minutes of the executive meeting held on 17december 2014, 10.30am in meeting room 1 wilson a block, WALTON hall
Present: / Eric Bowers (Chair), Pauline Collins, Lesley Kane,Kate Servant, Jeni Aldridge,
Deb Shann UCU, Eric Wade, Gill Clough, Jonathan Hughes and Ben Monks UCU.
Remote participants / John James, Stephen Pattinson, Philip O’Sullivan, Judy Ekins, Peter Piper and
Bruce Heil.
Apologies: / David Knowles and Costas Athanasopoulos.
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minutes of the last meeting

Agreed as a true record.
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appointment of chair and vice chair

Eric agreed to continue as Chair and with Bruce as vice chair.
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The 19November Exec minutes are now on the branch website:
Fixed term contracts policy – Pauline has chased HR for their revised FTC policy and then we will meet with HR in January 2015. Union Side Pauline, Lesley, Lydia and Ben.
Academic Related Career paths and development – Pauline has talked to Nigel Holt about this and he will provide more information in January. Pauline will work with Kate on this.
OU Staff survey – Results will be out in January 2015. HR to encourage dissemination of unit level data. Pauline to discuss with HR any issues of concern identified.
Regional Campaign – John said that we need to be prepared for the Locations Analysis report and we need to learn from the closure of East Grinstead. John will ask the Regional Campaign team to create a protocol/procedure for dealing with any future regional centre closures, if there are to be any.
CICP issues – Jonathan asked what these issues are. Pauline reported that this was in relation to changes to working patterns of QPMs. Kate Servant and Roger Moore supported members at their 1-2-1 meetings. TOIL is also being discussed and management style issues have been raised with the union. Jonathan Hughes and Lesley McGrath (the other UCU rep in CICP) are going to start having monthly meetings as the unit is still divided between what was OUVS and CIC. Pauline, Kate and Jonathan will meet up to discuss key issues arising.
Extended sick pay – This remains an issue. Pauline reported that we’ve made some progress with one case and have challenged OU policy on this using recent Case law (NHS v Larner) to pursue the issue. Discussion on-going.

Assessment boycott – John said we need to do more work with the AL community should the boycott resume on 16th January. Eric asked for this to be added to the AL reps meeting agenda, 20 Jan 2014. Pauline reported that it is legal for the OU to dock pay. Lesley mentioned the hardship fund which the last Exec meeting agreed to look at.
HE Academy – Jonathan asked about this. There are 2 routes: open pad or the route for experienced staff. Associate Fellowship costs £100 and Fellowship costs £200 using the experience route, so some ALs may not be able to afford the more professionally useful status.
Jonathan reported that he thinks the Open Pad process is useful for professional development and some ALs might also find it useful. Lesley said that some ALs have preferred the experience route because it involves less work. Lesley reported that the OU are not going to make HE Academy membership compulsory for ALs.
AL Reps meetings – Milton Keynes is not a cheaper destination for most AL reps to get to, London is cheaper. Next AL reps meeting on 20 January is booked at R01. / pc, lk
pc, ks
pc, ks & jh
Lesley reported that we have 5 ordinary member vacancies and the Regional/national Ac-related staff officer. (We can have another 3 ordinary members on top of the standard 12 places.)
We had some Academic members who were motivated in to action over the Assessment boycott– these members were asked if they wanted to be co-opted but they declined.
Pauline reported that she had asked Caitlin Adams and she has agreed to be co-opted. This was agreed and Pauline stressed that we need to keep the Exec representative of all staff types – we currently have more AL members on the Exec than internal staff.
(Deb has added Caitlin to the Exec mailing list and sent an updated Exec list to HR.)
Pauline reported that we will form an Industrial Action committee in the new year.
Deb checked whether Liz White wants to be co-opted as Regional/national Ac-related staff officer. / pc, ds
Bruce gave an update on the document he circulated to the Exec and the first meeting about the new AL contract took place on 15 December. The top paragraph in italics is the OU’s vision for a new AL contract and we are a bit worried about the line “evolve over time.”
There will be a new AL role with new duties. The AL role description is taken from the one used for ALNG meetings and any additions to this role will have to be negotiated with UCU. The OU Faculties are on board in that the Faculty Deans are part of the Extended Leadership team. The OU’s long term goal is to have ALs who are all 0.4 FTE (full time equivalent) or more. In the short term there will be ALs on much smaller contracts.
We are working on a joint statement with the OU to go out in January 2015. We need a mandate from our AL members and will send them all a message this week.
Judy reported that it was a positive meeting on 15 Dec. Some ALs only want to teach one level 1 module. All our members will have to vote on the new contract to agree or reject it. The status of ALs should be “teaching and scholarship” as specified on the HERA Academic profiles.
The OU is hoping to have a new AL contract within 6 months.
Lesley reported that the OU statute doesn’t recognize ALs as being Academic, and that this has been used in the past for not treating ALs as academic staff under the National Framework Agreement. Lesley said it was now clear that this was a red herring, because the university’s constitution is a separate matter from the application of a national agreement with trade unions, and there were examples of this from Birkbeck and other institutions.
Lesley has concerns that something could go wrong with the negotiations and UCU end up getting the blame if we make it all sound too easy at the start. The AL workload management thread will be looked at by a sub-group. Lesley mentioned the Snowball article:

