MINUTES OF JUNE 13th, 2017
Tom Bachman, Vice President called the Meeting to order at 4:00 p.m.
Board Members Steve Hollstein, Ginny Durand, Patti McGonigle and Bill Stanley were present, along with Luvia Rodriguez, Executive Director. Board Member Ken Decroo was absent.
Ginny Durand made a Motion to approve the Minutes of May 9, 2017, and Bill Stanley seconded the Motion. The Minutes were approved by unanimous vote and without changes.
A brief discussion ensued on the Financial Statements. After a review and questions on several items, Patti McGonigle made a Motion to approve the May 2017 Financial Statements and Ginny Durand seconded the Motion. The Financial Statements for May 2017 were approved by unanimous vote.
The Agenda item entitled “Fundraising” was requested to be placed on the Agenda by the President Ken Decroo, and since President Decroo was absent the item was postponed to a date when President Decroo could be present.
Ms. Rodriguez informed the Board of several Policies that needed to be implemented and approved by the Board and they were:
· Policy to Monitor, which the gives the right to the Department of Behavioral Health, with proper disclosures to Hearts & Lives, to monitor fiscal reporting, compliance reporting, and clinical reporting;
· Encryption Policy, which would require Hearts & Lives to use email encryption for all communication with the Department of Behavioral Health;
· Inventory Implementation, which would require Hearts & Lives to maintain an inventory of all assets and adhere to the most cost-effective inventory measurements;
· Marijuana Policy, which would expressly prohibit the use and consumption of marijuana within a 400-foot radius of Hearts & Lives;
· Contract Amendments, which requires that Hearts & Lives be aware of contract amendments and aware of proper policy regarding appeal and reporting procedures.
Patti McGonigle made a Motion to approve the implementation of the above policies, and Ginny Durand seconded the Motion. The Motion was approved by unanimous vote.
The 2017-2018 Budget had been presented to the Board prior to the meeting. There were a few questions about several items, and Steve Hollstein made a Motion to approve the 2017-2018 Budget and Ginny Durand seconded the Motion.
The Motion was approved by unanimous vote.
Ms. Rodriguez reported on the following items:
Grants & Donations:
· The Annenberg Foundation approved a $45,000.00 Grant to Hearts & Lives,
Updates on H & L:
· Staff was preparing for the new Fiscal Year;
· A new Hearts & Lives brochure developed by Ms. Rodriguez was presented to the Board and the Board was impressed with the message and format of the new brochure;
· Hearts & Lives had been recognized by Kaiser Permanente for the work they are doing, and Ms. Rodriguez presented the Board with Certificates of Recognition and those Certificates were from Kaiser Permanente, Assemblyman of the 40th District Marc Steinorth, the San Bernardino Board of Supervisors, and State Senator of the 23rd District Mike Morrell,
· AT&T for Riverside and San Bernardino Counties had notified Hearts & Lives that Senator Mike Morrell had nominated Hearts & Lives for the AT&T “Investing in California Awards”, and Hearts & Lives was to be awarded $1,000.00 for improving the lives in their Community and the State for educational opportunities provided to people in need, and providing other essential Community Services,
· The Board was informed about ongoing interviews for new Staff for the 8 new positions, including a person in Big Bear to reach out to the Latino community;
· A status report on the new Outreach Office was provided.
Patti McGonigle requested that future Agendas include a section entitled “Board Member Comments”, and asked the Board if the date for the monthly meetings could be changed from the second Tuesday of the month, to the third Tuesday of the Month. There was an unanimous consensus that the meetings would be changed to the third Tuesday of the month, at the Presbyterian Church at 4:00 p.m.
In addition, Ms. McGonigle requested that for the next meeting on July 18th, 2017 a Closed Session be added to the Agenda to complete a Performance Evaluation of Ms. Rodriguez, and discuss the Executive Director’s salary.
The next Board Meeting was to be held on Tuesday, July 18th, 2017 and at this time Ginny Durand Moved to Adjourn the Meeting and Steve Hollstein seconded. The Meeting was adjourned at 4:58 p.m.
Minutes prepared by Patti McGonigle.