Gloucestershire Hospitals /
NHS Foundation Trust
Name of Ward / Department

Template for


This document can be edited as required.

Elements may be removed or added to reflect the needs of
individual staff groups
Staff name
Start date


Introduction to Staff

In order to ensure a consistent approach across specialities and departments this Departmental Induction Checklist has been designed to set the standard of induction required to introduce new members of staff to their department.

The Induction process consists of:-

Corporate Induction / Mandatory for all staff
Completion of the Local & Department Induction Workbook / Mandatory for all staff
Clinical Induction (Including Equipment Training) / Mandatory for all Clinical Staff
Introduction to the role of the HCA / HCA’S & MCA’s only
Mandatory Training / Mandatory for all staff
Bespoke Departmental Induction / For all areas
Conflict Resolution / For all Frontline Staff

The line manager/ supervisor or appointed mentor will provide support and guidance during this process. Departments are encouraged to add additional activities to this checklist to meet their specific requirements. The line manager / supervisor are also responsible for ensuring that the Local and Departmental Induction Workbook is completed and the declaration form is signed and returned as per the instructions.

This is a full index to the pages in this document. Each Subject Item has been hyperlinked so that you can move around this document easily when using a computer. You will also note an Index icon on the top left or top right of each page that will bring you back to this index.

SubjectPage No


InductionChecklist2 – 4


Declaration& Signature Form6

Induction Information

Details to be given to post holder regarding:-


Information / Comments


Name of Your Department

Name of Your Division

Name of Ward Manager

Name of Line Manager

Department / Site Security & routes of access

Familiarity with Fire Exits within work area / Department

Uniform / Dress Code & name badge

Trust Identification Badge

Car Park Permit / Bicycle arrangements

Normal hours of work / shifts / work & breaks information

Departmental Storage and Key holders

Locker arrangements

Email / PAS / P2P training etc

Job Description

Appraisal Information

Trade Unions / Professional Associations

Annual Leave Entitlement & booking Procedures

Sickness reporting, notification and certification


Induction Checklist

Starter Form / Starter Form
P45 / P46
Corporate Induction / Staff Members are booked on Corporate Induction Human Resources / Medical Staffing / Bank office within 4 weeks of start date
Corporate Induction is held at Sandford Education Centre, CGH and Redwood Education Centre, GRH – It is mandatory for all new permanent staff to attend.
Local & Departmental Induction Workbook / Completed declaration sheet must be signed and returned (within 4 weeks of attending Corporate Induction).
Clinical Induction (Including Equipment Training) / It is compulsory for all new Clinical Staff to attend Clinical Induction.
Manual Handling / All staff need to complete Manual Handling Theory by eLearning. Manual Handling Practical for is part of Clinical Induction for Clinical Staff
Introduction to the role of the HCA(For HCA’s & MCA’s) / All HCA’s & MCA’s need to be booked on to this programme.
Orientation to Department /
  • Introduction to immediate colleagues.

  • Structure of department

  • Local facilities (Kitchen, Toilets, locker etc).

Orientation to Wards / Clinical areas / Tour key areas and wards and meet key staff.
Orientation to Site to include: /
  • Restaurant

  • Shops

  • Cash point

  • Chapel

  • Car Parks

  • Please note that this does not replace or constitute a Manual Handling Update


Expectations and Limitations of Post / With line manager establish the scope of the role, referring to the Job Description for the post.
Employment Terms to be discussed /
  • Letter of Contract

  • Pay arrangements

  • Annual leave entitlement / time off in lieu

  • Pre-employment health screen and immunity status

  • Appointment with Occupational Health if Required  5165

  • On-call commitments

  • Sickness / Absence Reporting

  • Period of supervised practice.

Identify Training Needs / Establish areas where training is needed to develop to Staff member into new role
Emergency Call-out Procedures:-Competent in the use of the Bleep system and know how to call for assistance in the event of:- /
  • Fire

  • Assault/ Security incident

  • Cardiac Arrest

Risk Management / How to report an incident (complete an ACI Form / Telephone hotline  GRH 5757.
Location and familiarisation with completed Risk Assessments.
Trust Nursing Paperwork / Aware of documentation
Health Record Keeping Standards
MCA Training(If required)
Consent(If required)
Hand Hygiene


Medicines Management
(If required) / Identify commonly used medication and refer to local policies and procedures
How to complete a drug workbook.
How to complete a drug assessment.
How to complete order from Pharmacy:-
  • Regular Medications
  • TTO’s and Cds (if appropriate)

Nursing and Equipment Competencies required
(If required) / How to order equipment.
How to report broken equipment.
See Also Clinical Equipment Training Plan (on separate sheet)
Manual Handling Equipment
(If required) / How to send manual handling equipment to the laundry.
Patients Property
(If required) / How to secure patient’s property.
Communications /
  • Team briefings

  • Notice boards

  • Telephone and enquiries system

  • Trust Intranet

  • E-mail

  • Internal and external contacts.

  • Date and times of regular meetings.

(If required) / Is a mentor appropriate and has one been allocated?
Confidentiality /
  • Employee responsibilities

  • Verbal

  • Written

  • Computerised

  • Code of Confidentiality form signed



By the end of the first month you be able to locate a Trust Policy and have familiarised yourself with the following Trust Policies (list to be edited as required) :-
  • Mandatory Training

  • Infection Control

  • Risk Management

  • Health & Safety

  • Manual Handling

  • HR

  • Complaints

  • Fire

  • Trust Uniform Policy



And the following Ward / Department Policies, relevant to your role:-
(the list should be compiled with the manager)

Please remember to book a date with Line Manager / Mentor to

review progress, agree objectives and produce a development plan.


Induction Declaration

We hope that this Department Checklist and other elements of your Induction programme will prove to be helpful and informative.

When you have completed this Departmental Induction checklist please discuss with your line manager who will update your personal file.

We hope you enjoy working with us.

Signed New Staff Member
Print Name of Staff Member
Signed Line Manager / Mentor
Print Name of Line Manager
Date Induction Completed
Completion of this Bespoke Departmental Induction Checklist should be recorded on the Staff Members Personal File and be available for Audit on request.