Lesley wants to amend the joint statement because taken in conjunction with the Snowball article it gives the impression that everything is in the bag when this is not the case.
Eric wants to see clear communications at each step of the new AL contract negotiations.
Bruce reported that there are rocks under the surface and we are aware that it’s not going to be an easy process. We will keep sight of the big picture and not get bogged down in detail.
John doesn’t want to see two tiers of ALs and we must be in control of communications to our members.
Bruce confirmed that there will only be one AL contract and not two versions of it.
Judy reported that one simple AL contract would be best. We do have specialists who would need a separate contract, eg the PGCE tutors. Bruce confirmed that we have asked for examples of other special contracts that the OU will need to have in place.
Bruce reported that we do now have a set of 3 ALNG meeting dates and the ALNG team will report back to the Exec after each meeting.
Lesley and Bruce will agree the email text to go to members.
Lesley asked for approval of point 6 of the document she circulated “Negotiations and Responsibilities” and this was agreed. The ALNG team will report back to each Exec and there should be no discussions on severance arrangements without the executive knowing about it.
(6) If any negotiating team, other than one explicitly set up to negotiate over a potential redundancy situation, finds itself discussing (even hypothetically) severance arrangements, early retirement, or dismissals to reduce the size of the workforce, this should be reported to the branch executive committee as soon as possible, by email if necessary, so that the branch executive can evaluate the situation.
Ben confirmed that we have a clear reporting mechanism and the ALNG team should update the Exec who should then inform members. / alng team
alng team
lk, bh
Pauline reported that part of the Exec away day will be to discuss effective working and communication. We’ve got a date from Lydia’s diary for the Away day: 17th February 2015. Pauline stressed that we need more Exec members to get involved – the focus for 2015 is how to “build our branch.”
Pauline proposed the following appointments.
JNC – Pauline Collins, Lesley Kane, Philip O’Sullivan (academic) and as both of our Vice Presidents are now ALs Pauline proposed a flexible 4th place. So if the JNC Agenda has lots of AL issues, Bruce would take the 4th place but if not then Kate Servant will attend instead. We can also have a 5th person as an observer.
Agreed JNC Team: Pauline Collins, Lesley Kane, Philip O’Sullivan and Bruce Heil or Kate Servant.
AL Negotiations (ALNG) – Lydia Richards, Bruce Heil, Judy Ekins, David Knowles and Pauline Collins as an observer.
AL Reference group – a new group to work alongside the ALNG team, so far Lesley Kane.
AL Working group (ALWG) – Bruce Heil, Judy Ekins, David Knowles and Lesley Kane with Pauline Collins as an observer (not yet agreed with OU Management.)
Bullying and Harassment – we are currently awaiting a draft with union amendments for further discussion.
Fixed term contract Policy review group – there is to be one more meetingto establish whether there is scope for a new negotiated policy on Fixed Term Contracts. Lydia and Ben to meet with Pauline and Lesley and OU management.
Equality Group to be formed – Pauline will speak to Costas.
ROCC to stay the same with Jeni Aldridge as chairperson: Jeni Aldrige, Bruce Heil, Caitlin Adams, Kate Servant, Graham Storey, Costas Athanasopoulos and Deb Shann.
Regional Campaign team to stay the same with Caitlin Adams as chairperson.
Alison Penn, Bruce Heil, Caitlin Adams, Chris Douce, Daniel Allington, Liz Bahs AL, Emily Skye AL, Frank Monaghan, Geoff Andrews, John James, Jason Toynbee, John Bennett, John Busvine, Jonathan Hughes, Kate Servant, Paula James, Paul-Francois Tremlett, Pauline Collins, Peter Redman, Steve Edwards, Wendy Maples, Lydia Richards UCU and Ed Bailey UCU. Plus the 12 regional/national centre reps.
