TheRhodes School
Science Fair InformationPacket
K– 2ndGrade 2015-2016
Dear TRS Parents andStudents,
Welcome to the 2015-2015 Science Fair! The purpose of the Fair is to cultivate curiosity andenthusiasm for science in all students (PreK4-7thgrade) by providing opportunity for them to question, explore, discover, and share newfound knowledge with others. Science Fair projects are produced at home, therefore parental assistance and support is essential to your child’s success. This packet is your guide to help your student prepare a project and exhibit for the school Science Fair inOctober.
This packetincludes:
- Schedule ofAssignments
- ProjectIdeas
- Definitions & Science FairIdeas
- Oral PresentationRules
- Assignmentforms
The first step is to help your child decide what science project he/she wants to do. Please review thispacket carefully with your child, then choose a project your child is interested in and that you deem appropriate for his/her grade and ability level. Need ideas or help? This packet lists several ideas and suggestions and you may contact your child’s Science teacher with questions or help with projectideas.
Once you choose your project, fill out the project plan form and turn it in to your teacher by the September 17th due date. Use the checklists at the back of the packet to pace yourself and help meet deadlines. Each deadline signifies that an assignment needs to be returned to teacher and will be taken fora grade.
Good luck & havefun!
Kenitra Bennett cience FairLead
I have reviewed the Rhodes School Science Fair information and all due dates with my child and understand that a final project MUST be submitted on October 26, 2015 (REQUIRED). I further acknowledge that my child understands his/her responsibility to complete much of the work for his/her project at home, according to the enclosed timeline. I also understand that a rubric will be used to evaluate my child’s completedproject.
Schedule ofAssignments
DueDate / AssignmentSeptember 10,2015 / *Science Fair packets go homewith students.
*Parents review with studentsand choose atopic.
September 17,2015 / Assignment #1 is due: Question & Hypothesis(science grade)
October 1,2015 / Assignment #2 is due: Materials & Procedures(science grade)
October 8,2015 / Assignment #3 isdue:Data,Results Conclusion(sciencemathgrade)
*by8:20am / Display Board due(science grade)
October 26-27,2015 / OralPresentation
**All Science Projects must be turned in by thisdate**
October 29,2015 / Science Fair
K-2ndScience ProjectIdeas
Howmuchsaltdoesittaketofloatan egg? / Whichmaterialsabsorbthemostwater?Whatkindofjuicecleanspenniesbest? / Dowheelsreducefriction?
Whatdishsoapmakesthemostbubbles? / Whatmaterialsdissolveinwater?
Dowatcheskeeptimethesame? / Whatisthesoilinmyschoolyardmadeof?
–dirtorcement? / Doplantsgrowbetterwithtapwateror distilledwater?
Whatbrandofraisincerealhasthemost raisins? / Whatcolorofbirdseeddobirdslikebest?
Howcanyoumeasurethestrengthofa magnet? / Whatholdstwoboards’togetherbetter- anailorascrew?
Doantslikecheeseorsugarbetter? / Willbananasbrownfasteronthecounteror in therefrigerator?
Canthedesignofapaperairplanemake itflyfarther? / Doestemperatureaffectthegrowthof plants?
Dorootsofaplantalwaysgrow downward? / Domintleavesrepelants?
Canyoutellwhatsomethingisjustby touchingit? / Doesaballrollfartherongrassordirt?
Whatkindofthingsdomagnetsattract? / Doallobjectsfalltothegroundatthe samespeed?
Whatfoodsdomealwormsprefer? / Doesanyoneinmyclasshavethesame fingerprints?
Howlongwillittakeadropoffooddye tocoloraglassofwater? / Whichtravelsfaster-asnailoraworm?
Whatisthebestairpressurefortiresonan A.T.V.,three-wheeler? / Whichpapertowelisthestrongest?
Canyoutellwheresoundcomesfrom when you areblindfolded? / Canplantsgrowfromleaves?
Canplantsgrowwithoutsoil? / Whichdissolvesbetterinwater-saltor bakingsoda?
Doeswarmwaterfreezefasterthancool water? / Canthingsbeidentifiedbyjusttheir smell?
Inmyclasswhoistaller-boysorgirls? / Withwhichtypeofbatterydotoysrun longest?
Dodifferenttypesofappleshavethe samenumberofseeds? / Whattypeoflinecarriessoundwaves best?
Dobiggerseedsproducebiggerplants? / Canthesun’senergybeusedtoclean water?
K-2ndScience ProjectIdeas
Whatpercentageofcornseedsina package willgerminate? / Doallcolorsfadeatthesamerate?Doesanearthwormreacttolightand darkness? / Whichbrandofdiaperholdthemost water?
Doesthehumantonguehavedefinite areasforcertaintastes? / Inmyclass,whohasthesmallesthands- boysorgirls?
Cansame-typeballoonswithstandthe sameamountofpressure? / Whichkindofcleanerremovesinkstains best?
Doestheviscosityofaliquidaffectits boilingpoint? / Doesaplantgrowbiggerifwateredby milkorwater?
Doessurroundingcoloraffectaninsect’s eatinghabits? / Howlongareyellowlightsatvarious intersections?
Dochildren’sheartratesincreaseasthey getolder? / Doesabaseballgofartherwhenhitbya wood or metalbat?
