NAME: Andrea Salanti RANK: Full Professor

ADDRESS: Institution Private

Dept. of Management and

Information Technology Via C. Balbo, 6

University of Bergamo I - 20136 MILANO

Viale Marconi, 5 Tel.: +39-2-58314922

I - 24044 Dalmine (Italy) Mob.: +39-3471604015

Tel.: +39-35-2052341 e-mail:

DATE OF BIRTH: November 5, 1950

EDUCATION: Italian degree (Laurea) in Economics and Commerce, 1977, Catholic University of Milan. Dissertation: "Il capitale fisso come prodotto congiunto nello schema teorico di Sraffa" [Fixed Capital as a Joint Product in Sraffa's Model] (Supervisor: Professor Luigi Pasinetti).

FIELDS OF INTEREST: Microeconomics; Economic Methodology - History of Economic Thought.


1978-1981 Research Assistant (University of Bergamo)

1982-1987 "Ricercatore Confermato" (University of Bergamo)

1988-1995 Associate Professor (University of Bergamo)

1988-1992 Also Professor with an annual appointment at the Catholic University of Milan.

1994-1998 Also Professor at the Military Academy of Financial Police.

1995-pres. Full Professor (University of Bergamo)

Nov. 1995 - June 1997 Chair of the Department of Economics

Mar. 2003 – Dec. 2006 Chair of the Department of Management and Information Technology

Jan. 2007 – pres Chair of the Department of Economics and Technology Management


Microeconomics and Economics of Information (Introductory, Intermediate, Postgraduate)

Real Estate Economics (Introductory, Intermediate)

Macroeconomics (Introductory)

Theory of Growth (Introductory, Intermediate)

Methodology/History of Thought (Intermediate, Postgraduate)


- Programs and annual meetings [I:Invited Participant; P:Paper; D:Discussant; C: Chair of a session; Org.: Organiser]

Italian Economists' Society: 1987 (I,P), 1990 (I,P), 1998 (I,P).

History of Economics Society: 1987 (P), 1988 (P), 1990 (C,D), 1991 (P,D), 1992 (P), 1994 (P,D), 1997 (P,D), 1998(P), 1999 (P,D,C), 2000 (P,D), 2001 (P,D), 2002 (D)

European Economic Association: 1991 (P).

International Economic Association: 1992 (P).

EAEPE: 1993 (P,D), 1994 (P,D,C), 1995 (P), 1996 (C), 1997 (D).

AISPE: 1996 (P), 1997 (D, C), 2001 (P).

ESHET: 1998 (D).

STOREP: 2004 (D), 2005 (D), 2007 (D)

ATRS: 2009 (P)

- Conferences and Seminars

1982-1995 – Regular workshop on "General Economic Theories" sponsored by the Italian Research Council (I).

March, 1984 – Colloque on "La Gravitation" – Université de Paris X Nanterre (I,P).

October, 1989 – Conference on Transitions in Economics: Studies in the Evolution of Research Programmes – Capri, Italy (I).

April, 1990 – Workshop on "Convergence to Long-Period Positions" – Siena, Italy (I,P).

March, 1991 – 31st Atlantic Economic Conference, Rome, Italy (I,D,P).

May, 1991 – Workshop on the History and Methodology of Economics" – Bergamo, Italy (Org.).

August, 1991 – 9th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Sweden (D,P).

July, 1992 – Conference on "The Economics of F. A. Hayek" – Sant'Arcangelo di Romagna, Italy (D).

December, 1993 – Conference on "La passione della ragione: Joan Robinson (1903-1983) – Torino, Italy (I,P).

May, 1994 – Conference on "Pluralism in Economics: Theory, History, Methodology" – Bergamo, Italy (Org., D).

March, 1995 – Conference on "La préparation des européens à la société de l'information" – Paris, France (I,P)

June 1996 – IEA Conference on "The Nature of Economics: Case Studies in Economic Methodology" – Bergamo, Italy (D, C, Org.)

October, 1997 – Conference on "Dynamics of Deliberation, Probability and Economics" – Trento, Italy (D).

March, 1998 – Workshop “Experimental Economics: Philosophical and Methodological Problems”, Trento, Italy (P,D,Org.).

June, 1998 – Conference “Teorie economiche a confronto” – Roma, Italy (D).

October, 1998 – Conference “Sraffa and Modern Economics” – Torino, Italy (P).

October, 1998 – Conference “Theory and Evidence in Macroeconomics” – Bergamo, Italy (D, C, Org.).

