The Northwest School
Guide to Upper School Athletics Participation 2015-2016
· Athletics Philosophy and Mission: We see athletics in the Upper School as a great opportunity for fun, growth, and developing relationships that will positively influence one’s life.
· Team Commitment: Athletics require substantial commitment and dedication. Varsity and Junior Varsity (JV) teams typically meet 4-6 days/week. Varsity teams have required contests and practices during quint and holiday breaks (except during Spring Break, when practices are held but with the recognition that some athletes will be on school/other trips). JV teams have required contests and practices during Fall Break in late October and Thanksgiving Break in November, but typically have optional practices during the December, February, and April holidays and breaks. Students – as well as their teachers, parents, and coaches – often find it overwhelming to try to balance other commitments (e.g., driver’s ed., SAT prep, theater, piano lessons) with athletic participation. Please consult with us in the athletics department before the season to ascertain whether the sport you wish to play could work with other commitments.
· Participation: Our goal is to offer team participation to as many students as possible, within facility and budget constraints. If more students turn out than we can accommodate, we will alert you to the process for tryouts and criteria for team selection.
· Playing Time: At the varsity level, team success is considered paramount so playing time in contests is not guaranteed. Below varsity, broad participation and skill development share priority with team success, and every team member in good standing will participate in each contest.
· Sportsmanship – Players and Spectators: With the goal of athletics being a positive experience for all, we expect our players and spectators to extend appreciation and respect to opponents, officials, coaches, teammates, and spectators. (Also see Parent Code of Conduct below).
· Winning and Losing: Some opponents are less skilled, others are very strong; either way, we will focus on our effort and attitude, and not let a final score define us.
Athletic Forms (must be turned into the Athletics Office before participation)
· Physical (medical authorization): Physical examinations are valid for 24 months.
· NWS Upper School Athletics Waiver: A new form is needed each school year.
· Concussion Information Sheet: A new form is needed each school year.
· Sudden Cardiac Arrest form: A new form is needed each school year.
2015-2016 Season-specific Information
Fall (Cross Country, Boys Ultimate, Girls Soccer, Girls Volleyball, and Fall Fit Club).
· The fall season begins August 24th. Late paperwork or late turn-out may limit participation.
· Fit Club: Workouts begin after school starts in September.
· Athletes will have league and/or playoff contests during Fall Break, Oct. 26-28 (and, for seniors planning college visits, Oct. 29/30 as well).
· Late turn-out: Starting the season late hampers team development. Accommodation for late-comers is not guaranteed and will depend on team and individual circumstances.
Winter (Basketball and Winter Fit Club)
· Fit Club: Workouts begin at the beginning of Quint II.
· Basketball season begins November 16th. Late paperwork or late turn-out may limit participation.
· Basketball practices will take place during Thanksgiving Break (particularly important due to the 10 Practice Rule…see below!)
· Varsity teams will hold practices and participate in games or a tournament during the Holiday Break in December.
· Varsity players will have tournament games during Winter Break in February if they advance in the District Tournament.
Spring (Boys Soccer, Girls Ultimate, Track & Field, and Fit Club)
· Spring season begins February 29th for Boys Soccer, Girls Ultimate, and Track & Field. Late paperwork or late turn-out may limit participation.
· Fit Club: Workouts begin at the beginning of Quint IV.
· There will be time off as well as some practices and possibly games/meets during Spring Break. Coaches will have more specific schedule information early in the spring season.
For everyone to feel informed and prepared, a good deal of communication must take place among coaches, players, and parents.
Communication from the Coach to Athletes and Parents
· Coach’s philosophy and expectations for athletes
· Practice and game schedules
· Team selection process
· Coach’s contact information
Communication from Athletes and Parents to Coaches
· Schedule conflicts (notification as far in advance as possible)
· Timely notification of illness or injury
· Players (not parents) should address questions about playing time, etc. directly with the coach
· Parents, please respect playing time and strategy as the domain of the coach, but feel free to address coaches about your child’s behavior/treatment, how s/he might improve, etc.
If Concerns Arise…
· Contact the coach to arrange a time to meet (do not attempt to discuss issues with a coach before or after a practice or contest as there are too many distractions at those times).
· If further resolution is needed, contact the Athletic Director.
Parent/Spectator Code of Conduct
1. Encourage and support of every athlete. Appreciate good play, hard work, and enthusiasm from both sides.
2. Do not pester or critique officials, coaches, or opposing team players or supporters.
3. After contests, have a positive attitude and show appreciation for everyone’s efforts.
10 Practices
Per Washington Interscholastic Activities Association (WIAA) rules, students must participate in 10 practices before they may participate in a contest. If a player misses more than three consecutive practices before they get to 10, the number of days missed is subtracted from the number of practices previously accumulated. This is an important factor in preseason practice attendance, particularly in late August/Labor Day and over the Thanksgiving Break.
Participation Fee
There is a $95 participation fee for each sport. The business office will send an invoice when team rosters are set; please do not send a check to the athletics office.
Academics and Athletics
We expect students to give their all to their academic responsibilities in the same way we count on all-out effort and attitude in athletics. Students will need to plan ahead to maintain commitments (and get adequate sleep!) during heavy work-load times. For teams which have early dismissal from school for contests, students must communicate with teachers as soon as they know their schedule and be responsible for all work missed.
Transfer and International Students
· 10th-12th grade transfer students and international students may need to complete extra eligibility WIAA forms before they may participate and may be eligible during their first year at NWS at the JV level only. To see if this applies to you check in with the athletic department.
· Athletes who need home-stays in August before the dormitory opens or during school breaks when team sports are still in session are encouraged to contact the Athletic Director for assistance.
Student Driving Policy
NWS buses transport students to/from most contests, but students may drive themselves to practices (and, given communication with their coach, to contests). Students may not drive with other students from school to practices/contests unless written parental authorization has been submitted to the athletics office indicating the driver, rider, and date(s) in question. Students may ride home from practices/contests with other students/parents without written authorization.
Want to Play a Sport Not Offered at Northwest?
Can do! You can participate in other sport at your public reference school. Arrangements are made through the Registrar, Upper School Director, and teachers to coordinate logistics and receive school credit for these activities. Participation in community programs such as crew or rugby can also earn school credit.
Drugs, Alcohol, and Smoking
Violation of the school’s drug, alcohol, or smoking policies compromises commitment to team and individual success, so the following measures apply to athletes (in addition to the guidelines in the NWS Student-Parent Handbook):
· For the 1st violation, the coach and appropriate administrators will meet with the student and determine appropriate action, unless under the jurisdiction of the WIAA’s legend drug rule (a legend drug is any drug that requires a prescription), in which case the student will be ineligible for competition for the rest of the season.
· A 2nd violation will remove a student from a team, at least temporarily. The student may be allowed to petition the coach and team for reinstatement. The student will be unable to play in at least one contest.
· A 3rd violation will be interpreted as completion of the process of withdrawal from the team for the remainder of the season. The student must petition the school for participation in another sport during the school year.
May your athletic participation this year at Northwest be rewarding! Please contact the athletics office if you have questions or for more information.
Britt Atack, Athletic Director
(206) 816-6046