Study Leave and Workload – Pauline and Jonathan Hughes to discuss.
AL Reps – self-nomination with election should there be more nominations than places. Co-option is an option when there are vacancies. The list of AL reps is on the branch website and includes 2 new AL members: Isabella Muzio and Antonio Palma.
AL Redundancy consultation – Lesley Kane and Judy Ekins to continue.
USS Dispute Industrial Action group – Pauline Collins, Eric Wade and Caitlin Adams.
Lesley referred to branch rules and to the paper on negotiations, and said it wasn’t always clear what counts as a negotiating team for the purposes of branch rules. Sometimes a matter is referred (for example) to one or two negotiators to look at outside a meeting, and come back to the next meeting. However, if negotiatinggroups (e.g. JNC or ALNG) are creating sub groups which will hold several meetings to negotiate on substantive issues then this should have Exec approval. She also asked if the AL negotiators have time to stay on top of ALWG work on as well as the new contract negotiations.
John asked if the AL reps committee should be able to comment on the composition of these groups.
Eric asked the Exec to agree the composition of these groups – agreed by all apart from John James. / exec
pc, lk
pc, ca
pc, jh
8 / Motions, delegates, observers and nominations for UCU’s casualised staff annual meeting on 13th february 2015
It was agreed that the motions that had been discussed by the AL reps committee could be sent to the Casualised Staff Annual meeting. Lesley to send the motions tothe meeting.
Lesley reported that we’ve had at least 3 members who would like to attend this meeting: Costas Athanasopoulos, Isabella Muzio, Vicki Taylor and Jean Rose. Isabella had suggested one of the motions for the meeting. We can send 2 delegates so they will be Lesley and Isabella, who have been involved in the issues addressed by our motions, and then Costas and Vicki and others can attend as observers. This was agreed by the Exec.
Costas and Lesley had both expressed an interest in standing for election to the UCU Anti-Casualisation Committee. Costas was not at the meeting, so it was not clear whether he wanted to pursue this. In his absence he could have sent an email to explain why he wants to stand.
The Exec agreed to endorse Lesley Kane to stand for election to the Anti-Casualisation Committee. Ben suggested that we have some Exec guidelines on nominations to national committees. / lk
9 / adoption of calendar for 2015 executive committee meetings
The Exec agreed the dates apart from the next meeting date will now be 4th February and not 22nd Jan.
Wed 4th Feb 2015 at 12noon
Thurs 12th March at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Thurs 30 April at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Tues 30 June at 12 noon
Wed 23 Sept at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Wed 18 Nov at 10.30 - AGM at 12.30
From the last meeting:
Total lapsed members = 86 / Sept-Nov 2014
ALs = 28 / 33%
internal staff = 58 / 67%
Pauline had nothing to add to her written report which included updates on the following:
East Grinstead Regional Centre – The East Grinstead Regional Centre closed its doors for the last time Dec. 5th. UCU will continue to fight the closure or our Regional Centres.
Locations Analysis – intranet link is The Regions/Nations Campaign Group continues to prepare for the outcome of the Locations Analysis. The union has expressed concern about the short timescale for the consultation which is due to take place Feb-April. One worrying development which was identified recently in the unconfirmed Estates paper to Council is the inclusion of the Dublin office. This has been challenged. All submissions to the Locations Analysis Project Team are on the intranet. Lobby of Senate to take place at 9.30am on Wednesday 28th January.
AL contract negotiations – The first pre-negotiations meeting took place on 15th Dec. A response to management’s feedback on the union’sdrivers and pre-negotiation requirements were submitted to management along with amendments to a proposed joint statement.
