·  Non-academic conversations

·  Unexcused tardiness

·  The use of unapproved electronic device

Test/Quiz Corrections

Students will NOT be allowed to correct quizzes. Students may correct tests, but corrections have to be done in Miss Fulton’s room.

Parent/Student Portal

Grades will be updated daily. It is the students’ and parents’ responsibility to check grades regularly and contact me if there are any questions, comments, or concerns.

Plagiarism and Cheating

Plagiarism and cheating will not be tolerated. If a student is caught trying to pass off someone else’s ideas as their own (plagiarism) or giving/receiving answers for a test/quiz (cheating) they will receive a zero.

Turning in Assignments

All assignments are due at the start of the class unless otherwise stated. You will place assignments in the bin at the front of the room. Late work is to be also placed in the bin at the front of the room.


Students are expected to be on time and prepared for daily classroom activities. Being prepared for class means that students will come prepared with all necessary classwork, homework, projects, notebooks, tablets, chargers, and writing material(s) when they enter class each day. All students will enter the classroom prior to the start of class, sit in their assigned seats and begin to work on the Warm-Up for that day. MY CLASSROOM IS NOT TO HOLD YOUR BACKPACK WHILE YOU SOCIALIZE. The door will remain open until the start of class and will be shut and locked as soon as the class period begins.


Absences affect the student’s ability to complete work in a timely manner and to understand the important ideas of the class. If you were absent the previous day it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to get any missing notes as well as any missing assignments and papers. You will be allotted time equal to the number of days missed plus 1 to submit make-up work. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain absent work. A late penalty and/or a grade of zero will be given if an assignment is not made up within the time allotted. Assignments that were due on the day of your absence are due the day you return. If you have any questions about the absence policy or making up work please feel free to contact me.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by phone or e-mail. I am looking forward to a great year! Please visit Google Classroom for weekly updates, assignments, or additional information regarding the class.