Syllabus - CSCI 1160-01
Spring, 2009
CLASS:CSCI 1160 –Multimedia Computation
INSTRUCTORS:Ms. Brenda Parker, KOM 357, 898-2389
OFFICE HOURS:Monday ,Wednesday and Friday: 9-11 a.m. Fri
TEXT:Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python – A Multimedia Approach by Mark Guzdial.
COURSE DESCRIPTION: An introduction to computer science concepts and computer softwaredevelopment using a multimedia approach to program development. Algorithms, programming, and documentation of media computation problems including modification, the editing and creation of picture and sound files. Introduction to computer science hardware and software terminology. Prerequisite: sufficient background in algebra.
D2L ( will be used to:
- allow students to see all recorded grades.
- allow students to see all lab and homework assignments
- allow students to use the class email account for communication
- allow students to view lecture topics and test reviews.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Students will be able to
- create and publish web pages
- read, understand, modify and assemble from pieces programs that achieve useful communication tasks:
- image manipulation
- sound synthesis and editing
- text (e.g., HTML) creation and manipulation
- digital video effects
- design, implement, test and debug small programs using standard control structures (e.g., looping constructs, if)
- learn what computer science is about (data representations, algorithms, and encodings)
- use the JES system to enter and execute Python programs
- Course textbook
- CD found in course textbook
- Flash drive
- 3-4 tests (100 points each) and short quizzes (10 points each)
- Homework/Classwork assignments (10 points each)
- Lab projects (10 points each for Closed Labs and 100 points each for Open Lab Assignments)
- Final grade will be determined as follows:
- 30% Labaverage (total points accumulated / total points possible)
- 10% Homework/Classwork (total points accumulated/total points possible)
- 60% Test average (total points for tests and quizzes / total points possible)
- Final Grade will be computed by: .30*lab average + .10*hw/cw average + .60* test average. For example, if you lab average is 78%, your hw/cw average is 90% and your test average is 81%, the final grade would be: .30*78 + .10*90 + .60*81=81 = B
90-100=A, 80-89=B, 70-79=C, etc
MAKE-UP TESTS: No make-up tests will be given unless special arrangements are made before the scheduled exam. If you miss a test, this test grade will be replaced with the grade received on the final exam. There will be no make-ups on the quizzes. The lowest quiz grade will be dropped. If you do not miss any of the 3-4 in-class exams, you may opt out of taking the final exam.
LAB ASSIGNMENTS: There will be closed lab assignments and open lab assignments.
- Closed lab assignments are performed in the lab (KOM 360) during class time and under teacher supervision.
- Open lab assignments will be assigned and should be finished outside of class time. Lab hours for the Computer Science lab are posted immediately outside the lab. You may also finish open labs on your home computers.
OPEN LAB ASSIGNMENTS: Open lab assignments will be assigned. Open lab assignments are given a due date and must be submitted to the appropriate DropBox on elearnon or before the date due.
- All open labs are subject to a 10% penalty for each class day late.
- Open labs will be not accepted after 3 days from the time they are due.
- Each lab is worth 100 points each.
- All open lab assignments must be done on an individual basis – COLLABORATION on open assignments is NOT PERMITTED. The penalty for unauthorized collaboration will range from a grade of zero for an individual assignment to a failing grade for the course.
CLOSED LAB ASSIGNMENTS: All closed lab assignments will be worth 10 points each and are dueon the date assigned.
- Closed lab assignments will be assigned at most once a week
- Sample projects include: e-mail, HTML, publishing web pages, learning Jython, manipulating images and digital files
- Closed labs will be submitted using the DropBox on elearn.
- Collaboration is OK and is encouraged for closed lab assignments.
- Paired programming concepts will be used for collaboration of all closed lab assignments.
HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK: Each homework assignment will be given a due date and time. NO LATE HOMEWORK/CLASSWORK assignments will be accepted. Lowest homework/classwork assignment will be dropped at the end of the semester. Each homework/classwork assignment will be worth 10 points.
ATTENDANCE: Attendance is required and absences do not excuse one from class responsibilities. Attendance will be noted at each class. Students are responsible for making up any material missed during an absence. Also, students are expected to be on time for class and remain in class until dismissal unless given special permission.
MESSAGE DEVICES: If you bring a mobile phone or pager to class or lab it must be either turned off or set to signal you silently. You may not use a mobile phone in class or lab, and may leave the room to use one only if there is an emergency situation.
- Be on time for class.
- Turn off cell phones and beepers.
- When your instructor is lecturing, you should not be working on the computer or talking to a neighbor.
- Your input is encouraged.
- If you don’t understand the topic of discussion, please ask.
- Appropriate times to leave the classroom are at the end of the class. If the class is a lab assignment, you can leave when you are finished with the lab assignment.
- BringtheComputing and Programming in Python book to class on the days that are scheduled to attend the lab.
- Be patient and don’t hesitate to ask questions if having difficulty with the assignment.
- Keep backups of your work.
- Check with D2L often to make sure that your grades have been properly recorded.Notify your instructor if you see a problem with the grading.
MATERIAL TO BE COVERED: Chapters 1-9 in text and assigned laboratory exercises.
DISABILITY ASSISTANCE: If you have a disability that may require assistance or accommodation, or you have questions related to any accommodations for testing, note takers, readers, etc., please speak with me as soon as possible. Students may also contact the Office of Disabled Students Services (898-2783) with questions about such services.
To retain Tennessee Education Lottery Scholarship eligibility, you must earn a cumulative TELS GPA of 2.75 after 24 and 48 attempted hours and a cumulative TELS GPA of 3.0 thereafter. You may qualify with a 2.75 cumulative GPA after 72 attempted hours (and subsequent semesters), if you are enrolled full-time and maintain a semester GPA of at least 3.0. A grade of C, D, F, or I in this class may negatively impact TELS eligibility. Dropping a class after 14 days may also impact eligibility. If you withdraw from this class and it results in an enrollment status of less than full time, you may lose eligibility for your lottery scholarship. Lottery recipients are eligible to receive the scholarship for a maximum of five years from the date of initial enrollment, or until a bachelor degree is earned. For additional lottery scholarship rules, please refer to your Lottery Statement of Understanding form, review lottery scholarship requirements on the web at or contact the MTSU financial aid office at 898-2830 or see
(Check course website for revisions.)
Test / DateTest 1 / February 9
Test 2 / March 2
Test 3 / March 30
Test 4 / April 24
Final Exam / Monday, May 4, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Date / ActivityJanuary 19 / Martin Luther King day, no classes
January 28 / Last date to drop without a grade
March 4 / Last day to drop a course and receive a "W"
March 9 -14 / Spring Break, no classes
April 29 / Last day of class
April 30 / Study Day