2011 Wheel Loaders

BID # 5359-10


November 17, 2008

2:00 P.M.

Boulder County Purchasing Office




2020 13TH STP.O. BOX 471


PHONE: 303.441.3525 FAX: 303.441.4524


The Boulder County Transportation Department is seeking bids from qualified vendors for (2) 33,000 class Wheel Loaders.

Specifications are attached.

Bids are due in the Purchasing office for time and date stamping by 2:00 p.m. November 17, 2010.Two (2) unbound copies of your proposal, printed double-sided, 11 point, on 50% post-consumer, recycled paper must be submitted in a sealed envelope, clearly marked as BID # 5359-10, and delivered to the Purchasing Office at 2020 13th Street, Boulder, CO 80302. Please allow at least 2 days for delivery of USPS Priority and Express Mail. All Bids must be received and time and date stamped in the Purchasing office by the above due date and time. Sole responsibility rests with the Bidder to see that their Bid is received on time at the stated location. Any Bids received after due date and time will be returned unopened to the bidder. Faxed or Emailed Bids will not be accepted.

The Board of County Commissioners reserve the right to reject any and all bids, to waive any informalities or irregularities therein, and to accept the proposal that, in the opinion of the Board, is in the best interest of the Board and of the County of Boulder, State of Colorado.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA):

If you need special services provided for under the Americans with Disabilities Act, contact the ADA Coordinator, or the Human Resources office at (303) 441-3508 at least 48 hours before the scheduled event.

By: Jenny Olberding, Purchasing Agent


1.Proposer’s are expected to examine the specifications, schedule of delivery, and all instructions. Failure to do so will be at the proposer’s risk.

2.Each proposer shall furnish the information required in the RFP, at no cost to BCHA – with one original and one copy due upon submittal. Proposals must be printed double sided. Proposals submitted on single sided pages will be rejected. Proposal should not exceed ten (10) pages in length.

3.The Contract/Purchase Order will be awarded to that responsible proposer whose submittal, conforming to the Request For Proposal, will be most advantageous to the County of Boulder, price and other factors considered.

4.The County of Boulder (Office of Purchasing) reserves the right to reject any or all qualifications and to waive informalities and minor irregularities in proposals received, and to accept any portion of or all items proposed if deemed in the best interest of the County of Boulder to do so.

5.No submittal shall be withdrawn for a period of thirty (30) days subsequent to the opening of proposals without the consent of the County Purchasing Agent or delegated representative.

6.A signed purchase order or contract furnished to the successful proposer results in a binding contract without further action by either party.

7.Late or unsigned proposals will not be accepted or considered. It is the responsibility of proposer to insure that the proposal arrives in the office of the County Purchasing Agent prior to the time indicated in the "Request for Proposal."

8.The proposed price shall be exclusive of any Federal or State taxes from which the County of Boulder is exempt by law.

9.Any interpretation, correction or change of the Proposal Documents will be made by Addendum. Interpretations, corrections and changes of the proposal documents made in any other manner will not be binding, and Proposer shall not rely upon such interpretations, corrections and changes. The County's Representative will not be responsible for oral clarification.

10.Confidential/Proprietary Information: Proposals submitted in response to this RFP and any resulting contracts are subject to the provisions of the Colorado Public (Open) Records Act, 24-72-201 et.seq. C.R.S., as amended. Any restrictions on the use or inspection of material contained within the proposal and any resulting contract shall be clearly stated in the proposal itself. Confidential/proprietary information must be readily identified, marked and separated/packaged from the rest of the proposal. Co-mingling of confidential/proprietary and other information is NOT acceptable. Neither a proposal, in its entirety, nor proposal price information will be considered confidential/proprietary. Any information that will be included in any resulting contract cannot be considered confidential.

Specifications/Submittal Section

2011 Wheel Loaders

BID #5359-10

1.0General / Body

1.1 SAE minimum operating weight: 33,000 lbs. In no case is unit to be less than 33,000 lbs. Unit to utilize “Z” bar style boom linkage.

