《Treasury of Scripture Knowledge – Nahum》(R. A. Torrey )


The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge was, and still is, a Bible reference work first published around 1830, created by the London publisher Samuel Bagster (1772-1851). It is a set of cross-references. That is, it consists entirely of a book-length listing of cross-references, showing only the chapter and verse citations with no accompanying text. About the size of a complete Bible, the TSK is also organized like a Bible, beginning at Genesis and ending at Revelation. Each verse of the Bible is cross-referenced to several others to enable the reader to gain a true sense of each word and phrase as it is used in the Bible.

·  800,000 cross-references, listing verses that illustrate how words and phrases are used elsewhere in the Bible.

·  Helps the reader interpret Scripture with Scripture.

·  Brief chapter summaries.

·  Dates and other notes.

But the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge is usually described as being the work of R. A. Torrey. Most editions you can buy these days have Torrey's name on the cover, and sometimes in the title: R. A. Torrey's Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. According to commen knowledge, Torrey did not specifically try to claim authorship of the reference book, but he did become one of its chief promoters, and as his own fame rose, his endorsement of the book mattered to more and more people. Inevitably his name ended up on the cover. But if you read his introduction to the book, often printed inside, you see that he describes having first encountered it "some twenty years ago."

Originally printed in a 700+ page book and now enhanced with two-way cross-referencing, this entire reference is available to you on StudyLight.org.

00 Introduction

01 Chapter 1


1 / The majesty of God in goodness to his people, and severity against his enemies.

Verse 1
The burden of Nineveh. The book of the vision of Nahum the Elkoshite.


Isaiah 13:1; 14:28; 15:1; 21:1; 22:1; 23:1; Jeremiah 23:33-37; Zechariah 9:1


Genesis 10:11; Jonah 3:3,4; Zephaniah 2:13

Verse 2
God is jealous, and the LORD revengeth; the LORD revengeth, and is furious; the LORD will take vengeance on his adversaries, and he reserveth wrath for his enemies.

God is jealous, and the Lord revengeth

or, The Lord is a jealous God, and a revenger.

Exodus 20:5; 34:14; Deuteronomy 4:24; Joshua 24:19; Isaiah 42:13; Ezekiel 38:18; 39:25; Joel 2:18; Zechariah 1:14; 8:2


Deuteronomy 32:35,42; Psalms 94:1; Isaiah 59:17,18; Romans 12:19; 13:4; Hebrews 10:30

is furious

Heb. that hath fury.

Leviticus 26:28; Job 20:23; Isaiah 51:17,20; 59:18; 63:3-6; 66:15; Jeremiah 4:4; 25:15; 36:7; Lamentations 4:11; Ezekiel 5:13; 6:12; 8:18; 36:6; Micah 5:15; Zechariah 8:2


Deuteronomy 32:34,35,41-43; Jeremiah 3:5; Micah 7:18; Romans 2:5,6; 2 Peter 2:9

Verse 3
The LORD is slow to anger, and great in power, and will not at all acquit the wicked: the LORD hath his way in the whirlwind and in the storm, and the clouds are the dust of his feet.


Exodus 34:6,7; Nehemiah 9:17; Psalms 103:8; 145:8; Joel 2:13; Jonah 4:2; James 1:19


Job 9:4; Psalms 62:11; 66:3; 147:5; Ephesians 1:19,20

and will

Numbers 14:18; Job 10:14

his way

Exodus 19:16-18; Deuteronomy 5:22-24; 1 Kings 19:11-13; Job 38:1; Psalms 18:7-15; 50:3; Psalms 97:2-5; 104:3; Isaiah 19:1; 66:15; Daniel 7:13; Habakkuk 3:5-15; Zechariah 9:14; Matthew 26:64; Revelation 1:7

Verse 4
He rebuketh the sea, and maketh it dry, and drieth up all the rivers: Bashan languisheth, and Carmel, and the flower of Lebanon languisheth.


