Sacred Heart Parish “A Tithing Parish” Dover, New Jersey
Daily Scriptures &
March 6-13, 2016
Fourth Sunday of Lent Jos 5: 9a, 10-12; 2 Cor 5:17-21; Lk 15: 1-3, 11-32
5:00 pm (vigil): For the People
8:00 am Catherine A. Jugan
10:00 am Helen Taylor
11:30 pm Tommy Matthew Taylor
7:00 pm Milton Taylor
Monday – Sts. Perpetua & Felicity, Martyrs
Is 65:17-21; Jn 4:43-547:00 pm Jim Trasente
Tuesday – St. John of God, ReligiousEz 47:1-9, 12; Jn 5:1-16
8:30 am Michael C. FitzgeraldWednesday - St. Frances of Rome, Religious Is 49:8-15; Jn 5:17-30
8:30 am Uldarico Ortiz
Thursday Ex 32:7-14; Jn 5:31-47
8:30 am Norma Avansado
Friday Wis 2:1a, 12-22; Jn 7:1-2, 10, 25-30
8:30 am Jennifer Dela Cruz
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross
Jer 11:18-20; Jn 7:40-53
8:30 am Billy Fortner
Fifth Sunday of LentIs 43: 16-21; Phil 3: 8-14; Jn 8:1-11
5:00 pm (vigil): Domenic Visioli
8:00 am For the People
10:00 am The Mizzoni Family
11:30 pm Violet Szucs
7:00 pm Anna & Joseph Jugan
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To all our visitors this weekend.
Our Parish’s Holy DoorOur Parish’s Holy Door is the one facing Bergen Street. We now have two new banners on the fence in front of the Church to remind you to use our Holy Door and gain all the graces offered by Fr. Brendan’s Daily Rosary for us!
Welcome Home to Healing
Once again our parish will engage in a diocesan effort to encourage a return to the Sacrament of Reconciliation called Welcome Home.
Every parish in the diocese will ensure that at least one priest-confessor will be available every Monday in Lent to celebrate Reconciliation.
Catholics in the Diocese of Paterson, especially those who have been away from the Church, are invited to experience God’s healing love and forgiveness through the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Catholic churches in Morris, Sussex and Passaic Counties will be open for Confession every Monday up to, and including, March 14th from 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm.
Stations of the Cross
On Fridays, during Lent, we will once again celebrate Stations of the Cross. Stations will be celebrated in English at 7:00 pm at Sacred Heart.
Income Tax Statements
If you wish a statement of your 2015 Collection donations, please contact the Parish Offices 973-366-0060.
Best Lent Ever
Have you signed up yet for the Best Lent Ever program at Are you reading the book Rediscovering Jesus along with other parishioners? Like to share your thoughts and insight on this series and book, email .
Sight & Sound Theatres “Samson”
Mrs. Lydia Regelski, Our Bereavement Ministry Committee Chairman, is hosting a trip to the Sight & Sound Theatre in Lancaster PA on Friday, May 6, (Departing 10:45 am from the Rockaway Mass lot #36 &38.) The show begins at 2:45 pm. After the show, the bus will transport you to a wonderful dinner in PA at 6:00 pm. The cost of the trip is $120.00 per person (non-refundable). This includes: the bus; the show; meal and a tip for the bus driver. Money is due ASAP, but no later than March 1st due to seating arrangements. Seats are limited…first come, first served. Interested? Call Lydia at 973-328-7058. Please come and see another great show with us!
Morris Catholic High School
Morris Catholic High School will be conducting its 26th Spring Auction on Saturday, March 12 at the Hanover Marriott. Tickets are $75.00. Msgr. Raymond Kupke will be the honoree. For reservations contact .