1.2 JRB- ISO/416 multi pickup coupler to accommodate bucket and other attachments. Bidder must modify (2) pieces of equipment (snow blower and shoulder machine) owned by Boulder County to work with this coupler to include all labor and hitch equipment.

1.3 3.5 yard, JRB clamshell type buckets (3 in 1) with bolt on cutting edges. (2) Dozer bits as well as front edge. Bucket shall be hard surfaced by means of weld on wear plates or hard surface welding of all wear surfaces, bolt on edges excluded. Bucket shall be repainted to factory specifications after hard surfacing. Quick disconnect hydraulic fittings for bucket removal shall be gates “G-945 series with stationary mount on loader side. Clamshell joystick shall be switch controlled for clamshell use, or to control the functions of a reversing plow (example) clamshell open/close, plow right/left rotation.

1.4 Tipping load 26,500 lbs. minimum (full turn) Machines not meeting this specification will be rejected.

1.4a Breakout force 28,400 minimum

1.5 EROPS/FOPS with heat/defrost and air conditioning with replaceable filter for cab air.

1.6 External and rear view mirrors

1.7 Sun visor (roll down) preferred

1.8 Front and rear windshield wipers (intermittent controlled)

1.9 Joystick controls w/ separate stick for clamshell control, located for one hand control for both.

1.10Auxiliary work lighting (front and rear) for night operation, switched separately.

1.11Hinge pin height 13’-0 “ minimum

1.12Dump clear @ 45 degrees 9’ 5 “

1.13Ground level fueling (minimum 85 gallons) and sufficient for 9 hours continuous operation.

1.14Unit shall have a switch enabled “ride control” function

1.15All lubrication and frequent service items must be readily and easily accessible to the operator and mechanic.

Exceptions to section 1.0, explain in detail using (RED INK) in space provided below:



2.1Diesel engine, water cooled 6.8 liter minimum displacement

2.2 Must be Tier III certified.

2.3Minimum net SAE horsepower 170 @ 2,200 rpm, 198 peak horsepower @ 1800 rpm

2.4 Minimum net torque 617 foot-pounds @ 1,600 rpm. Torque rise 55%

2.5 Engine heater 220 volt

2.6 Webasto model “Thermo 50” diesel fired engine heater with digital timer function and circulation pump. Optional model “Thermo 90 st” unit must be sized to ensure cold starting to – 20 degrees F. John Deere factory engine heater is acceptable.

2.7Cooling system shall have antifreeze protection to – 28 degrees F.

2.8 Muffler and exhaust shall be sufficient in length to prevent exhaust fumes from entering the operator cab. Exhaust pipe shall be angled or curved to prevent rain from directly entering exhaust system. (Exhaust stack flappers not allowed)

2.9Dry type air cleaner system, including a primary element, a safety element, an internal or external precleaner (Sy-klone preferred) and a restriction or service indicator.

2.10Minimum 80 amp brushless alternator

2.11Keyed ignition to match cab door locks

2.12Minimum (2) 1400 CCA batteries) 12 volt in cab power available.

Exceptions to section 2.0, explain in detail using (RED INK) in space provided below:


3.0Transmission and Axles

3.1Automatic Power shift

3.2Minimum four forward speeds (capable of 22 mph, minimum)

3.3 Minimum of three reverse speeds

3.4 Transmission “kickdown” switch located on joystick

3.5 Auto shift capable

3.6 Front and rear axles shall be “locking, not limited slip”

3.7 Maximum loader width measured from outside of tires shall be 110 inches.

Brakes and Tires

3.8Wet Disc service brakes (inboard preferred)

3.9The unit shall have a service and parking brake system as defined in the performance requirements of the current SAE J1472 standard.

3.10The secondary brake system shall stop the machine in the event of any single failure of the service brake system or engine failure.

3.11 The parking brake system shall hold the machine stationary on any grade the unit can negotiate.

3.12 20.5R25 radial tires rated for maximum capacity of unit. Michelin XHA MX-L3 required, substitutions must be approved By Road Maintenance.

3.13 Fender extensions (front and rear) of machine, extensions must keep windows, mirrors and steps clear during operation.

