Sub He
Application for Employment

Post applied for: Research and Evaluation Consultant


Last Name: / First Name:
Address: / Contact Numbers:
Email: / NI Number
Please confirm that you are legally eligible to live and work in the UK in accordance with the Asylum & Nationality Act of 2006 / YES / NO
Can you provide the supporting documentation? / YES / NO

Where did you see or hear about this opportunity (please tick all boxes that apply)?

☐ / National Press / Twitter / ☐ /
☐ / Local Press / Facebook / ☐ /
☐ / NDTi Website / LinkedIn / ☐ /
☐ / Other, please specify: : ______


From / To / Name of school / college / university / Examinations and qualifications

Membership of any professional body: (including level of membership and date obtained)

If you are offered a post with NDTI, you will be asked to provide evidence of your qualifications.


Please enclose a Supporting Lettertogether with your Application Form stating why you are applying for this post, summarising relevant skills, knowledge and personal attributes that you would bring to the role. This letter should be no longer than 2 sides of A4 paper.

Current or most recent employment:

Date Employed: / Current Salary:
Employer: / Reason for leaving:
Key responsibilities of post:
Please provide details of your main achievements in this post:

Previous employment – in date order (most recent first)

From / To / Title and Key Duties of Post / Employer’s name and location
Please provide details of your main achievements in this post:
From / To / Title and Key Duties of Post / Employer’s name and location
Please provide details of your main achievements in this post:
From / To / Title and Key Duties of Post / Employer’s name and location
Please provide details of your main achievements in this post:
Please provide an explanation for any gaps in your employment history:

Role specific competencies and behaviours

Q1. Summarise in no more than 300 words, a research or evaluation project you have been involved in delivering and your particular contribution to it.
Q2. Summarise in no more than 300 words an example of a research or evaluation project you have been involved in (which may or may not be the same as the one you refer to in your answer to Q1 above) which has had demonstrable impact, and how this impact was evidenced.
Q3. Please explain in 200 words why you think NDTi, and similar organisations who seek to achieve societal change that leads to better lives, need a research and evaluation team/resource?
Q3. Please provide an example of a time that you have shared research or evaluation findings to a relevant audience. Describe the media that you used and what you considered when preparing for this.


Please give details and addresses of two individuals, not related to you, who will provide employment references. One of these must be your present or, if you are not currently employed, your most recent employer. The other must be a referee who can express a professional opinion of your work.

Referees should be able to comment on your ability to perform the job you are applying for.Please note that referees will not be approached prior to interview.

Name: / Tel:
Position: / Email:
Name: / Tel:
Position: / Email:

NDTI is committed to Equal Opportunities. We welcome applications from all people with protected characteristics as defined by the Equality Act 2010. The selection process is designed to select, promote and treat people based on their merits and abilities within British Law.

If you have difficulty in completing this application form because of disability, the form can be completed by another person, but you must sign it. Please indicate if you require additional assistance at interview, due to disability.

Data Protection

As a Data Controller under the terms of the Data Protection Act (1998), NDTI requires your consent to process sensitive personal data about you. By signing and returning this application form you are giving your consent to the Company processing data about you.


I confirm that the information given in this application is correct and that proving false information could result in my application being rejected or, if I am employed by NDTi, my being subject to disciplinary proceedings which may include dismissal.

Signature: / Date

Please email your completed application, together with your support letter and equal opportunities monitoring form to:

The Recruitment Team
National Development Team for Inclusion
1st Floor
30-32 Westgate Buildings
Bath BA1 1EF

If you experience any difficulties in completing your application, or would prefer the information to be provided in a different format, please do not hesitate to call the Business Support Team on 01225 789135.

Document Author: Business Manager | Last amended. Oct 20171