System Housekeeping for OpenAccounts, eBis and Version V1
Prepared by
Simon Conway
Advanced Business Solutions
Park House
300 Pavilion Drive
Northampton Business Park
Tel: +44 (0)1604 666 800
Web: /
Date: 14/01/2014 / Document Version: 1.0
User Guide
Copyright © COA Solutions Ltd. 2011
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The development of COA Solutions Ltd software is continuous and the published information may not reflect the current status. Any particular release of the software may not contain all of the facilities described and / or may contain facilities not described.
Version History
Date / Version / Issued By / Changes29/01/14 / 1.0 / Simon Conway
Version Approval
Version / Name / Title / Organisation / Approval RecordDistribution
Version and Date / Name and TitleDocument Control
Filename / Location / Minimum RetentionDoc Version 1.0 / OpenAccounts, eBis and Version V1
User Guide
Print purge within OpenAccounts
Temp folders under OpenAccounts and eBis
Background Scheduler and File Actioner log files
Version One cache / temp files
eBis uploads folder
Database BI files
Database Log files
Doc Version 1.0 / OpenAccounts, eBis and Version V1User Guide /
It is recommended that the below housekeeping tasks be carried out periodically in order to ensure your systems run at an optimum level.
Print purge within OpenAccounts
Please navigate to the below link to an instructional video detailing how to run a print purge from within OpenAccounts.
This will delete all previously completed print file produced before the entered cut-off date.
Temp folders under OpenAccounts and eBis
Below the OpenAccounts and eBis software folders on the server, there will be a folder called temp. As the name suggests this folder is populated by temporary files when the system is accessed. Typically these folders would automatically delete once the user logs out of their session. However on occasion, the files within this folder can accumulate and potentially take up space on the server unnecessarily.
Potential causes of this situation would be if a user does not log out correctly or if perhaps are report that has been running for some time is prematurely terminated.
Therefore we would recommend monitoring the contents of these folders and if they appear to be building up over time, at a point when the users are logged out, please clear down the contents.
This process can be automated by the creation of a script and the adding of this script to the scheduled tasks on the server. Again, this must not be run whilst the users are logged into the system.
Background Scheduler and File Actioner log files
Over time the log files for the background scheduler and file actioner can reach such sizes that they impact negatively on the systems, the solution being to clear these down. We would consider any size over 100Mb as falling within the threshold of needing to be recreated. Typically residing in the client access folder e.g. :
The files bckgrnd.lg and fileact.lg (the filenames are configurable within OpenAccounts) can be renamed and recreated.
To do this, at a convenient point in time, stop the OA80LIVEBG and OA80LIVEFA Windows services, then locate and rename these files.
If you then restart the above Windows services, the files will be recreated and any issues that might have been seen as a result of them growing in size will have been avoided.
Version One cache / temp files
When an image is queried on the OpenAccounts / eBis system, temporary files will be created in two locations on the server. The first will be under the inetpub folder on the C:\ drive. Typically these would be :
To prevent a build-up of these files which can impact negatively on the system, please create a script and add as scheduled task for the script to run at a point in time when the users are not logged in.
eBis uploads folder
The uploads folder in the eBis software folder e.g. :
Contains documents that have been attached or ‘Uploaded’ onto any eBis form that has had a cfile field added to the form.
Typical forms that have this functionality are the contractor and sub – contractor forms however other forms in addition to this may have created by the eBis users.
The eBis users need to decide whether any attachments need to be viewed on historical transactions, i.e. forms created in 2011 or 2012, if not then we would recommend removing some of the attachments and put them into a different area so they can be retrieved at a later date if needed.
Database BI files
When running the system on a Progress database, within the OpenAccounts and eBis database folders on the server, the will be several BI (Before Input) files.
Following the naming convention of openacc.b1, openacc.b2 etc (OpenAccounts) or open_x.b1, open_x.b2 etc (eBis), these files can over time reach such sizes that they become detrimental to the overall performance of the system.
Should the file with the highest .bnextension e.g. openacc.b3 reach over 500 Mb, please contact the ABS Service Delivery Centre (08451 609 999 / and the specifics of the system can be progressed from there, with the truncation of these files the most likely course of action.
Database Log files
When running the system on a Progress database, within the OpenAccounts and eBis database folders on the server, the will be several .lg files, one for each of the databases.
Should any of these log files reach over 75 Mb in size, please contact the ABS Service Delivery Centre (08451 609 999 / and the specifics of the system can be progressed from there, with the truncation of these files the most likely course of action.
OpenAccounts, eBis and V1