Annual Performance Appraisal

Line Managers Name:
Job Description
Is the Job Description accurate? Yes No
If no, please review the job description and send an amended copy to the Pay & Rewards Specialist within HR for evaluation
Does this job require a DBS Check? Yes No
If yes, is the DBS up to date? Yes No
If you require any information on DBS then please contact HR Direct
Health Surveillance
Is health surveillance required? Yes No
If yes, is this up to date? Yes No
Does the risk assessment for the work indicate exposure to hazards at a level that may cause: hearing damage, respiratory system damage, hand arm vibration syndrome, skin sensitisation? Yes No
If you require further information on this area please contact the Corporate Health and Safety team
Welsh Language Standards
Do you wish to receive any documents that outline your training needs or requirements in Welsh? Yes No
Do you wish to have a copy of this completed appraisal in Welsh? Yes No
If yes for either question it is the responsibility of the manager to have the documentation available in Welsh and/or have it translated


Discuss and record current performance against employee’s objectives. Ratings must be awarded based on the guidelines provided.

If an individual’s objective or job has changed during the year, a score should be awarded to reflect the performance up to the point of the change.

The revised objective/s should be documented for the reminder of the year within the review document using realistic targets.

(Personal / Team / Service)
Start Date:
End Date:
Objective Rating:
Objective Progress:
(Personal / Team / Service)
Start Date:
End Date:
Objective Rating:
Objective Progress:
(Personal / Team / Service)
Start Date:
End Date:
Objective Rating:
Objective Progress:
(Personal / Team / Service)
Start Date:
End Date:
Objective Rating:
Objective Progress:
(Personal / Team / Service)
Start Date:
End Date:
Objective Rating:
Objective Progress:


There are 4 Core Competencies which apply to ALL employees and a fifth which applies only to Supervisors / Team Leaders/Specialists and Managers:

  • How we Communicate
  • Customer Services
  • Team Work & Partnership
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Leadership (Supervisors / Team Leaders/Specialists and Managers)

Each Competency has 3 Levels – Core, Supervisor / Team Leader/Specialist and Manager. Please score according to the appropriate level.

The competency ratings measure an individual’s behaviour. This rating is measured taking into account what people actually do, thus ensuring ‘competence’ is clearly demonstrated by actions not perception.

Further information can be found in the Competency Framework on the Intranet.

How we Communicate / Core / Supervisor/Team Leader / Manager / Rating:
Examples of:
Customer Service / Core / Supervisor/Team Leader / Manager / Rating:
Examples of:
Teamwork & Partnership / Core / Supervisor/Team Leader / Manager / Rating:
Examples of:
Continuous Improvement / Core / Supervisor/Team Leader / Manager / Rating:
Examples of:
Leadership / Core / Supervisor/Team Leader / Manager / Rating:
Examples of:


Corporate Training courses will have been input into iTrent and information can be found against the employee’s record.

The box below can be used to populate training information to include other training or future training required.


In the last 12 months, What development / new skills have you undertaken? And how has this been used in your job?

What support and development is required to complete the new objectives / tasks or to meet our competency standards?


If there is any other actions please discuss here


General comments about the last 12 months and/or career aspirations (if any)

Employee Comments / Manager Comments