Response to consultation
School revenue funding arrangements from 2014-15
Period of consultation
Ends 12 noon Friday 27th September prior to the October meeting of the Devon Education Forum (DEF).
DEF will make recommendations to Cabinet (on detailed formula aspects) and will make decisions on de-delegation and centrally provided services.The changes will be implemented from the start of the next financial year in April 2014 unless any variation is agreed.
Please send your response to the following link:
School name and DfE number / Type of school (primary/ secondary) / No. on roll / Please indicate Academy or maintained school / Respondent’s name / Designation e.g. Head Teacher, GovernorSchools Block Consultation Questions
Local formula factors
Consultation Question 1
Do you agree that a Looked After Children factor should be introduced as a formula factor?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 2
Do you agree that Pupil Mobility is not used as a formula factor, but where a school experiences significant in-year growth linked to mobility an application can be made to the de-delegated contingency fund?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 3
Do you agree with the principles and methodologies described for funding Sparsity in small primary and secondary schools?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 4
Do you agree that a different lump sum for primary and secondary schools should be introduced?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 5
Do you agree that £60,000 and £145,000 respectively are appropriate levels of lump sum?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 6
Do you agree with the principle of setting a capping limit on baseline funding is a reasonable approach to ensure stability?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 7
Do you agree with the principles for allocating funding from the Growth Fund?
Yes NoNot sure
Consultation Question 8
Do you agree with the principles for allocating funding from the Falling Rolls Fund?
Yes NoNot sure
De-delegation and centrally provided services
Budget line / Retain in school budget – schools become fully responsible / De-delegate back to centre for economies of scale, pooled arrangements or shared risk / Not sure (if this box ticked a supporting comment would be helpful)Q 7.Contingency to support schools in financial difficulty/ exceptional events
Q 8.Behaviour support services
Q 9.Support to under-performing ethnic groups and bi-lingual learners
Q 10.Free school meals eligibility
Q11. Trade union representation and public duties
Q12.Licences and subscriptions
Retain in school budget – schools become fully responsible / Retain in school budget but interested in a “Mutual Fund” arrangement / De-delegate back to centre – maintained schools only
Q 13.Maternity
Centrally provided services
Budget line / Retain in school budget – schools become fully responsible / De-delegate back to centre for economies of scale, pooled arrangements or shared risk / Not sure (if this box ticked a supporting comment would be helpful)Q10a.Admissions
Q10b. Servicing of Schools Forum
Q10c. Phase Associations
Q10d. Capital Expenditure from Revenue
Q10e.Speechlink and Language Link
Q10f.Local Learning Community funding
Q10g.Broadband subsidy
Q10h.School based redundancy
If you have a comment that you would like to be considered as part of the Schools Forum decision on de-delegation and centrally provided services, please post it here.
Consultation Question 11.
Do you agree that the High Needs Block should include a Targeted Fund, and that funds are allocated on the principles described?
Yes NoNot sure