State of Connecticut

Department of Environmental Protection

Bureau of Outdoor Recreation

State Parks and Public Outreach Division

Calendar of Events Data Entry Form for

Special Events at State Parks

Submit this form only for events open to the General Public

Please review the instructions before completing form. Please print or type unless otherwise noted.

1.Event Name:*
(105 characters max)
3.Start Date:* / //
4.End Date:* / //
6.Location:* / Location:
9.Sponsored by:
(phone & name
required/e-mail optional) / Name:*
13.Comments/Other Information:
(Details) / Comments:
Website with additional information:

* Required Information

Submit this completed form with your Special Use Application.

DEP-PARKS-APP-0041 of 1Rev. 05/25/10

Instructions for Completing Calendar of Events Data Entry Form

for Special Eventsat State Parks

DEP-PARKS-INST-0041 of 1Rev. 05/25/10

This form should be completed and submitted only for events that are open to the General Public

Event Name – Maximum of 105 characters – the Event Name does not need to be the official title of the event, but should identify the focus of the event. Examples: Wildlife Walk, Volleyball Tournament.

Description– Brief, but clear overview of the event. If the official title of the event was not listed under “Event Name”, it should be included in the “Description”.

Date –Two dates are needed – a start date, and an end date.

  • For a one-day event, the start and end date will be the same.
  • For an event that lasts more than one day, the start and end date will be different.

Time – Specify the hours event is open to public. Please indicate a.m. and/or p.m. - e.g. 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Location – There are three parts to this field as listed below. These will be combined to show the complete location when the data is viewed on the DEP website.

  • Location: Name of the facility where event is being held – e.g. Hammonasset Beach State Park
  • Location address: Street address including room (if applicable) – e.g. 1288 Boston Post Road, Meigs Point Nature Center
  • Location Town:Town/City where facility is located – e.g. Madison

Accessibility For events at state parks, you must provide information regarding the accessibility of that location/event. Type of information that should be included:

  • Handicapped parking availability
  • Wheelchair accessibility
  • Availability of American Sign Language (ASL)
  • For additional needs contact ______.

(other as appropriate)

Directions - DEP staff will add general directions to the State Park. If there are specific details that must be included, please specify.

Who is sponsoring event – Identify organization(s) sponsoring the event.

Fee – Any fee to attend event should be noted.

Registration Requirements – Note if registration is required. Include deadlines and other information as appropriate.

Contact – Provide name and phone number (e-mail address optional) for the public to contact if they have questions.

Comments/Other Info - As appropriate, provide further details on the event. If information is already available on the DEP or other Website, identify the website address for a direct link to that site.

DEP-PARKS-INST-0041 of 1Rev. 05/25/10