Instruction Sheet for Fall 18 Proposal Form

The attached proposal form will go through the following phases:

  1. You, the presenter, will fill out the proposal form and submit it directly to the OLLI curriculum committee chair of the region that is your first choice:

Beaufort: Kathleen Jordan,

Bluffton: Lois Kazenski,

Hilton Head: Lois McCue,

  1. The assigned committee will review your proposal and then communicate with you. If your class will be offered, the scheduler will schedule a date and time with you.
  1. The final form of your proposal will be emailed to you for your approval.

GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS: Do not respond on the Instruction Sheet which is for your information only. Do not highlight, bold, italicize, underline, or use any color other than black ink. Use Microsoft Word to submit the proposal, if possible. The document itself was created in Word and as a document will automatically expand as you type. When the answer is Y/N simply delete the Y/N and type either Yes or No.

REGION: There are three regions: Bluffton, Beaufort and Hilton Head. Put the regions where you are willing to teach in descending order. For example, under Region if you put: Hilton Head, Bluffton, we will assume your first choice is Hilton Head but that you are willing to teach in Bluffton. (Your preferences will be shared with all regions.) By omitting Beaufort in this example, you are indicating you are not willing to travel to that region.

INSTRUCTOR NAME: Note that your name should be ALL CAPS.

PHONES: Indicate both a land line and cell if you have both. By leaving one or the other blank we will assume you do not have that kind of phone. It is helpful for the office and committee to have several ways to reach you, especially if there is a last-minute notice. ** Phone numbers and addresses are for internal use only and will not be shared with any outside party.

ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTOR: Provide ALL the information that was provided for the first instructor, including a bio later in the form.

COURSE NAME: You MUST adhere to the 10-word limit. Use ALL CAPS.

CATEGORY: Here are the categories you can choose from: Art and Culture, Business and Finance, Community Issues, Computers and Technology, Ecology, Gardening, Government, History, Health and Medicine, Interest Groups, International Studies, Legal, Literature and Film, Lunch ‘n Learn, Music, Personal Growth and Development, Religion, Science, Social Science, Tour, Travel, Writing. Note: If you feel more than one category is appropriate, list them in descending order of preference, first choice first. Your first choice is what will appear in the printed catalog. If you list more than one, both your first choice and other choices will be listed in the on-line catalog.

NEW TO OLLI: IF you have never taught this class in any of the OLLI regions it is new. If it has been more than a full three years (six semesters) since you have taught the class for OLLI, it is considered new. If you have done significant revision and updating of information, including a new title, it is new.

SEMESTER THEME: This theme changes annually. You are not in any way required to adhere to the theme, but it will be noted in the catalog with a special icon if it does. The current theme, which applies to fall, 2017 and spring, 2018, is: Mother Natureand/or Spain

COURSE DESCRIPTION: You MUST adhere to the 120-word limit. To assist in your word count, highlight the description you have typed and Word will automatically tell you the word count on the bottom of the document.

INSTRUCTOR BIO: include bios for all presenters. You MUST adhere to the 40-word limit. Your name in ALL CAPs should begin the bio.

Special AV Needs: Beaufort, Bluffton and Hilton Head have the following: PC computer, projector and screen, PowerPoint, pointer, access to Internet, microphones (best to wear something with a pocket to hold the microphone battery case), overhead projector, and accepts DVD’s and thumb drives. Special needs might include how you will present material-like using a Mac, records, tapes, boom boxes, or your own computer. It is HIGHLY recommended you test ALL presentation materials prior to your presentation date. Even though we may have the items you need, there still can be compatibility issues. Contact staff regarding special needs prior to the class. Bluffton: 843-208-8247, Beaufort: 843-521-4113, Hilton Head: 843-208-8239.

Minimum and maximum participants: If you leave these blank it will be assumed you have no minimum or maximum preference

Class times, Day of the week, Dates: Give general recommendations. Your general request will be honored if possible but will not be final until you have spoken to the scheduler, who will call you. Possible times include 10:00 am, 1:00 pm, 3:00 pm and evenings. USCB Bluffton does not have the classroom on Tuesdays and Thursday. It only offers off-site classes on those days. It would also be helpful to know if you want 1 ½ or 2 hour sessionsor longer. Note: Time, day of the week and dates will be finalized by the scheduler. Schedulers have some flexibility to offer classes longer than 2 hours as well as schedule multiple sessions in the same week.

CLASS LOCATION: Write nothing if your class is in the classroom. If your class is off-site, give the complete address, which is very important for attendees using a GPS. Give detailed directions if possible. Include such information as the amount of walking and standing as well as the type of terrain. Also, give recommendations like “bring water bottles” or “binoculars”.

REGIONAL CLASS LOCATIONS, COURSE COORDINATOR, AND DATE SUBMITTED: These items will be completed internally by the curriculum committee and office.

OsherLifeLong Learning Institute @ USCB


Instructions: Please completely fill out this form. Text limits below apply.



Address, City, Zip

Home phone Cell Phone

E-Mail Address


Additional Contact Details:

In order of preference, what REGION are you willing to present this course?(Beaufort, Bluffton and/or HHI)?


What Category?

New to OLLI? Semester Theme?Tour?

Course Description (120 word MAX)

Instructor Bio(40 word MAX, Instructor Name in CAPS)

Special A/V Needs? Please be specific

Minimum number of participants?

Maximum number of participants?

Number of sessions:

Class Start Time Class End Time

Day of week Date

Class location

Course Coordinator

Date Submitted