Job type
Air conditioner Mechanic (Vehicle & Office)
Assessment Reviewed by:
Khalifa Maskery / Sign:
/ Date:
21st August , 2005
Assessment Accepted by:
Martin Orchard / Sign: / Date:
21st August , 2005
Next Review: / August , 2010
Assessment Identification
Business / Exploration and ProductionCountry / Oman
Company/Operator / Petroleum Development Oman
Location/Asset / Nimr , Truckoman Workshop
Repair, maintenance and installation of Auto / Office Air-conditioning units
Is this a new HRA or an adaptation of a generic HRA?
New / Generic / XTeam (responsible for carrying out HRA)
Name / Job Title / Dept/Company / Role on TeamMartin Orchard / HSE Manager / Truckoman / Team Leader
John Robert / A/C Mechanic / Trucoman / Team member
Sunil Sohani / HSE Advisor / BTB / Team Member
Akhtar Khan / HSE Advisor / PDO / Team Member
Location/Asset Team (HRA owner responsible for approving and progressing actions)
Name / Job Title / Dept/Company / AccountabilityPhil Villers / Div. Manager / Truckoman / Manager
Martin Orachard / HSEManager / Trucoman / HSE
Job Type/Exposure Groups
Location/Asset / Assessment UnitDescription / Overview description of job and tasks / Number per shift / Basic hours
A/C Mechanic / Repair, maintenance and installation of Auto / Office Air-conditioning units / 1 / 10 hrs. per day , 11 months per year (1 month leave)
Exposure Tasks (to RAM M/H Hazards)
Code / Task / Work Area1. / Inspection of A/C units / Workshop , outdoors
2. / Maintenance of vehicle A/C units / workshop
3. / Maintenance of office A/C units / offices
Assessment Unit Health Hazard Inventory
Location/Asset / Assessment UnitHazard / Acute Effects / Chronic Effects / Occupational Exposure Limit (OEL) reference / RAM
H1:Freon (134A) / Causes asphyxiation by displacement of oxygen from the atmosphere / n/a / 1000 ppm / 4B Med
H2: Freon 11 / Causes asphyxiation by displacement of oxygen from the atmosphere / n/a / 1000 ppm / 4B Med
H3: Freon 22 / Causes asphyxiation by displacement of oxygen from the atmosphere / n/a / 1000 ppm / 4B Med
H4: WD 40 / Mild irritant / Dermatitis / N/A / 2B Low
H5: Lubricant / Mild irritant / Dermatitis / N/A / 2B Low
H6: Petrol / Asphyxiant. / Dermatitis; skin cancer / 900 mg/m3 / 4B Med
H7:Dust / Respiratory/eye Irritation / n/a / 10 mg/m3 / 1D Low
H8: Heat / Heat stress/stroke / Kidney stones / 4DHigh
H9: Sunlight (UV) / Sunburn; arc eye / skin cancer, cataract / 30Joules/ / 4CMed
H10:Noise / Temporary hearing loss. / Noise induced hearing loss; tinnitus / 85dB(A) / 3DMed
H11:Vibration (hand-arm) / Discomfort / Vibration White Finger / 3BLow
H12: Awkward Posture / postural fatigue / musculoskeletal disorders / 3E High
H13: Manual Handling / musculoskeletal disorders / musculoskeletal disorders / 3E High
H14: Repetitive work / Pain in limbs. / Upper limbs disorder. / 3C Med
H15: Scorpion / insect bite / Severe Pain / 2D Med
Task Appraisal (Complete for each Exposure Task)
Assessment Unit / Truck Oman1 / Task / T1- Inspection of A/C units / Job Types/Exposure Groups / A/C Mechanic
(Tasks rated very low / low) / FREQUENCY
mth/yr) / DURATION
hours) / Existing Controls / Controls effective?
+ Yes
- No/ inadequate? unsure / Estimated or measured Exposure Level1
/ Control Chart Rating2 / Meets OEL? / ALARP? / Routine Exposure monitoring required? / Health Surveillance / Action Required Y/N
H8: Heat / Whole body / Daily / 6.hrs / Shade, cool water, awareness, short breaks, fan, A/C room / yes / N/A / 4BLow / N/A / Yes / NO / NO / NO
H9: Sunlight (UV) / Skin, eyes / 2 xDaily, / 2 hrs / Sun glasses, awareness, long sleeve coverall, A/C room, short breaks / Yes / N/A / 4BLow / N/A / yes / NO / NO / NO
H10 Noise / Ears / Daily / 5hrs / Hearing Defenders, Hazard signs, Awareness, / Yes / < 85 dB(A) / 3B Low / Yes / Yes / Yes / Audiometry / No
H15: Scorpion / insect bite / Skin / IX Month / Occasionally / Regular cleaning, Gloves, Safety Shoes. / Yes / N/A / 2A Low / N/A / Yes / No / No / No
Describe Task Recovery Measures: / Tested Y/N? / Best practice Y/N? / Action required Y/N?