Exceptions to section 3.0, explain in detail using (RED INK) in space provided below:


4.0Hydraulic System

4.1Hydraulic cycle times (max) raise 6.5 seconds, Dump 1.5 seconds

4.2Third valve hydraulics to accommodate 3in1 bucket and future tools

4.3 System shall be sealed against contaminates and necessary air vent(s) shall be filtered.

4.4 Hydraulic tank shall have a clear sight gauge or electronic read out or dash gauge to monitor fluid level of tank.

4.5 A means shall be provided to maintain hydraulic fluid at or below manufactures specified maximum temperature during continuous heavy operations.

4.6Oil filter(s) with replaceable element(s)

4.7 Pressure relief valve(s) as required for continuous system operation.

4.8 Hydraulic system shall be the size, type, and capacity to perform all required operations and allow for future add on of other work tools i.e.: rotary brooms, reversing plow, auger etcetera.

Exceptions to section 4.0, explain in detail using (RED INK) in space provided below:


5.0Instrumentation, lights and cab equipment.

5.1Instrumentation shall be easily visible in all light conditions and have a control for the dimming of dash/gauge lighting to the operator’s preference.

5.2Unit shall have full turn signals front and rear as well as brake/tail/marker and

Emergency lighting systems. Sealed, self-contained LED units required for all lighting, excluding work/directional lighting, which shall be halogen.

5.3Illuminated license plate holder @ EROPS top rear center.

5.4Horn and backup alarm system distinguishable from surrounding noise.

5.5Four or more tie down points to secure the unit during transport as required by federal regulations.

5.6One set each, parts, maintenance, service and operators manuals. (Hard copy and compact disc) required.

5.7 AM/FM/CD radio with four speakers 50 watts per channel and (6) six presets for each band. Unit shall be shock rated for severe duty use, and include a flexible external antenna.

5.8 Unit shall have maximum sound insulation package to include: insulated rubber floor mat, door, wall, and ceiling insulation and a maximum decibel rating of 72db during operation with the doors closed.

5.9 Unit shall come equipped with the best available air suspension seat to include: height and operator weight adjustment, adjustable lumbar supports, forward and aft adjustment as well as incline angle adjustment. Seat is to include operator arm rests (both sides) as well as seat frame mounted seat belt minimum 3” in width with a retractor and full housing for same. Seat is to be of heaviest cloth construction available.

5.10 Reserved not applicable to this bid.

5.11 Unit shall have warning lighting visible 360 degrees using surface mount

LED Class I strobes self contained (4) per flat side of EROPS cab (16) total

Switched on dash, Whelen model TIR3 series super LED Light head (amber)

Stacked horizontally (2) each corner = 16 total.

Road Maintenance must approve substitutions. Amber in color.

5.12 Gauges will include: coolant temperature, oil pressure, tachometer, and ammeter

Or voltmeter, fuel, oil temperature and pressure, transmission oil temperature.

Hour meter.

5.13 Audible alarm and warning lights for high engine temperature and low

engine oil pressure. Unit shall have automatic shut down for these conditions

As well as override for emergency movement of the machine.

Exceptions to section 5.0, explain in detail using (RED INK) in space provided below:


6.0Optional loader equipment

6.1Automatic lubrication system (exclude upper hinge pins on bucket)

6.2Rear vision camera and color monitor 6” minimum monitor size.

6.312’ Fully reversing snowplow designed for loader use. Price to include quick hitch as well as hydraulics to match bucket specifications.

6.412’ snow pusher (slide in) with bucket attached to machine.


T/C – I


Guaranteed maximum repairs include all repair parts required due to mechanical failure of the equipment.

The total parts cost must include all freight and handling costs by the seller. Excluded from this cost will be parts warranty recovered by Boulder County from the seller and repairs due to accident, abuse and insurable causes.

Insurable causes will include fire, theft, vandalism, accident and acts of God. Also excluded are glass and machine modifications made by Boulder County or other parties that are not authorized agents of the O.E.M.. It should also be noted that consumables are not to be included. This would include all filters, belts, hoses, batteries, tires, fluids, cutting edges, ripper teeth, end bits, etc., and their associated hardware.