December, 1998 – Conference “The Legacy of Hyman Minsky” – Bergamo, Italy (D).

August, 1999 – Conference “Strategic Rationality in Economics” – Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy (D,C,Org).

September, 1999 – Colloque “Modèles formels et théorie èconomiques: histoire, analyse, èpistèmologie” – Paris (I, P).

December, 1999 – Arctic Workshop on “Theorizing and Experimentation in Economics: Methodological Issues” – Rovaniemi, Finland (P).

October, 2001 – Conference “Old and New Growth Theories: An Assessment” – Pisa, Italy (P, D)

October 2002 – Conference "Institutional Evolution and Technological Change" – Alessandria, Italy (D).

October 2003 – Workshop “La matematica nella storia dell’economia” – Torino, Italy (D).

June 2004 – Seminar “What We Should Known about Homo Œconomicus” – Torino, Italy (P).

September 2007 – AiIG Summer School – Bressanone, Italy (lecturer)

September 2007 – Storep European Summer School – Bressanone, Italy (lecturer)

October 2007 – Conference “L’imprenditore - Metamorfosi di una figura nell’economia globale” – Santarcangelo di Romagna, Italy (D,C).

Papers presented at Duke University, Université du Québec à Montréal, European University Institute in Florence, Agnelli Foundation (Turin), and at various Italian Universities (State University of Ancona, Bologna, Cagliari, Milano, Pavia, Rome, Siena, Trento and Venice, Catholic University of Milan).

Referee: Economia Politica, Economia e Politica Industriale, Economic Notes, Finnish Economic Papers, History of Economic Ideas, History of Political Economy, Journal of Economic Methodology, Journal of the History of Economic Thought, Economics and Philosophy, Research in the History of Economic Thought and Methodology, Scottish Journal of Political Economy, Cofinanziamento MURST 1998, 2000, 2004, 2007; Berkeley University Electronic Press; Blackwell; Oxford University Press.

Board of editors: Journal of Economic Methodology (1997-2000); INEM (International Network for Economic Method) series in Economic Methodology, published by E. Elgar; History of Economic Ideas.

Experience in applied research: several pieces of applied research in the field of industrial economics and management in Italy, in the field of TLC/IT economics for the European Commission (mainly DG XIII) and Telecom/Stet and, more recently, in the field of the economics of air transportation.

Member of the scientific board of ICCSAI (International Center for Competitiveness Studies in the Aviation Industry).


- Articles and Comments

1.  "L'analisi del progresso tecnico in termini di curve salario-profitto", Economia Internazionale, 34(1), 1981, pp. 124-142.

2.  "Sulla recente 'riabilitazione' dell'analisi ricardiana della meccanizzazione", Ricerche Economiche, 35(3/4), 1981, pp. 393-407.

3.  "Sulla possibilità di misurare il saggio di profitto in termini fisici in un modello ricardiano", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 89(2), 1981, pp. 227-233.

4.  "Neoclassical Tautologies and the Cambridge Controversies", Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, 5(1), 1982, pp. 128-131.

5.  "Sraffa's Views About Non-Basics and Ricardo's 'Corn-Model'", Economic Notes, #(2), 1983, pp. 145-151.

6.  "Risparmio, ricchezza e inflazione: alcune considerazioni di lungo periodo in merito a recenti interpretazioni", Note Economiche, #(1), 1983, pp. 36-62.

7.  "Prices of Production, Market Prices, and the Analysis of the Choice of Techniques", Metroeconomica, 37(1), 1985, pp. 97-117.

8.  "Le 'assunzioni' della teoria economica: un'ipotesi interpretativa", Note Economiche, #(1/2), 1985, pp. 64-88.

9.  "Strumentalismo e fallibilismo in economia: una nota su alcune recenti interpretazioni", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 33(6/7), 1986, pp. 603-620.

10.  "Falsificationism and Fallibilism as Epistemic Foundations of Economics: A Critical View", Kyklos, 40(3), 1987, pp. 368-392.

11.  "'Internal' Criticisms in Economic Theory: Are They Really Conclusive?", Economic Notes, #(1), 1989, pp. 1-15 (Reprinted in B. Caldwell, ed., The Philosophy and Methodology of Economics, Vol. III, pp. 445-459. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 3 Vols. 1993).

12.  "Distinguishing 'Internal' from 'External' Criticism in Economic Methodology", History of Political Economy, 21(4), 1989, pp. 635-639.