“God’s Plan for Giving.....Tithing A Way of Life”
Collection total for February 28, 2016
Last Year’s total at this time:
This Week in Our Parish March
MONDAY – March 77:00 pm Confessions – Church
TUESDAY – March 8
11:30 am Leisure Club Meeting – Rectory Basement
7:30 pm Baptism Prep. Class – Rectory Basement
6:00 pm Youth Choir – Church
7:00 pm Adult Choir – Church
7:30 pm Bible Study – Rectory Basement
FRIDAY – March 11
6:00 pm Youth Group Soccer - Gym
7:00 pm Stations of the Cross – Church
SATURDAY –March 12
9:00 am Confessions – Church
SUNDAY – March 13
8:45 am Religious Ed. – School
Parish & Community Bulletin Board:
Baptism Prep. ClassThe great sacrament of Baptism makes us a child of God, welcomes us into the Kingdom of Heaven and enables us to avoid evil, among other things. What a great gift. In order to partake of this Sacrament a parent must be a parishioner and attend a preparation class. Class is offered once a month and registration is required to take the class. Please call the office at 973-366-0060 or Alice McKeever at 973-663-0201 or e-mail to register.
On the First Friday of each month, from 6:00 to 7:00 pm, the Youth Group will be hold an hour Adoration, Praise and Worship session in Church. Our next “Adoration” will be held Friday, April 1st at 6:30 pm. Please join us! The Sacred Heart Youth Ministry meetings are held every Friday at 6:00 pm in the Youth Recreational Center.JUBILEE PILGRIMAGE OF MERCY
St. Cecilia Parish is sponsoring a pilgrimage, May 17-18 (Wednesday-Thursday), to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, Massachusetts and the National Shrine of the North American Martyrs in Auriesville, New York. The pilgrimage is hosted by the Saint Monica Guild and is open to all with a cost of approximately $200 per person. Details regarding departure, schedule of devotions, hotel information, etc. will be forthcoming. We anticipate a full bus for this religious journey during the Holy Year of Mercy. For reservations call Pat Zayac at 973-625-4572.
Due to the deaths of so many long time parishioners, who have had many masses offered for their souls, we have had to open our 2017 Mass Book early. However, this year we will be permitted 2 intentions at each Mass in 2017. Please come in now to make your donation and reserve your 2017 Masses.
First Reading: Joshua 5:9a, 10-12
Joshua and the Israelites celebrated Passover in Jericho. This was the first time they had eaten the produce of the promised land. After this, there was no more bread sent from heaven because they were able to eat the yield of the land.
Second Reading: 2 Corinthians 5:17-21
Paul tells us that anyone living in Jesus is a new creation because God has reconciled with us through Christ. As an ambassador for Jesus, Paul implores that the Corinthians be reconciled to God through Jesus.
Gospel: Luke 15:1-3, 11-32
The Pharisees grew disgusted with Jesus because of his compassion toward sinners. So Jesus told them a story of a son who squandered his inheritance. When a famine broke out, he returned home and asked his father to become a hired hand. His father instead welcomed him with a joyful celebration, just as God is overjoyed when a sinner returns to him.
Do You Want to be a Better Person?
“Daring to Walk the Walk”
Is it time for a change? Walking Toward Eternity is an inspiring series designed to help you live your faith more fully by developing and nurturing characteristics that are essential to the Christian life. Through daily prayer and meditation with Scripture, you will be drawn into an intimate and life-changing encounter with Christ.
As you prayerfully reflect on God’s Word, you will begin to hear the subtle ways God is speaking to you, and you will be challenged to set aside those things in your life that keep you from growing closer to him. By putting the fruits of your study into practice, you will be able to make real changes in your life, changes that will make you more like the person God created you to be. Daring to Walk the Walk, the first series of Walking Toward Eternity, introduces seven key virtues and outlines practical steps for living them out in your life.
Join us for Walking Toward Eternity at Sacred Heart parish in Dover beginning March 2nd at 7:30 pm and continuing every Wednesday for 8 weeks, with one week break (Easter Week). For more information or to register for the study call Genevieve at 973-663-8463 or via email .
Many of us are under stress due to the busyness of our everyday lives. This leaves us longing for inner peace and simplicity. Come and gather, in candlelight, for a peaceful, reflective evening of prayer and song on Friday, March 18 at 7:30 pm, in the Gathering Area at St. Clement Roman Catholic Church, 154 Mt. Pleasant Avenue, Rockaway Township. All are welcome. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at 973-366-7095.