T/C – II


  1. The successful bidder will be fully responsible for the total cost of repairs, including parts and labor, to the equipment furnished in excess of the Guaranteed Maximum Cost of Repairs as shown on the bid request form during the first 7000 hours of operation as recorded by the engine hour meter or seven years from the date of delivery, whichever occurs first.
  1. In determining whether the guaranteed total cost of repairs has been reached, the cost of warranty repairs completed by an authorized manufacturers representative (including parts and labor) made shall not be included.
  1. In determining the Guaranteed Maximum Cost of Repairs, and in the enforcement of the provision of the agreement, the following rules shall apply:
  1. In the event that the cost of repairs, including parts and labor, as estimated by Boulder County, is less that $1000.00, Boulder County shall have the right to have the repairs made in Boulder County Fleet Services shop and need not give notice to the successful bidder prior to the repairs being made.
  1. In computing the cost of repairs, all of Boulder County’s labor costs will be charged at the current prevailing rate of $ 93.36 per hour. Yearly increases will not exceed 3% per hour, per year. Parts shall be charged at the actual cost and shall be purchased from the authorized dealer or the original equipment manufacturer, if available.
  1. If the cost of repairs, including parts and labor, is in excess of $1000.00, as estimated by Boulder County, Boulder County shall submit to the successful bidder the estimated cost of the repairs and a detailed account of the work to be done. The successful bidder shall then submit a cost estimated on the work to be completed, with said estimate to be filed with Boulder County not later that twenty-four hours after receipt of the Boulder County estimate. Repairs hall then be made by the service shop of the successful bidder and billed to Boulder County at the bidders then prevailing rate. If, however, the bidder and boulder county agree, that repairs may be made in the Boulder county shop, the cost of such repairs hall be computed on the same basis as that set forth in Sub-Paragraph 3.b above.
  1. Should delivery of repair parts not be made within three (3) normal working days to Boulder County, a daily charge of $100.00 shall be added to the cumulative cost of repairs for each working day that the part is not delivered. On the bidder’s presentation in writing of verifiable information to Boulder county that parts are not available to the dealer from his manufacturer by reason of strike, natural disaster or natural or national emergency, the daily charge shall not be made.
  1. The successful bidder may avoid the penalty for non-delivery of parts by making available to Boulder County at no additional cost, a unit of similar size and capacity until Boulder County’s equipment is restored to service.
  1. The successful bidder shall have the right to examine repair cost records at any reasonable time. Boulder County will maintain records reflecting pertinent repair cost information. The forms and means utilized by Boulder County in providing this information are not material so long as substantially similar information is available. Boulder County will make repair cost records available for examination in a timely manner.
  1. The successful bidder agrees that any repair parts sold to Boulder County in support of this equipment will not exceed the manufacturer’s published jobber/shop pricing.
  1. Boulder County reserves the right to select the Oil Analysis laboratory to be used for the analyzing oil reservoir samples. We further resolve that the use of oils and lubricants that meet or exceed the manufacturers specifications although not recommended by the manufacturer shall not void any warranties issued by them or any of their representatives.
  1. Boulder County reserves the right to select and use oil, air, Hydraulic and fuel filters that do not carry the OEMs brand name. Boulder County also reserves the right to select the oil analysis laboratory that they deem in the best interest of Boulder County.



The maximum scheduled maintenance cost guarantee should be computed based on the following items: bidder shall use their current labor rate, oil and parts cost for determining the life cycle costing.

Item I Lubrication:

# of fittings _____ @ ½ minute per fitting X

labor $______= $______

_____ lbs. of grease X $_____ per lb =$______

Item 2 Fluids:

_____ Gallons of engine oil X $_____ per gallon =$______

_____ Gallons of hydraulic oil X $_____ per gallon =$______

_____ Gallons of coolant X $_____ per gallon =$______

_____ Coolant conditioner costs (if required)$______

Item III

_____ Total number of filters, oil, air, hydraulic, etc$______

Total scheduled maintenance cost: