For a Career Pathway Student: Ag/Hort Education
9th Grade
- Students must select Introduction to Agriculture and/or Introduction to Horticulture to complete an Agriculture Education Career Pathway.
10th, 11th, and 12th Grades
- Students will select an Agriculture Education Career Pathway. (See charts below for the recommended Career Pathway).
- At least 6 credits must be completed over your high school career to complete a career pathway.
- One credit of Supervised Agriculture Experience will be selected each year throughout grades 10-12.
- Each school year, students should select a minimum of two courses.
- In 12th grade, an Ag Internship is available for students who have participated in at least 3 years of Agriculture/Horticulture classes.
- For more information contact Mr. Campbell.
Agriculture Education Career Pathways
Animal and Plant Science Pathway
Grade / Pathway Courses / Other Electives9 / Introduction to Agriculture/Horticulture / Introduction to Horticulture
10 / Small Animal Science / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Power Equipment & Repair
11 / Large Animal Science
PA Environment & Ecology / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
Equine Science
Ag Construction
12 / Food Science/Plant & Soil Science
Equine Science/Landscape Design & Construction / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
Senior Ag Internship
Horticulture Pathway
Grade / Pathway Courses / Other Electives9 / Introduction to Agriculture/Horticulture / Introduction to Agriculture
10 / Greenhouse Production I / Supervised Agriculture Experience
11 / Floral Design I
Greenhouse Production II / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
12 / Landscape Design & Construction
Floral Design II
Plant and Soil Science / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
PA Environment & Ecology
Senior Ag Internship
Agriculture Mechanics Pathway
Grade / Pathway Courses / Other Electives9 / Introduction to Agriculture
10 / Power Equipment & Repair / Supervised Agriculture Experience
11 / Agriculture Construction / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
12 / Landscape Design & Construction / Supervised Agriculture Experience
Leadership & Career Development
Senior Ag Internship
Agriculture/Horticulture Education
Grade 9
Class / Length / Credit / PrerequisiteIntroduction to Agriculture/Horticulture / 1 year / 1 / None
Grade 10
Class / Length / Credit / PrerequisiteAgriculture/Horticulture Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / Completed or presently enrolled in Biology class
Introduction to Agriculture/Horticulture / 1 year / 1 / None
Floral Design & Merchandising / 1 year / 1 / None
Greenhouse Production / 1 year / 1 / None
Landscape Design and Construction
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Pennsylvania Environment and Ecology“15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Small Animal Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / None
Large Animal Science “15-16” / 1 year / 1 / None
Power Equipment & Repair
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / Intro to Ag recommended
Equine Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / Intro to Ag recommended
Plant & Soil Science“15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) / 1 year / 1 / Be enrolled in another Ag Class
Food Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Agriculture Construction“15-16” / 1 year / 1 / None
Agriculture/Horticulture Education
Grade 11
Class / Length / Credit / PrerequisiteAgriculture/Horticulture Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / Completed or presently enrolled in Biology class
Floral Design & Merchandising / 1 year / 1 / None
Greenhouse Production / 1 year / 1 / None
Landscape Design and Construction
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Pennsylvania Environment and Ecology “15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) / 1 year / 1 / Be enrolled in another Ag/Hort class
Small Animal Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / None
Large Animal Science “15-16” / 1 year / 1 / None
Power Equipment & Repair
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / Intro to Ag recommended
Agriculture Construction“15-16” / 1 year / 1 / Intro to Ag recommended
Equine Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / Intro to Ag recommended
Plant & Soil Science“15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Food Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Leadership & Career Development
With teacher approval / 1 year / 1 / Currently or previously enrolled in an Ag class
Grade 12
Class / Length / Credit / PrerequisiteAgriculture/Horticulture Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / None
Floral Design & Merchandising / 1 year / 1 / None
Greenhouse Production / 1 year / 1 / None
Landscape Design and Construction
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Pennsylvania Environment and Ecology “15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE) / 1 year / 1 / Be enrolled in another Ag/Hort class
Senior Agriculture Internship / 1 year / 1 / Completed 2 credits of ag
Small Animal Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / None
Large Animal Science “15-16” / 1 year / 1 / None
Power Equipment & Repair
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / 1 year / 1 / Intro to Ag recommended
Agriculture Construction“15-16” / 1 year / 1 / Intro to Ag recommended
Equine Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / Intro to Ag recommended
Plant & Soil Science“15-16” / ½ year / ½ / None
Food Science
(Not offered in 2015-2016) / ½ year / ½ / None
Leadership and Career Development / 1 year / 1 / Currently or previously enrolled in an Ag class.