Job 38:11; Psalms 104:7; 106:9; 114:3,5; Isaiah 50:2,3; 51:10; Amos 5:8; Matthew 8:26

and drieth

Joshua 3:13-15; Psalms 74:15; Isaiah 19:5-10; 44:27; Ezekiel 30:12


Isaiah 33:9; Amos 1:2

Verse 5
The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein.


2 Samuel 22:8; Psalms 29:5,6; 68:8; 97:4,5; 114:4,6; Isaiah 2:12-14; Jeremiah 4:24; Habakkuk 3:10; Matthew 27:51; 28:2; Revelation 20:11

the hills

Judges 5:5; Psalms 46:6; 97:5; Isaiah 64:1,2; Micah 1:4

the earth

2 Peter 3:7-12

Verse 6
Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.

can stand

Psalms 2:12; 76:7; 90:11; Isaiah 27:4; Jeremiah 10:10; Malachi 3:2; Revelation 6:17


Heb. stand up. his fury.

2; Deuteronomy 32:22,23; Isaiah 10:16; Lamentations 2:4; 4:11; Ezekiel 30:16; Revelation 16:1,8

Verse 7
The LORD is good, a strong hold in the day of trouble; and he knoweth them that trust in him.


1 Chronicles 16:34; Ezra 3:11; Psalms 25:8; 100:5; 136:1-26; 145:6-10; Jeremiah 33:11; Lamentations 3:25; Romans 11:22; 1 John 4:8-10

strong hold

or, strength.

Psalms 18:1,2; 27:5; 62:6-8; 71:3; 84:11; 91:1,2; 144:1,2; Proverbs 18:10; Isaiah 25:4; 26:1-4; 32:2

in the

Psalms 20:1; 50:15; 59:16; 86:7; 91:15; Isaiah 37:3,4

and he

Psalms 1:6; Matthew 7:23; John 10:27; Galatians 4:9; 2 Timothy 2:19


1 Chronicles 5:20; 2 Chronicles 16:8,9; 32:8,11,21; Psalms 84:12; Jeremiah 17:7,8; Daniel 3:28; Daniel 6:23; Matthew 27:43

Verse 8
But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of the place thereof, and darkness shall pursue his enemies.


Isaiah 8:7,8; 28:17; Ezekiel 13:13; Daniel 9:26; 11:10,22,40; Amos 8:8; 9:5,6; Matthew 7:27; 2 Peter 3:6,7

the place

1; 2:8; Zephaniah 2:13


Job 30:15; Proverbs 4:19; Isaiah 8:22; Jeremiah 13:16; Matthew 8:12

Verse 9
What do ye imagine against the LORD? he will make an utter end: affliction shall not rise up the second time.


11; Psalms 2:1-4; 21:11; 33:10; Proverbs 21:30; Isaiah 8:9,10; Ezekiel 38:10,11; Acts 4:25-28; 2 Corinthians 10:5


1 Samuel 3:12; 26:8; 2 Samuel 20:10

Verse 10
For while they be folden together as thorns, and while they are drunken as drunkards, they shall be devoured as stubble fully dry.

while they be

2 Samuel 23:6,7; Micah 7:4; 1 Thessalonians 5:2,3


3:11; 1 Samuel 25:36; 2 Samuel 13:28; Jeremiah 51:39,57

they shall

Psalms 68:2; Isaiah 9:18; 10:17-19; 27:4; Malachi 4:1

Verse 11
There is one come out of thee, that imagineth evil against the LORD, a wicked counsellor.


9; 2 Kings 18:13,14,30; 19:22-25; 2 Chronicles 32:15-19; Isaiah 10:7-15

wicked counsellor

Heb. counsellor of Belial.

1 Samuel 2:12; 2 Samuel 20:1; 2 Chronicles 13:7

Verse 12
Thus saith the LORD; Though they be quiet, and likewise many, yet thus shall they be cut down, when he shall pass through. Though I have afflicted thee, I will afflict thee no more.

Through, etc

or, If they would have been at peace, so should they have been many, and so should they have been shorn, and he should have passed away. yet.

2 Kings 19:35,37; Isaiah 10:32-34; 14:24-27; 17:14; 30:28-33; 31:8; 37:36

cut down

Heb. shorn.

