Atomic Theory Timeline

To help you piece together the story of what we know about the atom, you will be creating a timeline depicting the development of the scientific model of the atom. It has been through debates by ancient philosophers and new discoveries by physicists and chemists over the past 2500 years that our understanding of the atom has developed. Your assignment is to research the major contributors and significant discoveries that have impacted the atomic model and develop a timeline.

Your timeline must:

  1. Include at least 3 scientists from each of the following time periods. (There are more scientists than 3 in each time period!!) For each scientist included, provide the name, birth and death, country they were born in, year of discovery and contribution.
  1. Include the following pictorial models of the atom along with an explanation of each model, including the date developed.
  1. Contain at least 3 major world events in each time period.
  1. Be chronological in its sequence, with dates clearly shown although it does not have to be to scale. Place the scientists/models at the top of the timeline and the world events on the bottom. Make sure to select data that is appropriate and significant for each time period. The models are not a separate timeline. You should have one chronological timeline.
  1. Include pictures and illustrations for each part of the timeline.
  1. Be neat and legible.
  1. Be larger than 8.5 x 11” in size.

Your research must be done using the Atomic Theory Timeline Research Template. You can find this online at the website or you may use your own paper. Each source used must be correctly cited in the “source” column.

Timeline is due on ______.

Time Period:

Ancient– 1700 AD

1700 – 1800

1801 – 1875

1876 – 1900

1901 – 1915

1916 – 1950

1951 – current

Scientists that are required:

Neils Bohr

James Chadwick

Marie Curie


Werner Heisenburg

Wilhelm C. Roentgen

Isaac Newton

Robert Millikan

Henri Becquerel

Ernest Rutherford

Erwin Schrodinger

J.J. Thomson

John Dalton

Albert Einstein


Democritus’s Model

Plum Pudding Model

Rutherford Model (sometimes called Rutherford-Bohr)

Planetary Model

Electron Cloud Model

Rubric for Timeline Project

Category / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / 0 / Weight / Points
^Documentation of Events / at least 3 scientists for each time period, correctly represented / at least 2 scientists for each time period correctly represented or a few (1-3) in the wrong time period / only 1 scientist per time period or many are in the wrong place / n/a / No scientists included / X2.5 / 10
^Biography of scientists / all information is present and accurate / one required piece of info is missing or required info on more than 3 scientists is missing / Errors on more than 10 scientists / Errors on more than 15 scientists / too many errors to count / X2.5 / 10
^Pictorial models of the atom / all five models are correctly represented and correct explanation is provided / all 5 models correctly represented, minor errors in explanations / not all (2-3) models are represented or explanations are not provided / 2-3 models correctly represented, minor errors in explanations / models are not represented or explanations are missing / X2.5 / 10
^World Events / at least 3 significant world events for each time period / n/a / 2 significant events for each time period / n/a / 0 significant events / X2.5 / 10
^research template / Used correct research template / Did not use the given research template / 4
^Citations / all scientists/models/world events have appropriate citations / 3/4 have correct citations / 1/2 have correct citations / 1/4 have correct citations / 0 sources for research / x2.5 / 10
^research turned in on time / turned in on due date or before / 1 school day late / 2 school days late / 3 school days late / 4 school days late / more than 5 days late -11 / X1 / 4
Timeline construction / chronological, dates clearly shown, scientific events on top, world events on bottom, neat, legible, correct spelling, visually striking / chronological, dates clearly shown, scientific events on top, world events on bottom / mechanical errors in presentation, spelling mistakes, cluttered / illegible or messy, cluttered or unclear / Not chronological / bonus points for work above and beyond (teacher discretion) / X5 / 20
Pictures and illustrations / All scientists and models include pictures in the correct location / Pictures/ illustration missing on more than 3 scientists or models / Pictures/ illustration missing on more than 10 scientists or models / Pictures/ illustration missing on more than 15 scientists or models / Pictures/ illustration missing on all / X2 / 8
timeline turned in on time / turned in on due date or before / 1 school day late / 2 school days late / 3 school days late / 4 school days late / more than 5 days late -11 / X1 / 4

Name ______Cubby ______

Atomic Theory Timeline Research Template

Time Period: Ancient - 1700

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: Ancient - 1700

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1701 - 1800

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1701 - 1800

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1801 - 1875

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1801 - 1875

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1876 - 1900

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1876 - 1900

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1901 - 1915

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1901 - 1915

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1916 - 1950

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1916 - 1950

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1951 - current

Scientist / date of discovery / Discovery/contribution to atomic theory / DOB and DOD, country of birth, and other significant info / Source (properly cited)

Time Period: 1951 - current

World Event / date / Significance / Source (properly cited)


Model / Date published / Significant Facts (who discovered it, why it’s significant, etc.) / Draw or find a picture (you can’t use one from my power point!) / Source (properly cited)
Model / Date published / Significant Facts (who discovered it, why it’s significant, etc.) / Draw or find a picture (you can’t use one from my power point!) / Source (properly cited)