Canyouuseastrandofhumanhairto measure airmoisture? / Dolivingplantsgiveoffmoisture?
Whatmaterialsprovidethebest insulation? / Usingalever,canonestudentliftanother studentwhoisbigger?
Isusingtwoeyestojudgedistancemore accurate than using oneeye? / Whatgetswarmer-sandorsoap?
Dodifferentkindsofcaterpillarseat differentamountsoffood? / Whichkindofglueholdstwoboards togetherbetter?
Whatplantfoodscontainstarch? / Dopre-washproductsgetclothescleaner?
Whatkeepsthingscolder-plasticwrapor aluminumfoil? / Whatwaterproofingagentsworkbest?
Doesheartrateincreasewithincreasing soundvolume? / How does deodorant effectclothes?
Doboysorgirlshaveahigherresting heartrate? / Whichpaintprotectswoodthebest?
Doliquidscoolastheyevaporate? / Does one brand of shampoo get hair cleanerthananotherbrandofshampoo?
Whichwaydoesthewindblowmost frequently? / Does one brand of suntan lotion absorb watermorequicklythatanotherbrandof suntanlotion?
Doesthesizeofalightbulbaffectits energyuse? / Doplantsgrowbetterwithartificialor naturallight?
For how long a distance can speechbe transmittedthroughatube? / Whataretheeffectsofrootboundingon plantgrowth?
Whattypeofsoilfilterswaterbest? / Whatbaseballbathitsthefarthest-woodor aluminum?
Science FairIdeas
1.Cyber Fair: See sample fair projects, look through other student's examples, and see the steps involved in judging projects.
2.Experimental Science Projects: Outlines steps in preparing a project (complete with an ideas list), and suggests the best ways to prepare one at different grade levels.
3.Science Buddies: Use the topic selection wizard to help you figure out what science projects interest you most. Once you have a topic, get helpdoing research, setting up the experiments, and completing them.
4.Science Fair Central: Includes cool project ideas, a science fair handbook,reviewsofstudents'experiments,andmorefromDiscoveryChannel School.
5.Science Fair Project Resource Guide: Samples, ideas, magazines, resources,andmore.Includes alistofsitesthatexplaintheScientificMethod.
6.Scientific Method: Describes the five steps of the Scientific Method that are helpful when creating a science fair project. Includes examples of wording and sample projects to explain certain steps. Started/Investigation.html
7.Super Science Fair Projects: Guide to projects, topics, experiments, and tips for successfully completing a science project, including the six steps of the Scientific Method.
1.Scientific Method: a set of steps scientists follow to answer questions about theworld.
2.Hypothesis: what you think will happen based on what youknow.
3.Experiment: a test you plan to find the answer to aquestion
4.Data: information you collect in yourexperiment
5.Record: to put something in writing, pictures ormusic
2.Give the title of your project and itspurpose.
3.Briefly explain why you became interested in thisproject.
4.Explain your procedures, relate the number of trials, and show your results using tables, charts, orgraphs.
5.Explain your conclusions (what you’ve proven). Ifthere were any errors or problems, explain how this may have affected the experiment’soutcome.
6.Tell what you might do differently nexttime.
7.Explain how your project can helpothers.
**Suggestions** Smile and bepolite
Stand straight andstill
Keep eye contact with youraudience
Project your voice so that everyone can hear you Stand to the side of the displayboard
A.Doestheprojectshoworiginality in the selection of theproblemand the use ofequipment/materials? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A.Is there a clearlystatedproblem/ question? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
B.Is there a clearly statedhypothesis? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
C.Is there evidenceofamanipulatedand controlledvariable? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
D.Is the methodofdata
acquisition and analysisexplained? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A.Does the displayboardeffectivelyrelate execution of the projectfrom beginning toend? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
B.Is there an observation log orjournal? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
C.Is the conclusionreflectiveoftheinvestigation? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A.Is thevisualdisplaypresentingthe topic neat and free of obviouserrors in spelling, grammar,etc. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
B.Doesthevisualdisplaypresent the topic in an understandableand appropriate manner for the grade level of thestudent? / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
A.Title, problem/question,materialsused, procedure followed, data, and conclusion were presented in an appropriatemanner. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5B.Presentation displayed appropriatelevelof preparedness and was completedwithin
a 5 minute timeframe. / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Total score (120possible):
TheRhodes School
Science Fair FormsPacket
K-2ndGrade 2015-2016
These forms include checklists and assignment forms to be turned into Science teacher forgrade.
Science FairAssignments
due September 17,2015
Procedures (detailedsteps)
A.Liquids, food, accessible chemicals (including household products), gases, oropen flames may not be displayed. Wrappers may be used on displaysinstead.
B.Controlled or illegal substances, including drugs, alcohol, or tobacco may not be displayed.
C.Animalsandanimalparts(exception:hair,nailsandteeth)maynotbedisplayed. Pictures or student-made models may be usedinstead.
D.Micro-organisms, molds, or fungi cultures may not be displayed. Pictures may be usedinstead.
E.Knives or any other sharp objects should not be displayed. Use plastic items instead of glass ones whenpossible.
F.Liquids MAY NOT be used as part of a display. They may be simulated by using blue plastic wrap,etc.