Isaiah 7:20


15; Exodus 12:12; Isaiah 8:8; Daniel 11:10

I will

Isaiah 30:19; 51:22; 60:18-20; Joel 2:19; Revelation 7:16

Verse 13
For now will I break his yoke from off thee, and will burst thy bonds in sunder.

will I

Isaiah 9:4; 10:27; 14:25; Jeremiah 2:20; Micah 5:5,6

will burst

Psalms 107:14; Jeremiah 5:5

Verse 14
And the LORD hath given a commandment concerning thee, that no more of thy name be sown: out of the house of thy gods will I cut off the graven image and the molten image: I will make thy grave; for thou art vile.


Psalms 71:3; Isaiah 33:13


Psalms 109:13; Proverbs 10:7; Isaiah 14:20-22


Exodus 12:12; Leviticus 26:30; Isaiah 19:1; 46:1,2; Jeremiah 50:2

I will make

3:4-6; 2 Kings 19:37; 2 Chronicles 32:21


1 Samuel 3:13; Daniel 11:21

Verse 15
Behold upon the mountains the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace! O Judah, keep thy solemn feasts, perform thy vows: for the wicked shall no more pass through thee; he is utterly cut off.


Isaiah 40:9,10; 52:7; Luke 2:10,14; Acts 10:36; Romans 10:15


Heb. feast. perform.

Psalms 107:8,15,21,22; 116:12-14,17,18

the wicked

Heb. Belial.



Isaiah 37:36-38


14; Isaiah 29:7,8

02 Chapter 2


1 / The fearful and victorious armies of God against Nineveh.

Verse 1
He that dasheth in pieces is come up before thy face: keep the munition, watch the way, make thy loins strong, fortify thy power mightily.

He that dasheth in pieces

or, The disperser, or, hammer.

Isaiah 14:6; Jeremiah 25:9; 50:23; 51:20-23


3:14,15; 2 Chronicles 25:8; Jeremiah 46:3-10; 51:11,12; Joel 3:9-11

Verse 2
For the LORD hath turned away the excellency of Jacob, as the excellency of Israel: for the emptiers have emptied them out, and marred their vine branches.


Isaiah 10:5-12; Jeremiah 25:29

excellency of Jacob as the excellency

or, the pride of Jacob as the pride.

Zephaniah 3:11


Genesis 49:22,23; Psalms 80:12,13; Jeremiah 49:9; Hosea 10:1

Verse 3
The shield of his mighty men is made red, the valiant men are in scarlet: the chariots shall be with flaming torches in the day of his preparation, and the fir trees shall be terribly shaken.


Isaiah 63:1-3; Zechariah 1:8; 6:2; Revelation 6:4; 12:3

in scarlet

or, dyed scarlet. flaming. or, fiery. the fir tree.

Isaiah 14:8; Zechariah 11:2

Verse 4
The chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall justle one against another in the broad ways: they shall seem like torches, they shall run like the lightnings.


3:2,3; Isaiah 37:24; 66:15; Jeremiah 4:13; Ezekiel 26:10; Daniel 11:40

they shall seem

Heb. their show.

Verse 5
He shall recount his worthies: they shall stumble in their walk; they shall make haste to the wall thereof, and the defence shall be prepared.


Isaiah 21:5; Jeremiah 50:29; 51:27,28


or, gallants. they shall stumble.

3:3; Isaiah 5:27; Jeremiah 46:12


or, covering, or, coverer.

Verse 6
The gates of the rivers shall be opened, and the palace shall be dissolved.


Isaiah 45:1,2


or, molten.

2 Peter 3:10,11

Verse 7
And Huzzab shall be led away captive, she shall be brought up, and her maids shall lead her as with the voice of doves, tabering upon their breasts.


or, that which was established; or, there was a stand made. led away captive. or, discovered. doves.

Isaiah 38:14; 59:11; Luke 23:27,48

Verse 8
But Nineveh is of old like a pool of water: yet they shall flee away. Stand, stand, shall they cry; but none shall look back.

of old

or, from the days that she hath been.

Genesis 10:11


Jeremiah 51:13; Revelation 17:1,15


3:17; Isaiah 13:14; 47:13; 48:20; Jeremiah 50:16; 51:30

look back

or, cause them to turn.

Verse 9
Take ye the spoil of silver, take the spoil of gold: for there is none end of the store and glory out of all the pleasant furniture.


Isaiah 33:1,4; Jeremiah 51:56

for there is none end of the store

or, and their infinite store, etc.


pleasant furniture

Heb. vessels of desire.

2 Chronicles 36:10; Jeremiah 25:34; Ezekiel 26:12; Daniel 11:8; *margins

Verse 10
She is empty, and void, and waste: and the heart melteth, and the knees smite together, and much pain is in all loins, and the faces of them all gather blackness.

She is

Nineveh was taken and utterly ruined by Assuerus, or Cyaxares, king of Media, and Nabuchodonosor, or Nabopolassar, king of Babylon, B.C. 606, or 612. Diodorus, who with others ascribes the taking of it to Arbaces the Mede and Belesis the Babylonian, says that he "dispersed the citizens in the villages, levelled the city with the ground, transferred the gold and silver, of which there were many talents, to Ecbatana the metropolis of the Medes, and this subverted the empire of the Assyrians."


3:7; Genesis 1:2; Isaiah 13:19-22; 14:23; 24:1; 34:10-15; Jeremiah 4:23-26; Jeremiah 51:62; Zephaniah 2:13-15; 3:6; Revelation 18:21-23

the heart

Joshua 2:11; Psalms 22:14; Isaiah 13:7,8

the knees

Daniel 5:6

and much

Isaiah 21:3; Jeremiah 30:6

and the faces

Joel 2:6

Verse 11
Where is the dwelling of the lions, and the feedingplace of the young lions, where the lion, even the old lion, walked, and the lion's whelp, and none made them afraid?

the dwelling

3:1; Job 4:10,11; Isaiah 5:29; Jeremiah 2:15; 4:7; 50:17,44; Ezekiel 19:2-8; Zephaniah 3:3


Genesis 49:9; Isaiah 31:4

Verse 12
The lion did tear in pieces enough for his whelps, and strangled for his lionesses, and filled his holes with prey, and his dens with ravin.

and filled

Psalms 17:12; Isaiah 10:6-14; Jeremiah 51:34

Verse 13
Behold, I am against thee, saith the LORD of hosts, and I will burn her chariots in the smoke, and the sword shall devour thy young lions: and I will cut off thy prey from the earth, and the voice of thy messengers shall no more be heard.

I am

3:5; Jeremiah 21:13; 50:31; 51:25; Ezekiel 5:8; 26:3; 28:22; 29:3,10; Ezekiel 35:3; 38:3; 39:1

I will burn

Joshua 11:9; 2 Kings 19:23; Psalms 46:9

and the sword

Isaiah 31:8,9; 37:36-38

I will cut

3:1,12; Isaiah 33:1-4; 49:24,25

the voice

2 Kings 18:17,19,27-35; 19:9,23; 2 Chronicles 32:9-16,19

03 Chapter 3


1 / The miserable ruin of Nineveh.

Verse 1
Woe to the bloody city! it is all full of lies and robbery; the prey departeth not;


Isaiah 24:9; Ezekiel 22:2,3; 24:6-9; Habakkuk 2:12; Zephaniah 3:1-3

bloody city

Heb. city of bloods. full.

2:12; Isaiah 17:14; 42:24; Hosea 4:2

Verse 2
The noise of a whip, and the noise of the rattling of the wheels, and of the pransing horses, and of the jumping chariots.


2:3,4; Judges 5:22; Job 39:22-25; Isaiah 9:5; Jeremiah 47:3

Verse 3
The horseman lifteth up both the bright sword and the glittering spear: and there is a multitude of slain, and a great number of carcases; and there is none end of their corpses; they stumble upon their corpses:

bright sword and the glittering spear

Heb. flame of the sword, and lightning of the spear.

2:4; Genesis 3:24; Habakkuk 3:11

and there

Isaiah 37:36; Ezekiel 31:3-13; 39:4