Introduction to Agriculture/Horticulture
Full year
Credit 1 – 1 period
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
This course has been designed to provide students with a developing interest in agriculture with an overview of the agriculture industry. Students will study a wide range of topics in animal science, plant science, food science, mechanics, Ag resources, and landscape management and Horticulture. Within the animal science area, students will study principles of raising livestock and will be involved in raising specific livestock enterprises. Students will spend approximately 50% of their time in other laboratory activities. While studying plant science, students will learn to identify and produce commonly grown agricultural and horticulturecrops. Shop activities will allow students to learn basic carpentry, which includes the use of both hand and power tools. Students will also be introduced to sheet metal work, electric and gas welding. Other lab areas will include food science, where various food products will be produced, Ag science lab where students will have an opportunity to perform various soils, water, and other agricultural tests in the science lab. The students should have an interest and desire to work in a shop and laboratory situation.
Floral Design and Merchandising
Full year
Credit 1 - 1 period
CIP Code – 01.0601
This course is centered on a student operated plant and floral shop. Students will learn the basics of floral design, care and handling of cut flowers and foliage, the use of equipment, supplies and tools needed in the floral industry. This will covered interior and exterior designs along with arrangements for all occasions. Students will learn all aspects of a floral shop including window displays holiday arrangements, preparing, wrapping and delivering of products and using a Point of Sale Cash Register System. Students will also gain plant and flower identification knowledge. Students may elect to take this course for two years.
Greenhouse Production
Full year
Credit 1 - 1 period
CIP Code – 01.0601
This course involves the study of growing plants in the school greenhouses. Emphasis is placed upon the selection of exciting new plant varieties. Growing practices such as: nutrition, disease and insect control, light and temperature control, timing of the crops to coincide with holiday markets, and the analysis of cost of production is included in the greenhouse course. Students will also sell and display greenhouse plants in the garden shop. A basic understanding of growing media’s and greenhouse management is an important part of this area of instruction. Students gain practical experience in a student operated greenhouse and garden shop. Students may elect this course for two years.
Pennsylvania Environment and Ecology “15-16”
Half year
Credit .5 – 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
½ Science Credit
CIP Code – 01.0301
This course will center on the natural resources industries in Pennsylvania. The students will be given instruction in wildlife, aquatic animals, water quality, soil management, forest management, and current environmental issues. This course will be based around the objectives of the Pennsylvania Environthon. This course will count as a science credit elective.
Small Animal Science (Not offered in 2015-2016)
Full year
Credit 1 - 1 period
1 Science Credit
CIP Code – 01.0301
This course will be based on the production and handling of small animals. The students will be introduced to anatomy, handling, feeding, housing, breeds, uses, grooming and reproduction of small animals. Students will apply their knowledge from the classroom to a lab setting where they can get hands on experience with a variety of small animals. Areas of animals will include dogs, cats, hamsters, reptiles, amphibians, rabbits, mice, gerbils and birds.
Large Animal Science “15-16”
Full year
Credit 1 - 1 period
CIP Code – 01.0301
This course will emphasize the large animal production industry. Production of cattle, sheep, goats, and swine will be explored. Units of instruction will include feeding and nutrition, selection, housing, anatomy, marketing, and available careers. Many skills will be developed by using the animals in the Agriculture Department as hands on learning experience.
Ag / Hort Science (Not offered in 2015-2016)
Full year
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
This course is offered to students who wish to take a single period of agriculture course. The course will be geared to a scientific approach of agriculture. Students will learn the scientificprinciples and how they are applied to the agriculture industry. The student will spend time in the various labs performing hands on experiments. Students will complete a major research project. Areas of instruction will include animal genetics, environment and ecology issues, and biotechnology. Students should have and interest in developing and carrying on experiments in a laboratory situation. Students should enjoy science and laboratory experiments. This course is used to fulfill a science credit. This class will be taught on a two year rotation.
Agriculture Construction “15-16”
Full year
Credit 1 – 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
CIP Code - 01.0301
The goal of this course is to give the student a working knowledge of building construction, electrical wiring, basic plumbing, and masonry skills. The class will participate in the planning and building of a storage shed or other construction projects. This project will give students hands on experiences with identification and ordering of construction materials, safe and proper construction tool use, rafter and wall layout, exterior finish work, site preparation, surveying, and team work. Each student will explore varied agriculture career options in all units. Students can relate to their individual interest, aptitudes and skills.
Power Equipment and Repair (Not offered in 2015-2016)
Full year
Credit 1 – 1 period
Grades 10 and 11
CIP Code – 01.0301
Students will learn the principles of 2 and 4 cycle small gas engines. Students will disassemble and reassemble an engine restoring it to proper working order. Repair of lawn mowers, rototillers, and other pieces of equipment will be important elements of this course. Students will perform basic maintenance on agriculture tractors and equipment. Along with safe operation, students will learn how to properly operate Oxyacetylene torches, Plasma Cutters, Mig and stick welders, and other equipment used in the repair of agriculture equipment. Other elements of agriculture power equipment including electric motors and hydraulics will be included in this course.
Food Science (Not offered in 2015-2016)
½ Year
Credit ½ - 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
CIP Code – 01.0301
The course will explore Pennsylvania’s food industry and the topics of relating science to the production and processing of food. Students will complete hands on projects that will demonstrate the science behind food processing and preservation methods for home use.
Plant and Soil Science “15-16”
½ Year
Credit ½ - 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
This course will include the basics of soil science and crop production. Students will study soil formation, pH, fertilizers, soil conservation, and land use. Selection, processing, storageandmarketing of crops along with pest management and sustainable agriculture are included in this course.
Landscape Design and Construction (Not offered in 2015-2016)
½ Year
Credit ½ - 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
CIP Code – 01.0601
This course will deal with the design and installation of landscapes. Units of instruction will include computer aided landscape design, nursery plant identification and production, landscape tools, landscape maintenance, plant diseases and pests. Students will be able to create blueprints and 3-D digital designs of residential and community landscapes and construct a landscape. Students with an interest in designs and plants will do well in this high demand field.
Equine Science (Not offered in 2015-2016)
½ Year
Credit ½ - 1 period
Grades 10, 11, and 12
CIP Code – 01.0301
This course is a study of the principles and practices dealing with the Equine species. This class will include an introduction to the history of the horse, classifications of the different breeds, the anatomy and nutrition of the species, and the proper care and handling techniques. This will be a semester course.
Senior Agriculture Internship
Full year
Credit 1 – 1 period
Grade 12
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
This class can only be selected by students entering 12th grade who have participated in agriculture classes for three years. This program is designed for seniors to develop their skills in the workplace. The purpose of this course is to give students the opportunity to advance into an occupational area. Students must continuously work during the time for this class.
Ag/Hort Leadership and Career Development
Full year
Credit 1
Grades 11 & 12
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
This course will focus on group and individual leadership along with workforce skills. Students will exhibit these skills as they participate in teambuilding activities, parliamentary procedure, prepare a public speech, plan and organize FFA fundraisers and events. Students will also complete a career report including a job shadowing experience. Enrollment is recommended for all FFA officers and any other member interested in having a leadership role in FFA or a future career.
Supervised Agriculture Experience (SAE)
Full year
Credit 1
Grades 10-11-12
CIP Code – 01.0601 & 01.0301
Students will have the opportunity to receive one credit per year for work done outside of school in one of the six Pennsylvania approved record books. A minimum of 120 hours must be logged to meet the basic time requirements. Record books will be evaluated regularly. (This course may be elected each year.)