Clyffe Pypard Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 9th November 2015–at the Village Hall7.45pm
Attendance: : Cllrs Peter Gantlett( PG), , ,) Marian Kent (MK)Chris Thompson (CT ) Gwen Clarke (GC)Bill Hawkins( BH) Jenni Lake (JL)
Apologies; Ed Rudler(ER) Allison Bucknell (AB) Wiltshire councilor
Public Present ; David Wiltshire , Peter Shaw, Anna Radley
Minutes of last meeting ;These agreed and signed as a true record of that meeting
Matters arising ;none that were not already on the agenda.
Item 1 Financial report ; The balance stands at £4406.70; The council are committed to spending £300 on a first aid course, £120 on the community web site, approx. £700 for cutting grass in the grave yard. An unknown cost associated with the neighborhood plan.
PRECEPT 2016; after some discussion there were two proposals. MK proposed GC seconded that we set the precept at £2000; JL proposed BH seconded that we set the precept at £1000. As CT had not arrived PG had the casting vote in favor of setting the precept at £1000.
PG said there would be an opportunity to reconsider this decision if the financial commitments of the council changed.
Item 2Planning
a)Planning Applications
To note
15/03142/FUL Wood St farm conversion barn to holiday let passed
15/08472/FUL Bupton Farm extension passed
There were no applications to consider
Item 3Community Plan…NeighborhoodPlan..
Residents voted in favor of a community plan at an open meeting held on the 24th Sept. The Parish council will consider the plan at its next meeting.
The parish’s chapter to be included in the NEWV neighborhood plan will need to be approved by the Parish Council ( this will hopefuly be done by email)before going out to informal consultation. The two areas that will be covered will be development and traffic.
Item 4Village Hall; agm is on the 17th Nov.
Item 5 Roads Conditions ; Wiltshire Council are retendering the contract for road maintenance which will include the return of Parish Stewards. The poor state of the road though the Withybed and the Barton were yet again discussed, and it is disappointing that the contractors responsible for the poor road resurfacing were not made to put things right at their own expence.BH complimented local farmers for keeping hedges and verges trimmed and tidy , but commented on the recent damage to a number of verges by tractors driving on them in the recent wet conditions.
Item 6 Road Safety . The results of the Metro count have been received; the average speed of 3904 vehicles was 44 mph. PG to investigate if any action will result as a consequence. Residents near the church will be canversed about moving the grit bin. PG suggested a temp plastic container of Salt could be put there. PG to ask for a metro count near to the Goddard Arms.
Item 7 AOB a) request for “wood st.” sign Clyffe Pypard end; After further discussion the council agreed not to pursue this item.
b)Spackman Trust. The Parish Council has received a reply to it’s letter recommending improvements to the trust’s governance. There is agreement that improvements need to take place, and an update to the trusts governing document. PG pointed out that the Trustees are accountable to the people who elect them and that has been the Parish Council in recent history and the trustees would be well advised to consult with the Parish Counsel regarding any changes.
d) Boundary change; A decision will be made by Wiltshire Council on the 24thNovember.
c) emergency planning; PG published a guide in the newsletter.
e) Lights at Bushton Farm; Agreement has been reached to plant trees to screen the very bright LED lights, but Wiltshire Council have no funds to pay for the planting. Alternative sources of money to be investigated.
Item 8 Correspondence i) .Web site;This will remain with the present provider at a much reduced cost
ii) Area board will take place in the Village hall on the 24th November, Net Work Rail will be giving a presentation and answering questions.
Councilors observations; .JL reported that she had received a letter from Wiltshire Council regarding overgrown trees and verge, but as they have failed to respond to her request for more detail she is unable to carry out any remedial action.
Date of next meeting 19th January