921-B Generals Highway
Millersville, MD 21108
410 923-2832
The summer camp of 2017is quickly approaching. We are so excited to have your child join the Baldwin Child Care Center family.
Below is a list of items you will need to haveinto the office before your child’s first day (if your child is new):
* All Required Forms found on our website at baldwinchildcare.org under the ForParents tab.
* A signed Parent Handbook Acknowledgement page which will be due by the first day with us.
Also, the items below are important for you to know:
1. Please keep a change of clothes here at all times appropriate for the season. Place a complete set in a large Ziploc bag and label it with your child’s name. The bag will be kept at school for clothing changes when needed. Flip flops and Crocs are not allowed (except on water day). Only tennis shoes and sandals with a strap across the heel are permitted for safety reasons.
2. If your child remains at school all day, he/she will need a nap mat (if your child is new to us and doesn’t have one). It can be bought through us for a cost of $25.00. Your child may bring 1 “sleepy-time” friend to rest with. This does not apply to children who will be entering first grade and older.
3. If your child is still in pull-ups, you will need to keep a supply of pull-ups, wipes and ointment for your child’s basket. The teachers will let you know when the supply begins to run low.
4. We provide breakfast from 6:30 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. and a morning snack. You should provide a lunch along with an additional snack for the afternoon. We are required to provide drinks at all meals so please do not pack a drink in the lunchbox. We have a microwave and a refrigerator so you may bring perishable food items.
5. We ask that you apply bug spray/sunscreen to your child in the morning before coming to school. We will re-apply before going outside for afternoon recess if you provide a bottle/spray, etc. to us labeled with your child’s name.
6. Friday mornings are water days. Please send your child to camp in his/her swim suit (they can wear clothing over it if they prefer) and water shoes. Be sure the towel and the suit are labeled with your child’s name. Please provide a change of clothes for when play is over.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to speak to us in the office. You may also call us at 410-923-2832 or email us at .
Janet Stinson, Director Mary Ahearn, Assistant Director