Pause Expression of Interest –Scoping Exercises October 2016

Pause has secured funding from the Cabinet Office Tampon Tax Fund to offer subsidised Scoping Exercises to ten local areas in England over the next 15 months. Please complete this Expression of Interest if your local area is keen to develop a Pause Practice, but requires further data analysis and information to make a case for local funding - see the accompanying cover letter for further information.

Contact Details

Name:Click to enter text

Job title:Click to enter text

Organisation:Click to enter text

Telephone:Click to enter text

Email:Click to enter text

Address:Click to enter text

Geographical area:Click to enter text

Further Details

What do you think is the level of identified need around repeat removals in your local area and what evidence of this do you have to date?

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What are the gaps in your understanding of the issue locally?

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Why do you think Pause will impact on the identified need?

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What other interventions have you considered around repeat removals and why is Pause the preferred approach for you?

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What current backing do you have within the Local Authority and across the local partnership to address this issue?

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Pause will be completing these Scoping Exercises over the next 15 months. What would be your preferred timescales for completing a Scoping Exercise in your local area and what are the drivers behind this timescale?

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What specific information governance arrangements will you put in place to ensure Pause has timely and full access to the social care system and information they need to carry out the scoping exercise?

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Please confirm that you have senior level support from within the Local Authority/local partnership to submit this Expression of Interest and commit to undertaking a Scoping Exercise locally. Please give their name and job title.

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Please return your completed EOI to


  • Deadline to submit Expression of Interest: send your completed Expression of Interest by 5pm on 25th November 2016 ;
  • Expression of Interest review: we will review Expressions of Interest in w/c 28th November 2016;
  • Progressing: we will inform all applicants of the outcome in w/c 12th December 2016. We expect scoping exercises to begin fromJanuary 2017.