13.  "Recent Work in Economic Methodology: Much Ado About What?", Ricerche Economiche, 43(1/2), 1989, pp. 21-39.

14.  "Sulla valenza esplicativa della teoria dell'equilibrio economico generale", in L. Pasinetti (ed.), Aspetti controversi della teoria del valore, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1989, pp. 131-150.

15.  "La teoria del valore dopo Sraffa: una nota", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 37(8), 1990, pp. 685-692.

16.  "The Notion of Long Period Positions: A Useful Abstraction or a Platonic Idea ?", Political Economy - Studies in the Surplus Approach, 6(1-2), 1990, pp. 95-102.

17.  "L'irriducibilità di Marshall al paradigma (neo)walrasiano", paper presented at the 1990 conference of Italian Economic Association (Cf. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 1990, N. 12).

18.  "Roy Weintraub's Studies in Appraisal: Lakatosian Consolations or Something Else ?", Economics and Philosophy, 7(2), 1991, pp. 221-234.

19.  "Marshall's Partial Equilibrium Analysis: A Methodological Note", Methodus, 3(2), 1991, pp. 73-79.

20.  "Marshall's Demand Theory: A Suggested Interpretation", paper presented at the 1992 IEA world congress, Moscow, August 1992 (Cf. Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 1992, N. 9).

21.  "A Reply to Professor Weintraub", Economics and Philosophy, 9(1), 1993, pp. 139-144.

22.  "Lakatosian Perspectives on General Equilibrium Analysis: A Reply", Economics and Philosophy, 9(2), 1993, pp. 283-287.

23.  "Sulla presenza di presupposti empirici in Sraffa (o altrove): Una risposta", Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Economiche e Commerciali, 40(6-7), 1993, pp. 605-611.

24.  "On the Lakatosian Apple of Discord Between Historians and Methodologists", Finnish Economic Papers, 7(1),1994, pp.30-41.

25.  "Popper, Lakatos and Economics: Are We Begging the Questions?", in Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought. Vol.X: Method, Competition, Conflict and Measurement in the Twentieth Century, edited by Karen I. Vaughn. Aldershot: E. Elgar, 1994, pp. 19-31.

26.  "Foreword" to A. Marzola and F. Silva (eds.), John Maynard Keynes. Language and Method, Aldershot, E. Elgar, 1994, pp. ix-xi.

27.  (with A. Boitani) "The Multifarious Role of Theories in Economics: The Case of Different Keynesianisms", in The Role of Economic Theory, edited by Philip A. Klein. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1994, pp. 121-158.

28.  "Hayek's Methodology: A Comment", in M. Colonna, H. Hagemann and O. Hamouda (eds), Capitalism, Socialism and Knowledge. Aldershot: E. Elgar, 1994 (The Economics of F.A. Hayek, Vol. II, pp. 207-210).

29.  (with G. Femminis) "Davis on Ricardo's Machinery Chapter: A Comment", History of Political Economy, 27(1),1995, pp. 89-99.

30.  "Gli approcci metodologici in economia ispirati a K. Popper e I. Lakatos: lo stato attuale del dibattito", in G. Sabattini (ed.) Economia al bivio, Milano: F. Angeli, 1995, pp. 105-153.

31.  "Joan Robinson's Changing Views on Method:A Tentative Appraisal", in C. Marcuzzo, L. Pasinetti and A. Roncaglia (eds), The Economics of Joan Robinson, London: Routledge, 1996, pp. 285-299.

32.  "Nel centenario del Cours: alcune riflessioni su matematica ed economia", Economia Politica, 13(2), 1996, pp. 159-169.

33.  Voci "Meccanicismo", Vilfredo Pareto", "Pareto-efficienza", "Scarsità", "Scelta razionale", "Utilità", in Enciclopedia della filosofia e delle scienze umane, Milano, De Agostini, 1996.

34.  "Un secolo di dibattiti sul metodo in economia", Quaderni del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche, Università degli Studi di Bergamo, 1997, N. 2 (forthcoming in a volume ed. by C. Sardoni. Roma: Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana).

35.  "Introduction", in A. Salanti and E. Screpanti (eds), Pluralism in Economics. New Perspectives in History and Methodology, Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 1997, pp. 1-10.

36.  "Comment", in A. Salanti and E. Screpanti (eds), Pluralism in Economics. New Perspectives in History and Methodology, Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 1997, pp. 256-259.