USS Institutions meeting 4th Dec 2014 - UCU presented the petition with over 16,000 signatures calling on the board of the USS pension scheme to agree a fair method of valuation to reflect the underlying strength of USS. UCU have also written to university heads saying that the union did not accept that the USS board had taken a sensible approach to the valuation, and that it felt USS have been "recklessly prudent".
Restructuring in IT - There is a re-shuffle affecting 3 teams – Learning Media, Content Collaboration and Learning Systems. Assurance has been given that there is a place for all with almost everyone doing what they currently do but possibly reporting to a different line manager. Discussions with staff have taken place and concerns of our members have been raised with HR.
Staff Working Overseas – The final draft of the policy document has now been received. Pauline and David Knowles to forward comments to Philip who is leading on this.
Academic and Research Staff Promotions Scheme - The Academic and Research Staff Promotion Criteria have been approved by Senate at its October meeting and guidance is currently being prepared for implementation in January.
Jonathan asked about the CICP comment in the Regional Campaign section and Pauline will re-word her report, she had taken the text from the last Campaign meeting minutes.
Facility time and our Time off agreement – Lesley wants to discuss these at the next Exec meeting. The agreement needs reviewing and we need more than 200 day’s facility time. She also explained that there is a distinction between union duties and union activities. It was agreed that Lesley, Pauline and Stephen discuss allocation of facility time prior to proposals for Executive approval.
PIPs, AL disciplinary and redundancy procedures – we need to get Regional Office advice and discuss at the next meeting.
Industrial action and OU ALs – Lesley said we needed a discussion with a UCU National officer about OU ALs and industrial action, as some of them are not covered to take industrial action at the OU.
AL group size pay and arbitration – Lesley will do a paper for this, but unless it is resolved before the JNC on 29th January she thinks we should push for the arbitration process to start while further discussions take place.
Philip asked about the Leave of absence (LOA) issue – ALs can’t now take LOA after the SV1 letter has been issued.
Judy reported that the LOA change has not been negotiated with UCU. / lk, pc & sp
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Hon treasurer’s report

Stephen has suggested we hold more online meetings to save money on expenses and at least one AL reps meeting per year should be held in the OU live room.
Gill reported that most of her European meetings are held online: we could use Skype, FlashMeeting or Adobe Connect (Adobe Connect is not free software.)

Judy reported that OU live works well for small numbers but some face to face meetings are still needed.
Eric suggested we have longer meetings in the future with a lunch break.
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al officer’s report

Judy sent her report on email. She wants a ballot of our AL members to get a mandate for the new AL contract negotiations. The Exec agreed. / je
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EQUALITY officer’s report

Costas had sent a report but was not at the meeting.
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No report.
14.5 / Regional/National Academic Staff Officer’s report
No report.
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DATE OF NEXT meetings

Wed 4th Feb 2015 at 12noon
Thurs 12th March at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Thurs 30 April at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Tues 30 June at 12 noon
Wed 23 Sept at 10.30 - branch meeting at 12.30
Wed 18 Nov at 10.30 - AGM at 12.30

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