How we give advice on Grants for the Arts


1 Grants for the Arts 2

2 How we give advice on Grants for the Arts 2

3 Website 3

4 Pre - application advice by phone, email and post 3

5 Presentations 4

6 Group pre-application advice sessions 5

7 One to one sessions 5

8 Feedback to unsuccessful applicants 6

9 Contact us 6

1 Grants for the Arts

Grants for the Arts (GFTA) is our Lottery-funded grant programme for individuals, arts organisations and other people who use the arts in their work. Grants are available for activities carried out over a set period and which engage people in England in arts activities and help artists and arts organisations in England carry out their work.

Activities we support must be clearly related to the arts and must be project-based, up to a maximum of three years in length. Grants normally range from £1,000 to £100,000 and we can fund up to 90 per cent of the cost of an activity.

All applicants must also read the ‘How to apply guidance’. Download it from our website or contact us for a copy.

2 How we give advice on Grants for the Arts

The document explains the different ways we give advice to applicants applying to Grants for the arts.


Pre - application advice by phone, email and post


Group pre-application advice

One to one sessions

Feedback to unsuccessful applicants

Where an applicant experiences any barrier accessing guidance or information on our funding programmes we will work with them to make a reasonable adjustment to our services. Read the information sheet ‘Access needs and Grants for the Arts’ for more details. Download it from our Grants for the Arts information sheets page, or contact us for a copy.

Remember that any advice from us does not guarantee a successful application. Grants for the Arts is a competitive programme and we cannot fund all the eligible applications we receive.

3 Website

The Grants for the Arts pages on our website should be the first point of advice for most applicants

All applicants must read the step by step guidance on How to apply. This document explains the aims of the programme, what kind of activity we can support through Grants for the Arts, as well as guidance on how to complete your application form and submit an application.

Our information sheets provide further help with planning your activity and more advice on certain parts of the process.

We have also created guidance videos which you can watch to find out more about Grants for the Arts.

You can find out more about some of the work we’ve supported by watching the case studies. We also publish details of all the Grants for the Arts awards we have made, so you can find out what’s happening in your area.

Our feedback pages have been created to help unsuccessful applicants understand our decision, and there is also useful information for successful applicants.

4 Pre - application advice by phone, email and post

Our Customer services team, based in our national office in Manchester are the first point of contact for Grants for the Arts advice. We can advise you on the eligibility of your activity, discuss any parts of the application that you are unsure of, and help you to use the online application form.

Our phone lines are open from 9 am until 5 pm, Monday to Friday. You can also contact us by email or post. We aim to reply fully to all enquiries within 5 working days of receipt. If the issue takes longer than this to resolve, we will explain to you why there is a delay and when you can expect to receive a full response.

We will sometimes need to pass your query onto a Relationship Manager based in one of our Area Offices. We might speak to a Relationship Manager and get back to you with further information, or we may organise for you to speak with them directly.

It’s important to remember that Relationship Managers are not able to speak to every applicant. They work across large geographic areas and are only able to spend an average of three days per month providing advice on Grants for the Arts. This may include developing advice giving tool (such as information sheets), giving presentations on Grants for the Arts at funding fairs, delivering advice sessions to groups of artists, or advising individuals via phone, email and sometimes face to face.

We want to support a diverse range of applicants and fund activity that covers a broad range of activity types, artforms and geographical areas. Where there are limits on Relationship Managers’ time and capacity, we will prioritise giving advice to:

·  applicants applying from areas of low arts activity or provision

·  applicants applying for activity that we do not currently fund, or fund little of in that area

·  applicants from underrepresented groups

5 Presentations

We deliver presentations on Grants for the Arts across the country.

The focus of these sessions is to introduce the Arts Council and the services we offer with specific information on Grants for the Arts. Typically, the session would consist of a presentation followed by an informal networking opportunity. These sessions are often delivered in partnership with:

·  other lottery funding bodies such as HLF and Big Lottery

·  local authorities and community groups

·  FE or HE institutions

·  Libraries

·  one of our National Portfolio Organisations or Major Partnership Museums

·  other arts organisations or artists networks

Please contact us to find out if there are any presentations happening in your area.

6 Group pre-application advice sessions

We deliver group pre-application advice sessions across the country.

Aimed at those with a general knowledge of the Arts Council and Grants for the Arts, participants may or may not have a potential project in mind.

A session might be art form or area specific, and will be aimed at a group of ‘like’ participants, who have similar needs. For example, a session might be aimed at individual writers, emerging visual artists, or Theatre in Education practitioners; or could be organised for ‘first time applicants’ from a particular geographic location.

The sessions will normally focus on core aspects of the application process including:

·  Planning the artistic activity

·  Participation and engagement

·  Formulating a budget

·  Finding partnership funding

·  Managing the activity

·  Writing an application

Please contact us to find out if there are any relevant group pre-application advice sessions happening in your area.

7 One to one sessions

One to one sessions are normally delivered by Relationship Managers. The advice may be given via phone, email or face to face.

The sessions will be aimed at those with a general knowledge of the Arts Council and Grants for the Arts, participants may or may not have a potential project in mind. The session will normally cover basic advice on writing an application, but will focus on artform or sector specific issues such as:

·  Developing the artistic idea

·  Developing participation and engagement outcomes

·  Finding the right partners (for delivery and partnership support)

Please contact us to find out if we currently have availability for one to one sessions in your area.

It’s important to remember that Relationship Managers are not able to speak to every applicant. They work across large geographic areas and are only able to spend an average of three days per month providing advice on Grants for the Arts.

We want to support a diverse range of applicants and fund activity that covers a broad range of activity types, artforms and geographical areas. Where there are limits on Relationship Managers’ time and capacity, we will prioritise giving advice to:

·  applicants applying from areas of low arts activity or provision

·  applicants applying for activity that we do not currently fund, or fund little of in that area

·  applicants from underrepresented groups

8 Feedback to unsuccessful applicants

If you applied for £15,000 or under, your decision letter will clearly state the main reason(s) we did not award funding, and a personalised statement to explain our decision.

If you applied for over £15,000, your decision letter will clearly state the main reason(s) we did not award funding along with a copy of the appraisal against criteria, which will highlight the key strengths and weakness of your application.

The feedback pages on our website may also help you understand our decision.

If you need help understanding the feedback in your letter, you can contact us on our main enquiry line, but please note that there may not be any further information or explanation we can provide.

9 Contact us

Phone: 0845 300 6200, 0161 934 4317

Textphone: 0161 934 4428



Post: Arts Council England - Grants for the Arts,

The Hive, 49 Lever Street, Manchester, M1 1FN

© Arts Council England September 2016