37.  "Plusvalore e sfruttamento: una nota" [A Note on Surplus value and Exploitation], Economia Politica, 14(2),1997, pp. 235-241.

38.  Entries “Falsificationism” and "Vilfredo Pareto", in J. Davis, D.W. Hands and U. Mäki (eds), Handbook of Economic Methodology, Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 1998, pp. 183-189 and 354-357.

39.  (with R. Backhouse) "Conclusions", in Economics and Methodology: Crossing Boundaries, London, Macmillan, IEA Series, 1998, pp. 437-446.

40.  Entries "Cambridge Revolution" and "Corn Model", in Encyclopaedia of Political Economy, ed. by Ph. O'Hara. London: Routledge, 1999, pp.57 and 144-149.

41.  (with R. Backhouse) “The Methodology of Macroeconomics”, Journal of Economic Methodology, 6(2), 1999, pp.159-169 (Reprinted in J. B. Davis, ed., Recent Developments in Economic Methodology, Vol. III. Cheltenham: E. Elgar, 3 Vols. 2006).

42.  “L’economia della ricerca fra filosofia della scienza e sociologia della conoscenza”, in P. Garonna and S. Iammarino (a cura di), Economia della ricerca, Bologna: Il Mulino, coll. SIE, 2000, pp. 85-101.

43.  (with R. Backhouse) “Introduction”, in R. Backhouse and A. Salanti, eds, Macroeconomics and the Real World, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, Vol. I pp. 1-19 and Vol. II pp. 1-21.

44.  “Why So Much Scepticism about Growth Theory? Comment on Durlauf and Sylos-Labini”, in R. Backhouse and A. Salanti, eds, Macroeconomics and the Real World, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000, Vol. I, pp. 275-281.

45.  “L’ambiguo rapporto fra ‘teoria’ e ‘storia’: commento a Bertrand Schefold”, in M. Pivetti (a cura di), Piero Sraffa. Contributi per una biografia intellettuale, Roma: Carocci, 2000, pp. 357-361.

46.  (with R. Signorino) “From the 1925-1926 Essays to the 1960 Book: Some Notes on Sraffa’s Not So Implicit Methodology”, in R. Marchionatti (ed.), Piero Sraffa’s Political Economy, London: Routledge, 2000, pp. 165-186.

47.  “Formalismo e metodi d’indagine quantitativi nelle scienze sociali: due problematiche scorciatoie metodologiche”, Kéiron, 4, Sept. 2000, pp. 88-97.

48.  (with F. Guala) "Theory and Evidence on Rational Behaviour: What Should We Expect from Experimental Economics?”, Revue Internationale de Philosophie, 2001, 55(217), pp. 327-350.

49.  (with F. Guala) "On the Robustness of Economic Models”, Quaderni di ricerca del Dipartimento di Scienze Economiche “Hyman P. Minsky”, Bergamo, n.1, 2002.

50.  (with F. Guala) "Model-robustness in ‘old’ and ‘new’ growth theory”, in N. Salvadori (ed.), Old and New Growth Theories: an Assessment, E. Elgar, 2003, pp. 115-126.

51.  Voci "Leggi economiche", "Macroeconomia-Microeconomia”, “Metodologia economica”, “Modelli (in economia)", “Pluralismo metodologico”, “Utilità”, in Enciclopedia filosofic, a cura del Centro Studi Filosofici di Gallarate, edita da V. Melchiorre, Bompiani, Milano, 3a ed., 2006.

52.  “Imprenditorialità e sviluppo economico in Schumpeter” ”, in L. Cassia, M. Kalchschmidt e Stefano Paleari (eds), L’imprenditorialità: pensiero, elementi, contesto, Bergamo: Sestante Edizioni, 2009, pp. 51-75.

53.  (with G. Campopiano and J. Kotlar) “Struttura competitiva dopo la crisi Alitalia: il caso della tratta Milano-Roma, Economia e politica industriale, 2009, 4, pp. 167-178.

- Editions:

1.  Italian edition of J. Pheby, Economia e filosofia della scienza. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1991.

2.  (with L. Filippini), eds, Razionalità, impresa e informazione. Letture di microeconomia, Giappichelli, Torino, 1993 [2nd edn forthcoming].

3.  "Minisymposium: History of Economic Thought: How and Why?", ed. by A. Salanti, History of Economic Ideas, n. 2, 1994, pp. 109-205.

4.  Italian edition of H. Landreth e D.C. Colander, Storia del pensiero economico. Bologna: Il Mulino, 1996.