Quicksilver Agility Club
Annual Board Minutes - Feb 16, 2010
Meeting called to order 6:09. Board members present: Cathie Rossman, Carrie Dempsey, Bev Mobley, Denise Terry, Andrea Minor, Jenny Haas, Cori Meyer and Chris Vaught
Treasurer’s Report: Checking account balance $3547.21. Savings Account Balance $505.85
The 2009 summary of income and expenses was read. We made a $2.30 cent profit at the Zink seminar. 2010 CPE dues not paid yet – Jenny to contact CPE as to where the renewal letter was sent. Cathie to maintain the membership roster.
Seminars Report: Trying to bring back Elisha Calhoun – too soon for a spring seminar on the heels of the January 2010 Chris Zink seminar – so dates to be determined.
2010 Board and General meeting dates planned. Board meetings will be May 10, Aug 9 and Nov 8 all at 6pm at the Round Table Pizza on Topsy Lane. General meetings – same location but at 7pm – May 10, Aug 9, Oct 11 and Nov 8.
Christmas party will move back to a Monday evening due to decreased participation when it was held on a Saturday. Date is Dec 13 at the Carson Nugget Casino.
Webmaster: Candy Johnson expressed interest in being the new webmaster. Jenny will show Candy how she does it and will buy a 500 GB Passport External Hard Drive this weekend at Costco to put the website on for portability.
Equipment: Carrie volunteered to make two new tire ring inserts for CPE and USDAA. Discussion on the new rubberized skins for contacts made by Darlene Woz. Chris Vaught to check prices and availability.
Stacy Dutra from Relay for Life requested to piggy back on our May event for a mini Bark for Life fundraising event (similar to a Relay for Life) at Fuji. We decided there is room near the gazebo and big tree for the mini relay. Jenny to contact her.
Donation Request: Jenny requested the club make a donation to the Canine Health Foundation for health issues/genetics research. They are highly rated by Charity Navigator. It was suggested we hold a Fundraising Raffle, separate from the workers raffle, at the May trial. Jenny contacted Karey Krauter to see if she could put an insert in the entry confirmation for competitors to bring a raffle donation. More discussion will be held at the general meeting.
Bonanza Kennel club reserved the park for Northern Nevada Dog Daze of Summer event on July 10. Quicksilver Annual Picnic (July 10) location to be determined.
Carrie trying to book Donna Damico as an apprentice CPE judge for the Aug trial. Donna will need a supervising judge – Carrie is working out scheduling conflicts.
Carrie suggested we run the chalk machine to designate the RV camping spots at Fuji for our trials.
2010 Committee’s were assigned with a board member sitting on each one.
Aug Trial: Chairperson, Carrie; Secretary, Cathie
Christmas Party: Jenny and Carrie; End of Year Awards: Cori; Danglers: Cathie
Communications: Jenny
Demo Team: President, Judy and Announcer, Bev
Elections: Cathie
Dog Daze July Event: Andrea
May Trial: Chairperson, Chris; Secretary, Karey K; Hospitality, Jenny; Workers lunch, Chris;
Chief Course Builder (1), Chris; Camping, Bev
October Demo: Denise
Sister Club Relations: Carrie
Summer Picnic: Portia
Website: Candy Johnson and Jenny Haas
Will need more club members to fill in open spots on the committee list.
Meeting adjourned 7:20 addendum…2011 trial dates chosen: May 21-22 and Aug 19-21