Word Stems—List Six Name:______
Stem / Meaning / Sample Words / origingerm / vital or related / germane, germ, germinate / Latin
greg / group / gregarious, segregate, congregate / Latin
mar / sea / marine, maritime, submarine / Latin
prim / first / prime, primary, primo, prima donna / Latin
pyro / fire / pyromania, pyrotechnic, pyrometer / Greek
clam / cry out / clamorous, exclamation, clamor / Latin
plu / more / plural, plus, pluralism / Latin
tang / touch / tangible, tangent, tangle / Latin
string / bind / stringent, astringent, string / Latin
liber / free / liberate, liberty, libertarian / Latin
junct / join / junction, adjunct, conjunction / Latin
clud / close / exclude, include, conclude, exclusive / Latin
se / apart / secede, secret, separate, segregate / Latin
trib / pay / tribute, contribution, retribution / Latin
dign / worthy / dignify, dignitary, indignation / Latin
luc / light / lucid, translucent, lucent, pellucid / Latin
rupt / break / erupt, corrupt, rupture / Latin
grat / pleasing / gratifying, gratitude, gratuitous / Latin
medi / middle / median, medium, mediocre / Latin
soph / wisdom / sophisticated, philosophy, pansophy / Greek
curr / run / current, incur, recurrent / Latin
tempor / time / temporal, temporarily / Latin
migr / wander / migrate, emigrant, immigrant / Latin
trans / across / transfer, transcend, translate / Latin
gamy / marriage / monogamy, polygamy, gamete / Greek
Stem assignment – List 6 – Refer to your contract for specifics
Night 1 – Dictionary
Night 2 – Flashcards/ABC Order/Creative Way/Another Activity
Night 3-Sentences - Read each sentence below. The underlined word in each sentence contains a stem from this week’s list. Using your knowledge of the stem’s meaning and context clues, guess what the underlined word means. Then, look the word up and write the dictionary’s definition along with the part of speech the word is used as in the sentence.
1. Do migratory species think about their distant destinations?
2. The candidate received a plurality but not a majority of votes.
3. The job has many tangible benefits, such as salary and a free car.
4. The translucent material allowed us to see the events on the other side.
5. It was a mediocre speech, neither excellent nor poor.
6. Did the Emancipation Proclamation liberate the slaves?
7. Don’t dignify his unworthy question with an answer.
Night 4 – Writing
Pick out at least 10 words using 10 different stems from List 6 that would be good words to use in a National Geographic magazine article about the cities, rivers, oceans, animals, and/or forests of the earth. Write an article you would like to submit to the magazine for publication. Be sure to underline/highlight/circle the ten words you use.
Night 8 – Analogies – Show evidence of thinking by circling all stems (new and old) and writing their meanings above them! Be sure to explain or give the type.
gregarious : solitude :: ______: ______emigrant : immigrant :: ______: ______
hermit : society exclusive : conclusive
sociable : society segregate : congregate
sociable : isolation exit : enter
separate : congregate incur : recur
Tests will be cumulative. Each test will have some or all of the stems from previous lists.