First Aid Box, Clinic and male Nurse in Compound, Eye wash stations / Yes / Yes / No
Task Appraisal (Complete for each Exposure Task)
Assessment Unit2&3 / Task / Maintenance of vehicle A/C units
Maintenance of Office A/C Units / Job Types/Exposure Groups / A/C Mechanic
mth/yr) / DURATION
hours) / Existing Controls / Controls effective?
+ Yes
- No/ inadequate? unsure / Estimated or measured Exposure Level1
/ Control Chart Rating2 / Meets OEL? / ALARP? / Routine Exposure monitoring required? / Health Surveillance / Action Required Y/N
:Freon (134A, 11, 22 / Inhalation of gas / 2xDaily / 30Min / cotton Gloves, Safety glasses, / YES / < OEL / 4ALow / YES / YES / NO / NO / N/A
H6: Petrol / Skin, Inhalation / 2xDaily / 30Min / Safety glasses, / no / < OEL / 4d High / no / no / No / No / yes
H8: Heat / Whole body / 2 x Daily / 3 hrs / Shade, cool water, awareness, short breaks, fan, A/C room / yes / N/A / 4BLow / N/A / Yes / NO / NO / NO
H9: Sunlight (UV) / Skin, eyes / 2 x daily, / 2 hrs / Sun glasses, awareness, long sleeve coverall, A/C room, short breaks / Yes / N/A / 4BLow / N/A / yes / NO / NO / NO
H10 Noise / Ears / Daily / 5hrs / Hearing Defenders, Hazard signs, Awareness, / Yes / < 85 dB(A) / 3B Low / Yes / Yes / Yes / Audiometry / No
H12: Awkward Posture / Whole body / 2 x daily / 2 hrs. / Ladders , floor mat, training / Yes / n/a / 4 B Low / N/A / Yes / No / No / No
H13: Manual Handling / Whole Body / 2 x Daily / 5 mins / Trolley, sharing of load, step ladder, training / Yes / n/a / 3 B Low / n/a / Yes / No / No / No
H14: Repetitive work / Upper Limb / 2 x daily / 15 mins / Ratchet spanners / Yes / n/a / 3 B Low / n/a / Yes / No / No / No
Describe Task Recovery Measures: / Tested Y/N? / Best practice Y/N? / Action required Y/N?
First Aid Box, Clinic and male Nurse in Compound. Eye wash stations / Yes / Yes / No
Recommendations - Remedial Action Plan
Assessment UnitRecommendation (using hierarchy of controls, principle of ALARP3)
(Also note need for further information) / Action accepted?
If no, give reason / Responsible person / Due Date
Target / Date Completed / Revised Control Chart Rating4
Stop using Petrol for cleaning / Yes / Martin Orchard / 28 / 8/2005
Find an alternative for Petrol for cleaning / Yes / Martin Orchard / 28 / 8/2005
Note: For ease of reference, list recommendations for all tasks carried out by each Job Type in one table
Record format for tiered challenge of Hierarchy of Controls 1
Location :- Nimr / Task:- / Hazard:- Noise, dust and manual handling / HRA dateGeneral recommendations:-
Investigation into higher order controls for noise, manual handling and control of dust. / Resp. person / Action Date
Further information required? Yes / Details:- As above / Resp Person / Action Date
Can the hazard be eliminated? / Yes / No / If yes is elimination practicable? / If yes remedial action is elimination. Transfer action to remedial action table, with name of responsible person / If no, give reasons according to principle of ALARP
Can the hazard be substituted with a less hazardous agent? / Yes / No / If yes is substitution practicable? / If yes remedial action is substitution. Transfer action to remedial action table, with name of responsible person / If no, give reasons according to principle of ALARP
Can the agent be isolated to reduce the risk? / Yes / No / If yes, is isolation practicable? / If yes remedial action is isolation. Transfer action to remedial action table, with name of responsible person / If no, give reasons according to principle of ALARP
Can engineering controls be used to reduce the risk? / Yes / No / If yes, are engineering controls practicable? / If yes remedial action is engineering controls. Transfer action to remedial action table, with name of responsible person / If no, give reasons according to principle of ALARP
Can procedural controls be used to reduce the risk? / Yes / No / If yes, are procedural controls practicable? / If yes remedial action is procedural controls. Transfer action to remedial action table, with name of responsible person / If no, give reasons according to principle of ALARP
Can personal protective equipment be used to reduce the risk? / Yes / No / If yes, is PPE the only practicable control option in the long term? / If yes, remedial action is Personal protective equipment. Transfer action to remedial action table with name of responsible person / If no, repeat the assessment of achieving ALARP starting at the top of the hierarchy of controls
Assessment of control options carried out by:-
Approved by:- / Date:-
1 The assessment of the practicability of the control measures to achieve control of risk to ALARP using a tiered challenge of the hierarchy of controls. N.B. A combination of control options may be appropriate to achieve ALARP