/ / Weekly Reflections
“HIS WORD TODAY” by Rev. William J. Reilly
Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 6, 2016
“If anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old order has passed away, now all is new! All this has been done by God who has reconciled us to himself through Christ and has given us the ministry of reconciliation. I mean that God, in Christ, was reconciling the world to himself, not counting men’s transgressions against them and has entrusted the ministry of reconciliation to us. “
As we live this jubilee of mercy, Paul’s message provides a clear, understandable message concerning the saving work of God. It is God who takes the initiative, I am called to respond. It is He who offers me forgiveness, I need only ask. He sent Jesus precisely for this purpose, to forgive, reconcile and offer us the gift of joy and peace. How many, how few, accept this tremendous gift?
The parable of Luke introduces us to three persons, the wayward son, the jealous brother and the waiting, forgiving father. There is some of each of us in all three.
Our walk with the Lord this Lent is the call given us to make all things new. I need forgiveness, I have the power to forgive others, I can have peace. With only a few weeks left to celebrate the paschal mystery, may I decide today, when I will seek the Lord’s gift of forgiveness in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Youth ministry News
11 Soccer- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
18 Hockey- Gym 6:00 – 9:00 pm
25 Church Cleaning w/ Pizza- Church 6:00 – 9:00 pm
1 Adoration @6:00 pm- Church, followed by Board Games-Youth Room
8 Soccer – Gym 6:00 pm -9:00 pm
15 Dodgeball & Hockey – Gym – 6:00-9:00pm
22 Sky Zone (Indoor Trampoline) $20.00 – Carpool from Youth Room to Pine Brook
29 Laser Tag w/Pizza – Gym – 6:00 – 9:00 pm
“Les Miserables”
Tickets are on sale for the Morris Knolls High School production of “Les Miserables” which will be staged March 10-13. Curtain time will be 7:00 pm on Thursday March 10, Friday, March 11 and Saturday March 12, with a 1:00 pm matinee performance on Sunday, March 13.
Standard tickets cost=$12, student and senior citizen tickets cost = $10. Anyone not associated with the school should call 973-664-2200. Those associated with the school should contact 201-919-4714 to purchase tickets. (Morris Knolls High School is located at 50 Knoll Drive, Rockaway, NJ 07866)
Shrouded in Mystery - The Shroud of Turin, the purported burial cloth of Christ, is the most studied artifact in world history. More than 100 years of medical, 50 years of scientific, and over 500,000 hours of research back up this claim. Join Bill Wingard as he presents the history, medical, scientific, and theological facts of the Shroud of Turin and showcases his life-size replica of the Shroud.
Madison, Wednesday, March 9from 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Feminine, Faithful, Fearless - A conference for women, at any age and any stage of life, affirming who we are in Christ.
Madison, Saturday, April 9 from 9:00 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Introduction to Catechesis – In English and Spanish
A multi-session presentation, with English and Spanish tracks, aimed at forming and equipping catechists with the basic knowledge and skills necessary for an effective ministry.
Clifton, Wednesdays, March 2, 9, and 16 from 7:30-9:00 p.m.
Women’s Health and Fertility Awareness
Learn an effective, healthy, moral and inexpensive system that integrates health with moral family planning for couples who are trying to achieve pregnancy, who have infertility concerns, or who need to regulate pregnancy. Materials are included.
Madison, Saturday, March 5 from 10:00 a.m.-noon.
You're invited to participate in CRS Rice Bowl!
We journey with CRS Rice Bowl to the Central American country of Honduras, where we meet students who are learning that it’s better to help your neighbor learn
and grow than to leave him or her behind. To who are we called to extend a hand this week? Visit for more information.
The Evangelization Ministry reminds you:
BIBLE STUDY - Wednesdays 7:30 pm-March 2 to end of April
CONFESSIONS - Mondays 7:00 - 8:30 pm
Mar 7, 14
STATIONS OF THE CROSS - Fridays at 7:00 pm
March 11 & 18
Rediscover Jesus
How are you doing on your Lenten series? Rediscover Jesus chapters 4 through 6 have provided insightful questions and some answers. Who do you say Jesus is? Who does Jesus say he is. I found chapters 5 and 6 very inspiring. Mathew Kelly took us through the gospels as Jesus gave clear evidence of His identity. “Directly and indirectly throughout the Gospels, Jesus said He was God and referred to himself as the ‘Son of Man’ 80 times. To the Jewish people, they knew He was saying “I am the Messiah”. Were you surprised at the claims and clarity of them?