Mansfield University Psychology Department Portfolio Guide

The student portfolio is a record of each student’s academic goals, objectives, accomplishments, and future plans. Students initiate their portfolios in PSY 1151, First Year Seminar, (or in some cases, in Career Planning, PSY 3353) and complete the final portfolio in PSY 4490, Senior Seminar. The portfolio is designed to serve as a resource for students, advisors, professors, internship supervisors, prospective employers, and so forth. As a measure of our program’s effectiveness, a sample of the portfolios submitted is reviewed by the faculty at the completion of the Senior Seminar each semester. A well-done portfolio demonstrates a student’s skills, knowledge, and values across a variety of tasks and objectives. The portfolio contents are based on outcomes identified by a national task force on undergraduate learning goals and outcomes (Halonen et al, 2002) and the Mansfield Psychology Department faculty. Each content or competency area should contain the best sample or demonstration of a student’s ability in that area. The content areas for the portfolio are:

I. Foreword to the Portfolio (See guidelines)

II. Professional and CareerPlanning Materials(from PSY 1151, 3353, or 4490)

  1. Current professional résumé or CV
  2. A copy of your Mansfield University Academic Record (Preferably, a current Transcript)
  3. Your Career-RelatedStrategic plan, including:
  4. Values Scan
  5. Mission Statement
  6. Vision Statement
  7. Self-Assessments (Strengths, Areas for improvement, Opportunities and Challenges you face in the career-environment) and results of any formal assessments you’ve completed, e.g., results from the Strong Vocational Interest Inventory,FOCUS or Gallup Strengths Finder.
  8. Academic and Professional Goals: Near and long-term, including post-graduation.
  9. Strategic plans to meet those goals
  10. Career Research Exercise and Graduate SchoolResearch Exercise
  11. A sample Cover Letter appropriate for sending to a prospective employer, graduate program, or both.

III.Writing Abilities: A topic paper or library research paper that represents your best writing and conceptualizing skills. You may include more than one if papers represent different skills or abilities.*

IV. Critical Thinking Abilities: Assignments or projects that demonstrate problem-solving abilities, critical thinking, analysis, etc. Examples include designed treatment plans, experimental designs, ethics case analyses, and position papers.*

V. Research Skills: A copy of a survey you developed, research proposal, experimental write-up, research symposium paper or poster presentation, etc.*

*Papers may come from any course but each section must include at least one paper from a psychology course.

VI.Applied Experience: Internship experience (PSY 4495), Research Apprenticeship (PSY 4496), Independent Study (PSY 4497), Alternate Capstone Experience, or Honors project: Include the final written report from your research or experience.

VII. University/Community Service: A summary of your contributions to the university and larger community, including organizations, clubs, social service projects, committees, and the Psychology Department. Provide a fairly detailed summary in reverse chronological order, expanding on your résumé information.

VIII. Miscellaneous: Other important academic accomplishments such as creative writing samples, papers from other courses, artistic projects, etc.

IX. Awards & Honors: Certificates of recognition for exemplary performance (e.g., attendance, scholarship, extra-curricular activities, athletic or social contributions).

Portfolio Plan Worksheet

Use this as a worksheet to check off and list items you will include in your portfolio. Expand each section as needed to list the materials you intend to use in that section.

I. _____ Foreword to the Portfolio (See guidelines)

II. _____ Professional and CareerPlanning Materials

  1. _____ Current professional résumé or CV
  2. _____ Mansfield University Academic Record (Transcript)
  3. _____ Career-Related Strategic plan:
  4. _____ Values Scan
  5. _____ Mission Statement
  6. _____ Vision Statement
  7. _____ Self-Assessments
  8. _____ Academic and Professional Goals
  9. _____ Strategic plans to meet goals
  10. _____ Career Research Exercise and _____ Graduate SchoolResearch Exercise
  11. _____ Sample Cover Letter

III._____ Writing Abilities:[List the title of the paper(s), the completiondate(s) and the course(s) in which the paper was completed]:



IV._____ Critical Thinking Abilities:[List the title of the paper(s), the completiondate(s) and the course(s) in which the paper was completed]:



V._____ Research Skills:[List the title of the paper(s), the completiondate(s) and the course(s) in which the paper was completed]:



VI._____ Applied Experience:[Final papers from internship, independent study, or research apprenticeship]:



VII. _____ University/Community Service:[Summaries of contributions to organizations/service to university/ community/department, etc., in reverse chronological order]:



VIII. _____ Miscellaneous: [Other important academic accomplishments such as creative writing samples, papers from other courses, artistic projects, etc., in reverse chronological order]:



IX. _____ Awards & Honors: [Certificates of recognition for exemplary performance]:



Reference:Halonen, J. S. et al. (2002). Undergraduate Psychology Major Learning Goals and Outcomes. Report of the Task Force on Undergraduate Psychology Major Competencies. American Psychological Association Board of Educational Affairs. Retrieved December 11, 2002, from