Eden Jr. Athletic Association
SOCCER Registration Form for 2017
Cost: $40/Child Max: $120/Family
A $40.00 late fee will be added after July15th
Sign up ends July 31st, no exceptions
Please fill out a separate note of consent for each child
Child’s Name: ______
Address: ______
Phone # to contact for practices: ______
Parent’s Names: ______cell#______
Email (print clearly): ______
School: ______
Gender: Male / Female Birth date: ______Age on Aug 1st: ______
# of Seasons Played: ______
List any special medical conditions that are of concern: ______
Shirt size: (circle one) Youth: S M L Adult: S M L XL XXL
In consideration of my child participating in an EJAA activity, I waive and release the EJAA, the Village of Eden, the Town of Eden, the members, coaches, and sponsors from responsibility for injuries which may occur during practicing, competing or traveling to and from activities. I also give my permission to administer medical aid in case of an emergency.
Signature of Parent or Guardian Date
I give permission for my child’s photo or image to be placed in a newspaper or on website.
Signature of parent or guardian Date
Working in the concession stand, or at ONE brat fry are only some places we need your help. Below is a list of other work, in which your help would be appreciated. If you can help, please put the name of the person that can help next to the item (s)he could help out with. Thank You!
Name Phone #
Referring (Min. Age: 11) ______certification level_____
Coach/Asst Coach; for the child on this form ______shirt size____
Team Sponsor: Contact Person: ______Phone #: ______Sponsor form can be found on the website
Facilities Maintenance and Preparation______
Soccer Committee ______
Mail to: EJAA, PO Box 322, Eden, WI 53019