May 5, 2011
Dear Fellow Fragile X FamiliesFriends:
On June 4, 2011, The South Carolina Fragile X Resource Group will be hosting a conference at The Lexington Medical Center Hospital located in Columbia, SC (Medical Park One - Main Auditorium). The address of the hospital is 2720 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169 and their local phone is(803) 791-2000. The conference will start at approximately 10AM and last until 3PM.
We will have several guest speakers and provide an update on the 2011 Washington, DC Advocacy trip regarding both the ABLE & TEAM acts that will have an affect on us all…
- Dr. Tim Livingston - is the director of the division of pediatric neurology at USC School of Medicine in Columbia, SC. He completed training in pediatric neurology and epilepsy at Mayo Clinic. He has 12 years of experience delivering care to children and adolescents with highly complex neurologic and neuro-developmental disorders.
- Dr. Joel Sussman - is the clinical director of Palmetto Associates for Scholastic Success. This is a multi-modal evaluation clinic for children and adults with Attention Deficit Disorders. He established this organization in 1992 and has been serving the community with his professional team which is comprised of special educators, language specialists, central auditory processing experts, perceptual motor specialists, and clinical psychologists.
- Gail Stapleton-is a genetic counselor and has been working at Greenwood Genetic Center since 1989. She started working with Fragile X families in 1996 and will be speaking about “Current Topics in Fragile X.”
- Dr. Michael Lyons - is an assistant clinical geneticist at Greenwood Genetic Center. He completed his training at Tufts University School of Medicine, the David Grant Medical Center, and his fellowship in Medical Genetics at Stanford University. He will focus his presentation on emerging medical treatments for Fragile X Syndrome.
- Faye & Roger Kuperman - are the Leaders of the South Carolina Fragile X Resource Group and will discuss steps in creating greater awareness and providing support for Fragile X families and educators and will also review the Washington, DC Advocacy Day trip.
Please RSVP by phone to 803-572-1559 or emailby May25th, 2011, so we may order the appropriate amount of food for lunch. Thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Roger and Faye Kuperman
Roger and Faye Kuperman
PS: A complimentary lunch will be provided. Your tax-deductible donations help support our mission and are gratefully accepted.
This event is cosponsored byFEIN#84-0960471
April 23, 2009
Dear Fellow Fragile X Advocates:
On June 13, 2009, The South Carolina Fragile X Resource Group, will be hosting a conference at The Lexington Medical Center Hospital located in Columbia, SC (Medical Park One - Main Auditorium). The address of the hospital is 2720 Sunset Blvd, West Columbia, SC 29169 and their local phone is
(803) 791-2000. The conference will start at approximately 10AM and last until 2PM.
We will have several speakers, view a newly released educational documentary entitled
“Living with Fragile X”, and provide an update on the Washington, DC Advocacy trip.
- Dr. Tim Livingston - is the director of the division of pediatric neurology at USC School of Medicine in Columbia, SC. He completed training in pediatric neurology and epilepsy at Mayo Clinic. He has 10 years of experience delivering care to children and adolescents with highly complex neurologic and neuro-developmental disorders.
- Gayle Stapleton-is currently a genetic counselor and has been working at Greenwood Genetic Center since 1989. She started working with Fragile X families in 1996 and will be speaking about “Current Topics in Fragile X.”
- Roger Kuperman - is the President of the South Carolina Fragile X Resource Group and will discuss steps in creating greater awareness and providing support for Fragile X families and educators and will also review the Washington, DC Advocacy Day trip.
Please RSVP by phone to 803-572-1559 by 5/31/09, so we may order the appropriate amount of food for lunch. Thanks in advance and we look forward to seeing you all soon.
Faye Kuperman
Roger Kuperman