Job Description and Person Specification (HR5) /
Job Description
School/Academic Unit: / Psychology
Post Title: / Senior Research Assistant/Research Fellow
Please enter Level under appropriate Career Pathway / ERE / TAE / MSA / CAO / R.Nurse / Clinical
ERE / Academic Posts / Non-Academic Posts
Academic (Mixed) / Research
only / Teaching
only / Enterprise / Education Development
Posts Responsible to (and Level): / Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke
Posts Responsible for (and Level):
Job Purpose:
To undertake research in accordance with the specified research project under the supervision of the award holder.
Key Accountabilities/Primary Responsibilities:
  • Collection and analysis of study data: including structural and functional MRIs and clinical and cognitive measures
  • Data coding, and MRI data preprocessing and analysis
  • Assist with the interpretation and writing up of results into scientific publications and to prepare presentations for internal and external scientific meetings and reports to funders.
  • Liaison with participants/families and organising scanning sessions
/ % Time
Internal & External Relationships: (nature & purpose of relationships)
  • Professor Edmund Sonuga-Barke – Overall line manager.
  • Dr Graeme Fairchild – Co-Investigator.
  • ERABIS administrator – to be appointed.
  • Dr Mitul Mehta – Co-Investigator at the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences – Institute of Psychiatry, London
  • ERABIS senior RF at the Centre for Neuroimaging Sciences – Institute of Psychiatry (to be appointed).

Special Requirements:
Willingness to travel between Southampton and London on a regular basis for data collection, and flexibility in terms of working hours as some testing sessions will occur in the evening or at weekends
Person Specification
Criteria / Essential / Desirable / How to be assessed
Qualifications, Knowledge and Experience:
PhD in Cognitive/Clinical Neuroscience or related area.
MSc in Cognitive/Clinical Neuroscience or related area
Expertise and training in general MRI data acquisition and analysis.
Specialist knowledge in either structural (VBM, cortical thickness, DTI) or functional MRI analysis to be used in the project.
Experience of conducting and scoring psychiatric assessments including clinical interviews.
Specialist knowledge of developmental psychopathology, the long term effects of maltreatment and/or young adult development.
Experience of using databases and standard statistical packages (eg SPSS)
Experience of working with vulnerable populations and on sensitive issues. / X
X / X
X / CV/interview
Planning and Organising:
To manage competing demands between different aspects of job effectively.
Ability to plan complex travel schedules / X
X / CV/interview
Problem Solving and Initiative:
Ability to take initiative when planning assessment visits.
Ability to take the lead in circumscribed areas of the organisation and day-to-day management of the ERABIS study / X
X / CV/interview
Management and Teamwork:
Ability to work with other ERA team members and especially the senior RF and the project administrator. / X / CV/interview
Communicating and Influencing:
Ability to give presentations and to prepare and submit academic papers. / X / CV/interview
Other Skills and Behaviours:
Helpful and supportive to participants and to other colleagues in the ERABIS study and DBBL.
Reliability and discretion / X
X / CV/interview
Special Requirements:


Job Hazard Analysis Form - Appendix to Job and Person Specification

Please tick one of the following statements:

This post is an office-based job with routine office hazards e.g. use of VDU (if ticked, no further information needs to be supplied)
This post has some hazards other than routine office e.g. more than use of VDU / X

Please tick all those that apply, and put N/A if not applicable

Environmental Exposures / O* / F / C
Outside work / X
Extremes of temperature (eg fridge/ furnace) / NA
Potential for exposure to body fluids ## / X
Noise (greater than 80 dba - 8 hrs twa) ## / NA
Exposure to hazardous substances (eg solvents, liquids, dust, fumes, biohazards). Specify …………………………………………………………. ## / NA
Frequent hand washing / X
Ionising radiation. / NA
Equipment/Tools/Machines used
Food Handling ## / NA
Driving university vehicles(e.g. car/van/LGV/PCV) ## / NA
Use of latex gloves (note: prohibited unless specific clinical necessity) ## / NA
Vibrating tools ( e.g. strimmers, hammer drill, lawnmowers) ## / NA
Physical Abilities
Load manual handling. / NA
Repetitive Crouching/Kneeling/Stooping / NA
Repetitive Pulling/Pushing / NA
Repetitive Lifting / NA
Standing for prolonged periods / NA
Repetitive Climbing i.e. steps, stools, ladders / NA
Fine motor grips (e.g. pipetting) / NA
Gross motor grips / NA
Repetitive reaching below shoulder height / NA
Repetitive reaching at shoulder height / NA
Repetitive reaching above shoulder height / NA
Psychosocial Issues
Face to face contact with public / X
Lone working / X
Shift work/night work/on call duties ## / X

O – Occasionally (up to 1/3 of time); F – Frequently (up to 2/3 of time); C – Constantly (more than 2/3 of time) ## denotes to HR the need for a full PEHQ to be sent to all applicants for this position.

FOR SCHOOL/SERVICE USE ONLY / ResourceLink Post Number
Which post does this job report to / JW03005042
Is this post a Line Manager? / Yes / No / x
If yes, which posts directly report into it? / ResourceLink Post Number
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